[QUOTE="Maroxad"]Gothic series, Mount and Blade Beta, Kingdom Hearts, Diablo are just some of the many Action RPGs that have much better combat than Oblivion did released before or during 2006.
Gothic games did have good combat systems, but were unfortunately plagued with too many bugs(looking at you Gothic 3). Mount and Blade probably has the best combat system of any medieval style game IMO, but it did not release in 2006. Diablo is just a huge clickfest, although the game is somewhat top-down and lacks any depth to anything whatsoever except for skill trees and phat loot. Oblivion was one of if not the first RPG that had a decent story, good gameplay, good depth to character, and a good combat system. Although it too was plagued by bugs and its horrible engine, it managed to overcome them unlike the Gothic games up to and including Gothic 3. Mount and Blade and Diablo games just play too differently from Oblivion to compare them so I won't attempt to say that either is better than the other. However, I disagree with the notion that Kingdom Hearts had better combat than Oblivion.Which is why I said Mount and Blade BETA. The Beta was out by the time Oblivion was released. I recall the Alpha even being available in 2005. Just like with Minecraft, the Alpha was available to anyone who bought the game during its alpha/beta stages for a low price.
Oblivion's Story could be summed up like this:
The Emperor has died, you must find his son. You find his son and some more unforgettable stuff happen. Oh and it involves some cult as well.
The gameplay was bad, it was a poor mans everything.
Characters were shallow and one dimentional
The Combat system could be described like this.
When I swung a weapon it didnt feel like it, enemies took ages to kill at higher levels thanks to a terribly balanced system, spells had no casting times, not to mention, spells themselves were quitet shallow, combat was too easy, the AI had no tactics whatsoever outside of charging, combat had no variety at all, there was no strategy involved, a helm would protect against a blow in the legs, oh and morrowind had a less abominable combat than Oblivion.
There have been plenty of games with good combat, gameplay, story and characters.
Fire Emblem Seisen no Keifu: A 3 dimentional villain, a storyline that spanned 2 generations and excellent tactical gameplay with huge maps.
Baldurs Gate Saga: Had excellent characters where it made sense for an evil character to fight the bad guy, the combat was the best part however with plenty of strategy.
KotoR: The combat wasnt as good as BG, but still pretty decent, the characters and story though are what made this very memorable.
Tactics Ogre Let Us Cling Together: Inspired by the Yugoslav wars with multiple branching storylines, Tactics Ogre tells a good story with some memorable characters, with evolutionary gameplay and combat.
Ultima 7 Has a better story, gameplay and characters than Oblivion but the combat is equally bad.
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