I mean they have more of a history of mistreating people in general and making money grabs but people allways bash Microsoft and sometimes bash Sony as being to corporate... It is getting ridiculous as people claim Microsoft mistreated rare do to some fansite claiming so.
I mean Nintendo are known as the heralds of inovation and it is claimed that Kinect is a rip off of the Wii despite being revolutionary and using no buttons/plastic.
To me it seems Nintendo has copied alot more then the other companies and innovated more because they have been in longer. Nintendo stole the idea for CD's from Sega as well as the analog stick. Then the GC used dual analog (playstation) . The Wiimotes are wireless (360) The 3DS will have an analog and home button as a portable (psp) etc.
Achievements are supposedly to be stolen and put on the 3DS wonder what they will call them (Sony did trophies lol maybe they will be medals)
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