$900 for legit gaming rig
$400 for PS4 + 300 to play games online over the next 6 years. So over the life of the console that is $700 to be able to play games on it.
With PC games being cheap, even when new, its hard to determine the price of games but lets say you pay an average of $35 per game for 10 games. That is $350 (keep in mind I haven't even come close to that and I have over 50 games on my PC) so $1250 total.
Now lets say you buy 10 games at an average of 50 per game because you are smart and buy used games. that is $500. total of $1200.
$1250 vs $1200 ($1300 if you are getting an Xbone) over the next 6 years.
Saying PC gaming is more expensive is a complete myth that consolites try to spread to make themselves feel better about their purchases. The reality is that if you can pony up the initial cost of a gaming PC (which is admittedly high) you will end up saving money in the end. In fact you could end up spend much much less than your console counterparts spend over said period of time. Now the cost can go up if you upgrade mid gen but you honestly don't have to if you do it right and pony up the money at first. So yeah PC and Console gaming are roughly the same cost when its all said and done. At the end of the day gaming is an expensive hobby regardless of what you game on unless its a cell phone.
You have a very valid point, but have you ever considered that some people love certain exclusives only on the console of their choice? Also upgrading a computer and or building one is more then likely easy for anyone on these forums but for the average person it can seem vary complex and scary (even though it is simple,) plus there are tons of kids who like to game and their parents feel much more comfortable with buying them a simple console that will never need arguments and crying children wanting money for that new graphics card, ram, CPU, cooler, power supply, mother board, case, KB&M, that they think they just have to have. Personally I have no problem gaming on a console, and yes it is expensive no matter what platform you chose, I buy about 5 new games a year plus I have GameFly and I will also buy cheap older used games that are fun but not really worthy enough to buy new so that's about $300 a year for GameFly, $300 a year for new games, $50 a year for PS+, and probably $200 a year for used games. So there you have it around $850 on just games and services ever year, but I'm fine with that. I have seriously looked at buying a gaming PC but the only game that I really wanted to play was Arma, although there are other games that I can't play on a console, but for me Arma was the only one that had me wanting a PC. The way I spend money on gaming who knows I probably will end up buying a gaming PC also. So really in the end I don't think it is as much about the money as it is about personal preferences.
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