I don't think people here are interested in facts or the truth, they just want something on Crysis so constantly change the criticism until one works.
If they fail to attack the graphics it's the art style, when they fail to attack to art style it's game play, when they fail to attack the game play it's 'overall feeling' of the game and then of course personal preference. Which is about as broad and subjective a criteria as you can get.
I'm not saying Crysis is perfection but there isn't half some effort spent solely to find a chink in the armour in here, people putting all their effort into rationalizing why a game on their system of preference is superior to Crysis in some way.
Crysis is the graphics king and nothing but another hardware pushing game on PC will change that, consoles are at a sever hardware disadvantage right now; which of course won't stop people claiming every Heavy Rain and Alan Wake and high graphics game X on consoles owns it.
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