[QUOTE="call_of_duty_10"] Resolution doesn't improve the graphics ffs.The pixel density does.For a game like FO3,which has low-detail assets,even that doesn't matter.
And the other stuff barely looks better on PC.
Dunno why I am posting these,though.
You are just going to say that the PC has better shadows and lighting,even though the evidence above proves otherwise.The view distance won't change the gameplay.The AI is designed for the draw distance that consoles use.FOV is same.
resolution improve the graphics (if it didn't wouldn't play at 2560x1440 but at 853x480)
use screenshots that are not showing the wall(because unmodded have the same texture rez) and not at 1280x720 with medium settings like the console version
unmodded Fallout 3 2.5x-4x bigger rez, better shadows, better lighting, larger view distance, larger fov, and double the fps
and your initial point about pc doing the same amount of work like consoles is wrong. just to point out that going from 1280x720@30fps to 2560x1440@60fps GPU will do 8X times more work and that is without even change ANY other graphical settings(like AA, shadows, lighting, view distance, etc)
You don;t play at 853x480 because its not your monitor's native res and the pixel density will be too low for that size. Wait,let me guess.You are one of those people who think that 720p on YOUR monitor looks as good as 1280x720 on a 17.5" monitor with native res of 720p.The screenshot with amata proves that vanilla pc and ps3 are almost identical.I provided screenshots to prove my point.Max settings on PC=PS3. You have been proven wrong by the evidence.Just saying that vanilla PC version is vastly better won't change the screenshots that I posted.
Did you start gaming on a PC in 2012?Because that's the year when EVERY game had a FAR superior PC version,with better lighting,shadows,textures and all that jazz.Almost all multiplats were ports from 2005-2010,having no advantage on PC other than res,aa,af and framerate.
1280x720 look exactly like a native res on a 2560x1440 monitor because it is exactly 4 times smaller.(4 pixels behave like 1 big pixel)
If Fallout 3 with Max settings on PC=PS3 as you say, then why it plays on my pc like that without even using mods 2560x1440, 8xAA, 16xAF, better shadows, better lighting, larger view distance, larger fov, and double the fps? can ps3 do 1/10 of all of these? don't think so:lol:
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