[QUOTE="urdead18"] You call me ignorant about optimization techniques then you seem to think devs can get the same amount of optimization off a PC as they can a console.AnnoyedDragon
I'll stop you right there because now you are putting words in my mouth, I made no such claim or even the suggestion that was what I am saying. You on the other hand clearly believe in magic, because you are arguing that the utilization advantage of fixed hardware enables the PS3 to produce Crysis level visuals.
"Optimization magically makes anything run on anything" is a consolite mentality that you shouldn't be demonstrating, you should know that all the optimization in the world isn't going to make old hardware perform superior to new hardware that is generations ahead. In short, optimization won't fit more than 256mb worth of information into 256mb of memory. You cannot make hardware perform higher than its peak theoretical performance, optimization isn't an infinite well of performance you can keep tapping from.
While I do agree, "Crysis level visuals" is subjective. Uncharted 2's levels aren't as large as Crysis's (besides the aircraft carrier, which is pretty small and I don't know why it didn't look amazing) so they can achieve higher visual fidelity.
It's agreed upon that Crysis is a rather unoptimized and poorly coded game, and if it were to be optimized and coded better and the levels weren't as large, then it would blow Uncharted 2 out of the water. Because, of course, a GTX 275 or a 4890 is worlds and worlds ahead of the console's video cards.
(By the way, don't you love Crysis's water? Especially with Mster's Config, it looks infinitely better than any other water in a game I've seen)
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