[QUOTE="TREAL_Since"]Motion blur does not hide everything in the videos (maybe screen buffers which also washes out texture detail). How can you say that KZ2 is not technically impressive? Are you serious? I'm guessing you haven't seen any previous builds :?.
Try spinning around really fast in real life. There will be motion blur :).
I am absolutely serious that KZ2 is NOT technicaly impressive. and stop with the excuses that maybe its screen buffers. idiot. Its brainwashed people like you that other developpers who will be releasing games even BEFORE KZ2 will have trouble convincing of anything even if they waved it in your foolish faces. KZ2 may look pretty to your eyes, but its not when you look at the technology.
Calling me an idiot? If you can't respect me as a person with an opinion, then you must be an idiot :(. That was highly uncalled for. What are you 12 years old and get upset whenever someone talks positive about a game you don't like?
How am I brainwashed? Am I also brainwashed because I believe games like Gears 2 and Bioshock are technically impressive? No. Because you most likely agree with that.
So I guess GameSpot is lying as well? KZ2 is technically impressive. Since you are an "expert" I guess you won't care...
"Given the tech focused nature of the trailer there were some showy moments revolving around blowing out individual windows in a warehouse area as well as another sequence that showed shafts of light coming in through holes being blown in a structure. Light also figured prominently in a sequence that showed the light on a soldier's rifle illuminating a dimly lit area. An extended sequence also focused on assorted soldiers getting plugged full of bullets in different venues, which yielded the expecting twitching and flailing. The humanoid and vehicle focused action was livened up at the end of the video when wicked mechanical sentinel-like creatures unfurled their appendages and menaced the camera."
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