Modern Warfare 2 for 360/PS3/PC is great looking, easy to get into, well designed, and most of all fun.
The online is deeper than any other fps to date. Yet still this game gets more hate than any other game in SW. Why is this?
Because it's cool to hate. When everyone else in the world found out about Call of Duty, gamers got mad. Though in reality, the core gameplay was still there. The great production values? Still there. Sure the game was a little unbalanced, but there was so much stuff to unlock you didn't care. Modern Warfare 2 commentaries are dominating youtube right now. The reason is because the game is so popular. Which means people like it. And it turns out, we're people too. So if the majority of the world likes it, the majority of us should reasonably like it too.
The hermits cry "Cod 1 was awesome, from then on it went all downhill", yet every single video game critic disagrees.I would also like to hear any reason why you think the first/second game was better, because I've played them all, and I have to disagree.
In truth, a game can be objectively disliked based on graphics, controls, and features.The game has all of those. So why, SW, do so many of us here love to hate this game?
Obviously TC, I just love to hate games. I can't speak for everyone, of course, but I could comfortably say that a decent amount of people don't love to hate games. It's a silly idea. Why would you love to hate something?
I hate the game, because there's so many other FPSs out there, that are a hell of a lot better, but everyone out there doesn't give them a chance because it can never live up to this "perfect" image they've put into their minds. It's bullcuss because no one plays games like Battlefield, WW2 Online, ArmA, Operation Flashpoint, Half Life, Team Fortress, Counter Strike. The list goes on and on. I hate the game, because, in my opinion, it's ruined countless other games for a countless amount of people.
Another trend I've been noticing, is that since MW2, mod support in a lot of major releases has gone down. Although if MW2 is a direct cause or not can't really been proven, it's just an observation I've made.
The critic argument. Go on Metacritic. The critic score for those games are 8.6-9.4, whereas the user score ranges from 3.5-5.9. Of course, it obviously doesn't show everyone who bought the game, but it shows that a somewhat decent amount of people really dislike the game.
And finally, a game can be disliked for any bloody reason. If someone asks me why I dislike rap and hip hop, it's because I just don't like the way it sounds. You can't really explain it, you just dislike it. It's all a bloody opinion. And you saying that it has graphics, controls, and features is a cussing opinion, also.
Arguments like these are stupid, to put it bluntly. It all comes down to opinion and what use is it to argue opinion, where ninety percent of the time, you're not going1 to change someone else's opinion. To be honest, I wish we could just leave each others opinions alone, forget the fanboyism and just love each other. But, I guess human nature will prevent that from happening on a larger scale.
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