*Oh, Snake ...* *Myrel.* *Snake.* *Meryl.* *BROTHA!* *Liquid!* *If you're not a prisoner to fate ...fullfill your destiny* (defenition fate;destiny)
Yes, this is a snippet of endless melodramic, cliche, garbage dia(mono)logues you get stuffed with. People blame Halo for having a mediocre story but atleast it makes sense. Why didn't the Master Chief suddenly start talking about this camp he had to go thro when he was young? Because it makes no sense, that's why. Why wouldhe suddenly bring that subject up in the mids of battle? Well the MGS series thinks overwise, EVERYONE tells you EVERYTHING about what happened in their live, what size their whienersnitzel is and why they can't cook an egg. Everything.
There are alot of games out there with a bad story but atleast it doesn't stand in your way. You're not CONSTANTLY interrupted by a codec call, you're not CONSTANTLY interrupted by a cutscene, you're not CONSTANTLY wondering where to go because you skipped the cutscene. What makes it all worse is how everyone seems to praise it.
Here's a message I'd like to cast to you: Even Micheal Mann can come up with a better script. Explosions > MGS.
Get off the hate bandwagon please, you're just exaggerating the melodrama that people complain about...whenever anyone sees it in any story.
And for the last sentence...I think you're talking about Michael Bay, Michael Mann is the guy that makes boring action movies(yes, action movies that are BORING) and melodramas, the stuff you were bashing in your post.
Might have been too negative, I mean in order to hate it I must have played it, right? And I did. The gameplay is pretty good, can't deny that. I've played MGS & MGS2 recently and altho I might have missed the ''real'' experience I enjoyed the gameplay in MGS. MGS2 was fun too, on the tanker. Alot of it that came after it was really dissappointing. Now because of Raiden but because EVERYTHING had to be re-explained again and you basicly weren't playing really. The amount of codec calls and cutscenes was seriously ret^rded.
I have nothing against the MGS series gameplay wise, the're amazing. I haven't played too much of MGS4, but the parts I've played (mostly start of the game) were really awesome. Way ahead of its league.
Setting? Nanotechnology, economics, politics, military, bio-engineering, robotica, Cold War, nuclear deterance ... I mean this is some really good stuff. General Story? It's prettygood in rough lines. Soap/Drama/Presentation? ''Abomination'' describes it pretty well. It's like a B movie that takes itself serious. Kojima doesn't even need an editor, just someone with a triple digit IQ.
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