1. Consoles use less power then high end PCs. The old 360 uses 203Watts max and the new falcon chip is down to 175W max.
2. No need for constant upgrades. A high end PC from 2005 will not even be able to run Alan Wake on the lowest settings while the 360 from 2005 will run it fine
3. Consoles are less noisy. After installing a game on the 360s HD its super quiet. PCs with giant fans and graphics cards humming along plus that 750watt psu are as noisy as a airport runway.
4. Consoles get almost all the games that the PC gets plus great exclusives.
5. Price wise consoles win too. $200-$300 for a 360 is about the price of a good graphics card.
6. PC graphics aren't leaps and bounds ahead of console graphics. Killzone 2, Heavy Rain, GOW III, Fight Night Round 3, and more show off what consoles can do.
7. Consoles have 5 year life spans at the very least while PCs need to be constantly upgraded just to run the newest games on low settings. Windows Vista is considered an upgrade.
8. PC developers fear that pirating issues will effect game sales. Epic is no longer a PC game developer and Gears 2 is not coming to the PC.
1. This assumption only makes sense if you don't already own a PC. If you do own a PC, you also assume that you turn off your PC immediately after use. As you are more then likely to leave your PC on, whilst gaming on your 360.
That said, you forgot to account for the energy needed for you bigger HDTV and your home theatre system.
2. What is this constant upgrades bs that people try to refer to. PC gaming allows you to upgrade when you wish to upgrade. For some of us, we make enough money that we enjoy upgrading every year and half. Other people, like my brother, who is still in High School is using a stock Dell Dimension 8200 to play Lich King. Yes, that PC is like 5 years old... it has AGP for God's sake, and 1gig of RAM.
3. You are assuming all PC gamers have beast computers that are OC'ed and the like. Not everyone purchases high end PCs. Even then, most high end PC modulate their fans, such that they spin lower then you are not using the GPU and CPU intensely... so when you aren't gaming... it pretty darn silent. Even then, the sound is muted by either (a) Headsets or (b) your killer sound system...
Or, in the case of my brother's PC... my 360 is louder then his Dell, and I have a 360 elite.
4. Console DO NOT "get almost all the games that the PC gets plus great exclusives." Most of the games that originate on the PC are striped naked. Look at Red Alert 3 for example... the game is pathetic on the 360 compared to the PC. Look at Orange Box. etc.
I suggest you also take a look at the compilation of PC AAAE games. I think you must have missed it.
5. Except, the difference between a normal PC ... like the one you are using.. and a good gaming PC is about $300 anyways. So really, it's the same. $300 will get you a GTX260 and another 2gigs of RAM..... which in itself produces way better graphics then the 360 can dream to muster.
6. You obviously haven't seen a high end PC compared to a 360. I have both sitting in my room. There is a huge difference, and has been for over a year. Even the most rampant fanboys won't deny that there is a big difference.
7. Once again... my brother plays on a 5 year old PC.
Also, if Vista is considered an upgrade, I suggest looking up when XP came out.
8. 360 piracy is rampant, and is becoming worse then the PC. PC has already solving the issue of piracy via Digital Distribution. Whilst games for the 360 are being pirated weeks in advance.
While Epic switched to being multiplat, more PC developers have immerged. However, at the same time, console developers have also stepped up to take in the PC... Look at Capcom for example. Their console to PC ports are amazingly well done.
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