This video made me really disappointed, the AI and combat actually looked good in the Oblivion demos, unlike in the actual game, I have a feeling Skyrim will follow suit.:(:cry:
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This video made me really disappointed, the AI and combat actually looked good in the Oblivion demos, unlike in the actual game, I have a feeling Skyrim will follow suit.:(:cry:
Oblivion fails.. Skyrim will also fail. bwaaahahahahahahaha.. f u bethesda. RPG my a**
The "Skyrim GOTY believers" just saw a dragon in it and they thought Skyrim will be GOTY. Yeah right.. .!..
Oblivion got a 94 on Metacritic(it's also worth noting that out of 90 reviews, every single one was "positive," with the lowest rating being an 80), 94 on Gamerankings, 8.8 user rating on Metacritic, 9.4 user score on GS, 9.1 user score on IGN, multiple GotY and other awards(reception section), and great sales.
It's not a failure in any way at all.
The only thing that Skyrim needs to do different is remove level scaling of enemies. That alone will magically turn terrible RPG into great RPG.
If you don't want to debate, posting numbers is not a viable option to claim "you are wrong" ;)
I'll quote myself just in case you may have missed something
Believe what you want. Those people don't know anything about RPGs, period. No wonder the RPG genre this gen is so blurred out, people slaps the label everywhere with no criteria whatsoever.
Oblivion has a tedious combat system, 5 dungeons and 5 enemy types copypasted all over the place, a pathetic story, empty characters, a unnecessarily repetitive skill system, one of the most broken levelling systems I've ever seen, and completely lacks any reason to explore the world.
How it got past 6 is a question that made me lose every shred of trust in reviewers.
[QUOTE="shakmaster13"]Kind of curious as to how this proves your previous point...How is the combat in Oblivion broken compared to RPG's in 2006? It's not great like Mass Effect 2, but it certainly isn't something disastrous like The Witcher in that regard. Also, the skill system is not repetitive at all. The more you use a skill, the more proficient you become with it. That's how a Role Playing Game should play. I consider the main story as average, but nothing as horrible as you make it seem to be. If anything, the guild quests and the Shivering Isles questline or the Knights of the Nine questline should make up for it. However, I do agree that there was a huge lack of variation in the environment and most of the characters weren't fleshed out. But then again there are really fleshed out characters too such as Sheogorath.Mograine
Oblivion's combat:
Keep block button clicked
Wait for opponent to strike and expose himself by recoil
Hit him 3 times
Repeat or cast a spell if he blocks instead of slashing you again.
Grats, you've just beaten Mannimarco, Bellamont, the World Breaker and Mehrunes Dagon.
The skill system is not repetitive at all? You've got to be ****ing trolling me. I just CANNOT believe somebody could ever say this. It goes against any kind of rationale.
How do you explain being able to be a master of 14 skills out of 21 at level 1? What's the reasoning behind the health-endurance system? What's the point of exploring the hundreds of dungeons if I can just walk outside of the Imperial City and kill a bandit in shining, top tier level armor and with an enchanted daedric weapon?
Heck, what is the point of levelling at all if monsters become stronger as you do?
What about being a master archmage with every magic skill stuck at level 5 (unlikely, but possible)?
Sheogorath "really fleshed out"? SHEOGORATH :| ?
"That's how RPGs should play" you at least know what does the RPG acronym stand for?
Oblivion fails.. Skyrim will also fail. bwaaahahahahahahaha.. f u bethesda. RPG my a**
The "Skyrim GOTY believers" just saw a dragon in it and they thought Skyrim will be GOTY. Yeah right.. .!..
Oblivion got a 94 on Metacritic(it's also worth noting that out of 90 reviews, every single one was "positive," with the lowest rating being an 80), 94 on Gamerankings, 8.8 user rating on Metacritic, 9.4 user score on GS, 9.1 user score on IGN, multiple GotY and other awards(reception section), and great sales.
It's not a failure in any way at all.
While it wasnt a commercial or critical failure, it was a failure in the eyes of many RPG and elder scrolls fans who saw the game as a step down from Morrowind.
It's not about the combat or graphics. It's about variety, this time all caves will be unique. No more reptitive caves. The AI will be better. There's just far more variety of other stuff too that I don't feel like listing them.
EDIT: Actually the combat is a massive improvement. You can wield two swords at the same time, two of same magics on both hands, etc...
Oblivion fails.. Skyrim will also fail. bwaaahahahahahahaha.. f u bethesda. RPG my a**
The "Skyrim GOTY believers" just saw a dragon in it and they thought Skyrim will be GOTY. Yeah right.. .!..
Oblivion got a 94 on Metacritic(it's also worth noting that out of 90 reviews, every single one was "positive," with the lowest rating being an 80), 94 on Gamerankings, 8.8 user rating on Metacritic, 9.4 user score on GS, 9.1 user score on IGN, multiple GotY and other awards(reception section), and great sales.
It's not a failure in any way at all.
While it wasnt a commercial or critical failure, it was a failure in the eyes of many RPG and elder scrolls fans who saw the game as a step down from Morrowind.
If anything, Morrowind was a much bigger "step down" from Daggerfall than Oblivion was from Morrowind. I don't see many people on these forums complaining about that...
Which is why I said Mount and Blade BETA. The Beta was out by the time Oblivion was released. I recall the Alpha even being available in 2005. Just like with Minecraft, the Alpha was available to anyone who bought the game during its alpha/beta stages for a low price.Except it was no where near as accepted as Minecraft and how is Bethesda supposed to completely change their game when it is already gone gold and pending release?No but it shows that other action RPGs had much better combat. And how niche it is has nothing to do with it. But if you wont accept that, then I will just go back to Gothic. Which I consider superior to Oblivion.
Oblivion's Story could be summed up like this:
The Emperor has died, you must find his son. You find his son and some more unforgettable stuff happen. Oh and it involves some cult as well.
The gameplay was bad, it was a poor mans everything.
Characters were shallow and one dimentional
The Combat system could be described like this.When I swung a weapon it didnt feel like it, enemies took ages to kill at higher levels thanks to a terribly balanced system, spells had no casting times, not to mention, spells themselves were quitet shallow, combat was too easy, the AI had no tactics whatsoever outside of charging, combat had no variety at all, there was no strategy involved, a helm would protect against a blow in the legs, oh and morrowind had a less abominable combat than Oblivion.
Umm half of that is just plain false. The spells weren't shallow and did have a slight animated casting time.
Yeah you are right about that, but the problem I had was I could move while casting any spell, no such thing as concentration, each spell destruction spell had the same casting time, unless I missed something. And yes, the spells were shallow, spell casting in Oblivion was incredibly boring.
There have been plenty of games with good combat, gameplay, story and characters.
Fire Emblem Seisen no Keifu: A 3 dimentional villain, a storyline that spanned 2 generations and excellent tactical gameplay with huge maps. That's a tactical RPG that si a top-down rip off of traditional CRPG's. You can't compare it to Oblivion and say that it is better.As you said "Oblivion was one of if not the first RPG that had a decent story, good gameplay, good depth to character, and a good combat system." I wanted to list it as you seemed to say RPGs in general, and yes Seisen no Keifu has one of the best stories I have seen in the genre (top 10, but PlaneScape: Torment is the best), and the gameplay wasnt bad either.
Baldurs Gate Saga: Had excellent characters where it made sense for an evil character to fight the bad guy, the combat was the best part however with plenty of strategy.Same as above, except it was actually a good realization of the CRPG genre.
KotoR: The combat wasnt as good as BG, but still pretty decent, the characters and story though are what made this very memorable. KOTOR's combat was nowhere near as good as Oblivions. It was one of the worst things about the game.KotoR's combat was weak, that I agree with, however, it was still better than the combat in Oblivion.
Tactics Ogre Let Us Cling Together: Inspired by the Yugoslav wars with multiple branching storylines, Tactics Ogre tells a good story with some memorable characters, with evolutionary gameplay and combat.Haven't played this one so I won't comment on it.Ultima 7 Has a better story, gameplay and characters than Oblivion but the combat is equally bad. The gameplay is much clunkier than Oblivion. It's just a completely different ****of game than Oblivion. I'm not saying that it isn't good, just too different to compare.It is clunkier, but it is also expected of a much older game, however, the environment interactivity was what made U7 so great. It is still my golden standard
The fact that you think Morrowind had a better combat system than Oblivion makes me think you're trolling or just plain bitter for absolutely no reason. How can you even compare a Fire Emblem game to Oblivion?
I never mentioned or compared it to Oblivion. They are polar opposites in terms of gameplay. I used it as an example of an RPG with good gameplay, good story, good combat and good characters.
I used to think Morrowind had worse combat, until I started noticing the massive flaws of Oblivion's combat. Both are so terrible, so it doesnt matter who has the combat system that is less rubbish. Skyrim however, looks to have the best combat of the 3, this one could actually be somewhat enjoyable.
Morrowind is indeed a dumbed down Daggerfall, but unlike Oblivion, it was actually better than its prequel on something other than graphics. Ok, ok, Oblivion does have rocket launchers (staves) and the cast and fight feature though, and those 2 are improvements. My favorite in the series is Daggerfall, Morrowind is nice however, however Oblivion... dont even want to touch that one again unmodded.
Oblivion was hella fun to most gamers, that aren't looking for deep games. :| Demon Souls wasnt a deep game either buy "RPG Fan standards" ... Bestheda's probably isnt dumbing down to me, all thier games are just charmless/lifeless in a sense, even morrowind and prior. Skyrim looks like its adding more character, but then the hardcore nostalgia ridden RPG Fanboys that think having more stat options and optional dialogue makes a GOOD RPG because they feel smart for utilizing a bunch of mundain time-sink related talents and builds. Seriously... Athletics? Acrobatics? 12 different guilds that had no life or soul. get out seriously.[QUOTE="trollop_scat"]
Bethesda games score high because reviewers havent figured out a way to rate fun-factor. Bethesda games are boring, period. No way to sugar coat it.
Dark Souls will be 100 times more fun and exciting than Skyrim but Skyrim will still win GotY. That's just how it goes for some reason...
Bit of a generaltization there. But I don't know, when I hear about another Rockstar game being made, I think "maybe this one will be fun to play."
Well, I really like Oblivion so I'm hoping Skyrim is as good.
I also really like Morrowind.
Personally I think both games can coexist together, but most of all I'm hoping the fifth game can coexist with them as well. I haven't played anything before Morrowind though.
Why Oblivion was hated by some:
1. The horrible level scaling
2. The copy and paste dungeons.
3. The genereted non handcrafted boring landscape.
4. Psycic gaurds and generally crap AI
5. Oblivion gates sucked and were tedious/boring.
6. Horrible animations and NPC faces.
7. Crap story and characters
Why those people think Skyrim will now be GOTY:
1. It literally fixes 1-6 as listed above. #7 is still up in the air.
Because people hate on it just to hate on it, and despite what many on this forum would have you think, Oblivion is a much better game than Morrowind.shakmaster13Morrowind is better than Oblivion in almost every conceivable way.
Why Oblivion was hated by some:
1. The horrible level scaling
2. The copy and paste dungeons.
3. The genereted non handcrafted boring landscape.
4. Psycic gaurds and generally crap AI
5. Oblivion gates sucked and were tedious/boring.
6. Horrible animations and NPC faces.
7. Crap story and characters
Why those people think Skyrim will now be GOTY:
1. It literally fixes 1-6 as listed above. #7 is still up in the air.Jankarcop
Pretty much what this guy said. But I did think oblivion had a great lore and story progression. It was the immersion side of the game that really ticked me off.
Skyrim fixes everything wrong with Oblivion. Better combat, more interesting dungeons, more interesting world, more environmental variety, etc. etc. too long to list everything. Also, yes, the graphcis are THAT much better. Skyrim is day and night better than Oblivion in terms of graphics. Skyrim will be awesome. Believe it.
^What Jankarcop said.
I wanrt to add another reason why I hate Oblivion: boring combat.
from what I've seen, Beth not only "fix" those flaws of Oblivions, they also add some new coll ideas such as dragon shout, dual wield, eco-system, economic system, NPC's go about their daily routines ...
Although I haven't play Skyrim but I think it wil be GOTY for me.
Why Oblivion was hated by some:
1. The horrible level scaling
2. The copy and paste dungeons.
3. The genereted non handcrafted boring landscape.
4. Psycic gaurds and generally crap AI
5. Oblivion gates sucked and were tedious/boring.
6. Horrible animations and NPC faces.
7. Crap story and characters
Why those people think Skyrim will now be GOTY:
1. It literally fixes 1-6 as listed above. #7 is still up in the air.Jankarcop
This pretty much covers all my problems with Oblivion. It really was boring to play, but that's all fixed in Skyrim.
The last game I enjoyed in the Elder Scrolls series was Morrowind and since Skyrim is basically Oblivion with a new coat of paint i'm not really interested.
Why Oblivion was hated by some:
1. The horrible level scaling
2. The copy and paste dungeons.
3. The genereted non handcrafted boring landscape.
4. Psycic gaurds and generally crap AI
5. Oblivion gates sucked and were tedious/boring.
6. Horrible animations and NPC faces.
7. Crap story and characters
Why those people think Skyrim will now be GOTY:
1. It literally fixes 1-6 as listed above. #7 is still up in the air.Jankarcop
Nailed it
Why Oblivion was hated by some:
1. The horrible level scaling
2. The copy and paste dungeons.
3. The genereted non handcrafted boring landscape.
4. Psycic gaurds and generally crap AI
5. Oblivion gates sucked and were tedious/boring.
6. Horrible animations and NPC faces.
7. Crap story and characters
Why those people think Skyrim will now be GOTY:
1. It literally fixes 1-6 as listed above. #7 is still up in the air.PatchMaster
Nailed it
Agreed. Thankfully I fixed most of that with mods in oblivion (except the fact that the game has like four voice actors still is there :P)
I am truely perplexed at the h8 towards Oblivion, granted it wasn"t the most polished game and I only actually finised the main story after 2 years of playing but I had a lot of fun running around robbing people exploring the world and the side quests were amazing, Looking at skyrim they seem to be fixing all the problems from oblivion how can this not turn out well?
Was morrowind really that good, are we talking about the differnce between Dragon age origins and Dragona age 2, when comparing Oblivion and Morrowind.
Why Oblivion was hated by some:
1. The horrible level scaling
2. The copy and paste dungeons.
3. The genereted non handcrafted boring landscape.
4. Psycic gaurds and generally crap AI
5. Oblivion gates sucked and were tedious/boring.
6. Horrible animations and NPC faces.
7. Crap story and characters
Why those people think Skyrim will now be GOTY:
1. It literally fixes 1-6 as listed above. #7 is still up in the air.Jankarcop
6 is another reason why morrowind is better.Why Oblivion was hated by some:
1. The horrible level scaling
2. The copy and paste dungeons.
3. The genereted non handcrafted boring landscape.
4. Psycic gaurds and generally crap AI
5. Oblivion gates sucked and were tedious/boring.
6. Horrible animations and NPC faces.
7. Crap story and characters
Why those people think Skyrim will now be GOTY:
1. It literally fixes 1-6 as listed above. #7 is still up in the air.Jankarcop
Why Oblivion was hated by some:
1. The horrible level scaling
2. The copy and paste dungeons.
3. The genereted non handcrafted boring landscape.
4. Psycic gaurds and generally crap AI
5. Oblivion gates sucked and were tedious/boring.
6. Horrible animations and NPC faces.
7. Crap story and characters
Why those people think Skyrim will now be GOTY:
1. It literally fixes 1-6 as listed above. #7 is still up in the air.Jankarcop
:lol: I was going to make a similar reply, but you nailed it.[QUOTE="TailBlood"]
Yeah it's really hard to make a game that's actually really really boring and only appeals to a small group of people.
Both of you should at least try to play one real RPG rather than following the (casual console shooter obsessed) crowd in assuming real RPGs are boring.
Oblivion is a action - adventure with horrible AI (infinitely inferior to that of Gothic 1, a game from 2001) and a copy pasted world, how you could enjoy such mediocrity, without much needed mods, is beyond me.
Because, believe it or not, when some people play they don't immediately categorise stuff, like :"Ooh, a bland texture, guess the graphics suck. Oh my, a bug ? Bye bye AAA." People play to have fun (well, most people;) ), and Oblivion has some really good questes (Thieves guild, the Dark Brotherhood).
What would be your "real" RPG ?
Good list. I'm also more hopefull now because I liked Fallout 3, so I know they can make good games even if Oblivion wasn't one.Why Oblivion was hated by some:
1. The horrible level scaling
2. The copy and paste dungeons.
3. The genereted non handcrafted boring landscape.
4. Psycic gaurds and generally crap AI
5. Oblivion gates sucked and were tedious/boring.
6. Horrible animations and NPC faces.
7. Crap story and characters
Why those people think Skyrim will now be GOTY:
1. It literally fixes 1-6 as listed above. #7 is still up in the air.Jankarcop
[QUOTE="BigDaddyPOLO"]Yeah it's really hard to make a game that's actually really really boring and only appeals to a small group of people. Since that's you're opinion, I take it you've never played a good RPG before. The comment isn't directed at me...but I have. Many, and even recent indie ones that people overlook. That doesn't mean I won't enjoy a nice Hybrid RPG or even an action-game that has very light RPG elements. As long as it's fun. I don't need an RPG to be incredibly deep and complex where I spend more time learning it than playing the first few hours of the game. For this reason, "fans of games they wish they could make" are a minority these days. Because they're hard to please and feel the need to put down games that weren't aimed towards the super-hardcore, RPG crowd.[QUOTE="DarkLink77"] Not really. We just want a good RPG. Apparently, that's really hard to do nowadays.DarkLink77
If anything, Morrowind was a much bigger "step down" from Daggerfall than Oblivion was from Morrowind. I don't see many people on these forums complaining about that...
This is true.However, I think people tend to cut Morrowind slack because it's unique setting that oozed with atmosphere and had amazing lore. which made up for it's more simplistic gameplay compared to Daggerfall's.
This exactly. As far as I can tell Skyrim will be properly bent on being more of an action open world game then RPG, so we might have something with more direction then that mess that did absolutely nothing well - Oblivion.Because they've been drinking the Kool-Aid Bethesda is handing out.
The fact that the studio hasn't developed a good game since Morrowind is beside the point. It's all about hype.
I thought Oblivion sucked and I also have a feeling Skyrim might suck too. I'm not giving the game any hype until I actually play it and make a logical decision.DragonfireXZ95
Many people who hated oblivion and previewed Skyrim loved it immensely, but you are right it could all just be hype and we won't know until we play it.
I don't know. I also don't know how anyone could hate Oblivion. I loved that game. Played 100 hours and didn't do a damn thing in the main quest.
I rebought it to try to get back into it, then got the PC version, then modded it, then had to respawn my PC and haven't reinstalled it. I would go back to the ps3 version but I also started a new Demon's Souls character and just bought Resistance 3.
I want Skyrim to be perfect, but I think it will be too buggy at launch to care about until next year.
I'm a hardcore fan of Bethesda and the Elder Scrolls series and have been playing the games since Morrowind. I have played EVERY Elder Scrolls game (yes even Arena) and while I thought Oblivion wasn't as good as Morrowind in some aspects, I still LOVED it! And Skyrim is GOTY, it's just rediculous to think otherwise IMO. Look at the sheer amount of content your getting with Skyrim and compare it to every other game out on the market currently? Every other game comes up short, Skyrim let's you play who you want, how you want, and where you want. It is GOTY!
Now as for the claims about Skyrim getting "dumbed down" I suggest you go play Daggerfall. See that game had more "skills" than any other Elder Scrolls game in the series, hell there were more "skills" than I can count lol. The reason why I'm putting "skills" in quotes is because most of them were usless. Like there were language "skills" in Daggerfall like Farie, Orchish, Daedra ect..., but they didn't really have a purpose. Like there was one language skill (I forget the name) that could only be used with about 7 charecters in the ENTIRE game! And they were few and far between, if you took that "skill" you just screwed yourself and wasted your time.
All Skyrim is doing is taking out the useless "skills" and making them ACTUAL skills that you can ACTUALLY use and that are fun to play with. Did anyone ever take Speechcraft in Oblivion? No because it was stupid, same goes for Mercantile. Useless....and most of these skills are just being combined and reformed to make them useful, like take Speechcraft and Mercantile, they are now the same skill in Skyrim. Which guess what? Makes sense! If my guy can talk the pants off someone why can't he smooth talk merchants? If my guy can run fast why can't he jump high (acrobatics and athletics are same skill in Skyrim)? All Skyrim is doing is combining skills that are really the same and making them fun and useful to play with.
And I hear ALL this fuss about removing Mysticism, well guess what I'm glad they did! Mysticism was uselss, ok let's face the facts people! Besides Soul Trap and Detect Life what was the point of it? Telekineses lol, what? Telekineses was useless....I don't know why people pretend otherwise? And ther perks in Skyrim will add more vairety and fun when you level up, that way each skill becomes suited to your own prefrences. So those who are saying that Skyrim is getting "dumbed down" have just now been silenced, like I said if you think Skyrim is getting "dumbed down" than go play Daggerfall and come back, you will agree with me 100%
More skills DO NOT equal more fun! I would rather have 18 skills that are unique and fun and useful to play with than a 100 "skills" that are all useless and serve no purpose....
I wish more people would realise this.
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