Apart from the exclusive games, consoles do suck. Why would I want to play multiplatform games at lower resolution and framerate without mod support? :|
- Physical product
- No troubleshooting or configuration required
- Easily couchable
- Controller works in every game
- Motion gaming
- Social hub
- Can double as a cable box
- Exclusives that aren't all MMO's or pay-to-win
- Not needing to have an Origin account and be abused by EA
- Not being abused by Ubisoft DRM
- Not having your entire library at the mercy of a Steam account (to be fair, Valve is really cool and probably won't screw PC gamers over. Probably.)
Those sound like a bunch of bull**** reasons to me. I haven't had a problem with my PC since I built it when PS3 launched. It can still handle anything (with lower settings) and is the ultimate multimedia device. I got out of consoles when my wallet was starting to empty. I couldn't see the point in paying more for my dollar than PC gaming when most often it equals half the experience. I can't figure out why their no longer plug n' play. The other reason I ditched consoles was because I was having more problems with them than my PC. I guess I'm alone on this but PCs seem to be more convenient, cheaper, better audio/video, and more customizable. Was it always this case? No. Not during SNES/Gen years it's like they had a role and was to do one thing PLAY GAMES quick and fun. PCs have become more user friendly (almost too much) and consoles are losing identity.
For those claiming hermits who stress 1080p gaming are new to the game is their opinion, and a wrong one. We choose PC because it's always been at the forefront of bleeding edge tech, genres only possible with complex controls, and devs stepping out of comfort zone with a futureproof game. We complain the most this gen because the consoles no longer serve their purpose of quick no frills gaming and try to hard to be what it's not. Therefor severely bottlenecking the industry (specifically PC) and now devs are too afraid to take many risks on PC. They need to be as separated as possible for more success / satisfying everyone.
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