How about all those 2D and 3D platformers like DKCR,KEY,Sonic Colours, Sonic Generations, Rayman Origins,Super Meat Boy and more.
Uh? They're nobodies.
COD is to FPS as is Wii Sports to casuals buying a console. It's casual. It offers a linear campaign that is done in 5 hours or less no matter which COD you play. It's filled with cheap thrills (like a summer blockbuster) with it's set piece cinematic moments, and an above average multiplayer with a levelling up system and a couple perks thrown in.
It's by no means a bad game, but by no means is it the template all FPS should be. COD is the perfect example of taking a 7/10 and making it a 9/10 by good marketing and a severe lack of a current generation military shooter designed for the casual gamer.
Yes the "shooting genre" altogether is competitive, I will not disagree. But at the time Modern Warfare 1 came out, competition was relatively low (compared to now) and military shooters were less frequent. And here's a news flash, most shooting games are terrible. So despite competition, it's really just a lot of other mediocre shooters hoping to get big.
And to ignore the template Halo/Half-Life/Mario/Zelda/GTA3 etc., have laid out is to disregard the basic template each of these games have established that all current games are somehow based off of. You can't deny it.
COD important? Yeah sure. In how to market a game and really push a "core" title to a casual crowd by simplifying the experience for the single player but by giving some incentive for the hardcore to shine in the multiplayer.
But you're delusional to think that is the most important game to come out of this generation. Wii Sports will forever hold that crown, and if you don't believe it explain the reason for the development of the PS Move and MS Kinect. Also 90 million Wii's.
Is Call of Duty as casual as Wii Sports? Maybe that's why there is CALL OF DUTY XP? Where is Wii Sports XP? Stop embarrassing yourself.
And Wii Sports sells, because it's bundled, people play it for 2 weeks and never touch it again.
Black Ops sells, and continues to be the most played game in the world until the next game arrives.
That is the difference between a truthfully successful game, and a successful game. Don't think anything different.
Call of Duty 4 changed everyone's thought on making a FPS. It is the reason COD is the biggest and most powerful trademark in the gaming industry these days. And with Modern Warfare 3 breaking all pre-order records, it will not change anytime soon. Face it, or quit gaming for good.
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