The PS4 is outselling the XB1 because of it's first impression. That is everything. However, if you follow gaming like we do you would admit that MS is slowly turning around and trying to fix their mistakes. The other big problem is that Sony has no holiday lineup for this year outside of multiplats, while MS is bringing out all their big franchises. If the PS4 outsells the XB1 this holiday.........well, that's simply because people are not educated on the matter.
Just because the PS4 dosent have a highly milked shooter this holiday like xbox one dosent mean Sony has no holiday line ups ;)
you do realize the PS4 has:
- Persona 5
- Disgaea 5
- Tales of Zesteria
- Dragon Quest Heroes
- Tearaway
- Until Dawn
- No mans sky
- Rime
- Uncharted collection (for those who havent played the originals)
- J-Stars Victory VS+
- Fat Princess Adventures
- Everybody's Gone to the Rapture
Plus the BIG multiplats which all are being advertised on PS4 Black Ops3, Star Wars (remember the biggest movie this holiday season is star wars, the game will be pushed like madness all on PS4), Destiny and so many others.
PS4 will outsell xbox this holiday easily
What does xbox have in 2016?
Honestly, those are very niche titles you've listed. However, Rime looks fantastic. Let me give you a run down of MS's lineup to come since you are lost on the matter.
- Halo 5
- Gears of War Ultimate Edition
- Fable Legends
- Forza 6
- Rare Collection
- Quantum Break
- Scalebound
- Recore
- Cuphead
- Crackdown 3
- Gears 4
- Rise of The Tomb Raider(for now)
Halo 5, Gears UE, Fable, Forza, Rare collection, and Tomb Raider all come out this year. Those are huge titles for MS and are very well known. This is the perfect time to get a XB1. No sense in denying it.
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