You carry half your weight in equipment at the minimum, you are tired, pumped up and slightly confused probably... You are far from fast and precise in combat. Atleast in the scenarios BC2 and KZ2 portray, altough I'd agree that the warfare MW portrays most of the time (spec ops) is more suited for the fast and precise aiming.Controls. period.
COD has mastered/perfected the controls of FPS. No other game comes close. The closest imo is Halo.
When i played Killzone or bad company i couldnt aim for ****. My cross hairs was all over the place. Even when the enemy is close to me i have a hard time shooting them. Now i know it takes time to get used to it but why waste time to get used to it when its obvious that the gameplay is broken? Now i know some of you are going to be like "well its because its realistic and takes skill herp derp". To that all i can do is laugh.
In real life its not hard to aim from point A to point B nice and fast. Im not going to have a problem with overcompensation. Im going to lock on you pretty quick and take you out.
In COD the controls are nice, sweet, tight and precise exactly how it would be in real life especially if you are a trained soldier for crying out loud. I feel like im drunk when i play killzone and bad company. Im just spraying all over the place and wrestling with my controller just to kill a guy rite in front of my face.
COD has the most realistic controls. And people keep on buying them because of its perfection. SW's complains about rehash...well, when something is cant do much to improve it can you? If you want improvments wait for COD 9 when it comes out on PS4 and xbox 720. The only improvements with be the amazing graphics while maintaining 60fps......but for now...60fps>>>>graphics. so stop crying.
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