You are simply esitmating all the console benchamrks an example is the settings and RE5 on pc on max everything is identical to the 360 version so if you have to downgrade textures that doesnt help your case.My point still stands you cant build a pc that will outperform a console for the price of a console and given trade in options for console games it is simply cheaper any way you look at it.
im not estimating theres no need to. ubisoft already said that FC2 was on medium settings. and its obvious if you compare. same with RE5 same with Batman. same with COD4. no estimating involved.
and i never said that you could build a pc that could outperform the consoles for the price of the consoles. you cant unless you steal parts.
but for an intial investment of $400 youll end up saving so much more. i can trade in my pc games as well or resell them. many gpu companies offer trade programs. the oppertunities are there for pc gamers as well except we have one much larger one that console gamers. upgrading.
in 3-4 years (assuming they last a long time) in order to play 'the next gen' games youll need to buy a new console. no way around it. you cant reuse your old console and recycle. oh sure take it down to gamestop and get what $50? at best. and then you have to worry about the next console playing the old games but thats a different story. while i can just buy a new motherboard,cpu,memory, and gpu only if i even HAVE to. my case,psu,hdd, and windows isnt going to suddenly become obsolete so that i have to replace them. so thats means ill be able to spend $100 to $200 while youll be at the mercy of the pricing of the gaming companies.
Pc gaming CAN be expensive, but it can also be a lot cheaper than console gaming for a system with better hardware in the long run which is something people choose to ignore.
but hey ignorance is bliss eh?
Im not being ignorant im just stating the facts. $400 doolars for a pc is not going to get you something that consistantly outpeforms a console. You can name crap like fC2 that was ported across platform but I can name a list of others that will outperofrm anything on a 400$ pc.The Motherboard, GPU , CPU and memory make up the bulk of the price anyways. Hell i even had to replace my case because my old one didnt have enough ventilation for my new setup it was also slightly to small for my GTx285.
PS. Do you honeslty think you can just make a 200$ upgarde to your current pc and then it will outperfom the PS4 and next xbox console are you really arguing that? Console hardware is sold at a loss. It cost sony around $850 to manufacture each ps3 at launch while pc manufactures sell everything for a small profit , its the reason why you get alot more bang for your buck with consoles and then theres the issues of game trade-ins and buying used games which is also a benefit to consoels.
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