@StormyJoe said:
That green monster is going to cause back problems...
Really why would i have it.? I own a PS3 so if i need to play my PS3 games i use my PS3.
Sony should put out a banner saying ""PS3 STILL WORKS WITH PS3 GAMES AFTER THE PS4 LAUNCH ODD BUT TRUE'''
@ToScA- said:
Haven't been around in ages. "Nice" to see that tormentos still is as deluded as ever.
I think PS4's success over Xbox One can be traced back all the way to E3 2013. Microsoft still haven't recovered from shooting themselves in the foot and getting slaughtered by Sony. Sony basically won over the hardcore crowd on that week coupled with the Playstation brand always having a foothold in the masses.
MS will never recover you freaking forget how crazy the damn PS2 sold and how Sony brand even on its worse days still manage to catch MS,The xbox one is $349 with 2 games and some new bundles claim Free batman as well as ASU and ASBF and still people buy more the PS4.
@babyjoker1221 said:
All that being said. Sony has lost some of it's initial surge. Over the past year, the year over year sales for the PS4 has been trending down, while the XB1 has been trending upwards. At this point they sell about 1/1 in the US. A year ago, the PS4 was selling significantly better than than the XB1 in the US. That trend started going down late last summer, and the XB1 sold far better during the holiday season months of Oct-Dec. Sony sold marginally better during the first couple of months of 2015, but has continued to slide. The XB1 won April by a small amount, with Sony winning May by a small amount. At this point, it seems they are selling at the same rate.
So to answer the TC question. The PS4 doesn't continue to outsell the XB1 anymore. At least not in the US. As for WW sales, Sony always sells better in europe. WW, the US has an image problem, and so do the products headquartered there. MS being a huge US based company has a bad reputation in many parts of the world simply because it's US based, and because surely no company could become that big without screwing people over.
Post like this show how out of touch with reality some fanboys are.
1-The only reason the crappy xbox one took off sales wise was because MS dropped $150 dollars from the damn regular price in just 12 damn months,by month 7 it was already $399 and still was losing,it didn't started at summer in fact the PS4 outsold the xbox one on June when the XBO hit $399 and july and august as well,on september it freaking destroy the xbox one sales wise on US selling more than half a million units that month and officially doubling the xbox one sales,even that MS was giving freaking Destiny free and sony was charging for it,not even with free destiny people wanted it.
It begin to sell when it hit $349 with 2 free games and a damn $50 gift card effectively making the xbox one price $199 or less.
2 Games $110
$50 gift card so yeah effectively xbox one sold on November 2 and over were been sold basically at $199,if you take into account that you got $50 on the spot back and to free games including a damn hot new release from a popular series.
If sony would have do that it would have destroy the xbox one sales wise.
2-What the fu** are you smoking the PS4 has outsold the xbox one 4 out of the 5 months of this year that NPD has account the only month the xbox one won was April and by 13k,to put it on perspective on march sony sold 100k more than the xbox one on US..lol
So unless you live in a parallel universe where the xbox one outsold every month the PS4,you are full of shit..lol
@kingtito said:
DRE was EVERY bit as big. Sony even got sued because of it. Sony's consoles have always been plagued with hardware issues. Not all at the same lvl but still issues.
So yeah, i'm comparing.
DRE wasn't as big you blind fanboy and the Xbox,xbox 360 and xbox one all suffer DRE,in fact all xbox consoles have in fact scratch disc to,DRE was more common on PS2 than the original xbox because the damn xbox sold like utter garbage,i use to mod xbox in those days and the Thompson drives were freaking horrible and bad you can google it if you like.
DRE on PS2 wasn't even close to the damn 50% fail rate of the xbox one which some say it was even higher.
@blackace said:
That wasn't the case last gen. Microsoft's reveal pretty much killed them. I doubt they will make that mistake again though. The XB1 is still an incredible system and the games are just going to get better and better. Not going to matter much if they catch up to the PS4 or not. The XBox 360 and PS3 still haven't caught the Wii and they've sold over 80 million units each.
Off course it wasn't $600 1 year late..
@kingtito said:
DRE was probably over 50%. The only difference was it didn't happen in the 1st 6 months of purchasing a new console but it did happen none the less. Sony got sued over it so my point stands. Hardware failures from last gen has nothing to do with Sony's success and MSs lack of this gen.
Bullshit number pulled from deep deep down your ass,as always.
MS was sue for RROD they just repair the units before people started to round up.
They were sue for RROD and for the xbox 360 damaging disc.
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