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So, which are your most wanted PC only games ?? Might we know them ?
Mine on 360 are Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, Cry On, Infinite Undiscovery, Too Human, Viva Pinata, Ninaj Gaiden 2
and on PS3 are FF13, White Knight,Unknown Realms, MGS4, Killzone 2, Angel Rings etc etc
and of course getting Fable 2, Mass Effect 1-2-3, Halo 3, YEARS earlier !!!!
and all pc games i want like Two Worlds, Ovrelord, Elveon, Precursors, Sacred 2, Gothic 3 and coming soon Dragon Age, Dark Messaih and Hellgate London
So, ok, you do NOT want games like Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, Cry On, Infinite Undiscovery, Too Human, Viva Pinata, Ninaj Gaiden 2 or FF13, White Knight,Unknown Realms, MGS4, Killzone 2, Angel Ring, but you like pc games we know nothing of
So, which games are those ?
In the end it is the games you like, i liked advantures in the past, but got bored of the genre after many many years of playing them, after all nothing came even close to old advantures of Sierra, like King's quest series, or RPG's like Lands of Lore 1-2-3 etc, as for strategy games, nothing will ever match Lord of the Realms 2 or Heroes 2-3 genious for me
So, PC gaming is totally boring now, the standards of old are nowhere to be found on pc nowadays, that is why i have totally abandoned it, all its games are too much been there done that, especially strategy titles, they all seem same to me
In the end it is the games you likegreg_splicer
i liked advantures in the past, but got bored of the genre after many many years of playing them, after all nothing came even close to old advantures of Sierra, like King's quest series, or RPG's like Lands of Lore 1-2-3 etc, as for strategy games, nothing will ever match Lord of the Realms 2 or Heroes 2-3 genious for me
So, which are your most wanted PC only games ?? Might we know them ?
Mine on 360 are Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, Cry On, Infinite Undiscovery, Too Human, Viva Pinata, Ninaj Gaiden 2
and on PS3 are FF13, White Knight,Unknown Realms, MGS4, Killzone 2, Angel Rings etc etc
and of course getting Fable 2, Mass Effect 1-2-3, Halo 3, YEARS earlier !!!!and all pc games i want like Two Worlds, Ovrelord, Elveon, Precursors, Sacred 2, Gothic 3 and coming soon Dragon Age, Dark Messaih and Hellgate London
So, ok, you do NOT want games like Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, Cry On, Infinite Undiscovery, Too Human, Viva Pinata, Ninaj Gaiden 2 or FF13, White Knight,Unknown Realms, MGS4, Killzone 2, Angel Ring, but you like pc games we know nothing of
So, which games are those ?
Dragon Age has not been announced for 360.
Hellgate London has not been announced for 360.
Dark Messiah has not been announced for 360.
If you claim these are coming to 360, it's only fair we claim Mass Effect, Halo 3 and Fable 2 are coming to PC. Because honestly, they have a better chance of going to PC than those games do of going to 360.
And you want PC games like Two Worlds, Overlord, Elveon and Gothic 3, but not Crysis, Spore, Sup Com or STALKER? It seems your just listing B rated games that are multiplats in order to make a point.
Some of us have been out of school for a decade or more, and have these things called jobs. When you have a job, you have this thing called money. There's not one game that interests me on the consoles....not one. It's not a matter of getting ripped off, it's a matter of getting what I want. I don't care if fishing is cheaper than flying, I hate fishing and love flying. I don't want to fish so I won't. Likewise, I'm simply not interested in the games a console has, so I won't buy one. Simple as that. Until you can give me flight sims (emphasis on Sim), a plethora of 4x games, and gorgnard games, then it's a moot point: consoles don't interest me. Why spend ANY money on something that doesn't interest me? That's called 'Getting ripped off'.br0kenrabbit
I agree and vise versa. In regards to this thread, PC gaming is'nt more expensive in the long haul. I built a Dual Core E6300, SLi'd 7600GTs w/2GB of Ram, Motherboard, Casing, PSU & Cooling for just under $700 on With that you could outperform a PS3 or 360 for the rest of this generation. A PS3 w/Game is $710 after Tax, excluding the HD montior and Non-included HDMI. Price was'nt an issure for me as I had a job and dropped $500 easy on my X360 and games. Then bought a monitor and even more games/cables and I easily exceeded $1000. Im 19 by the way so at a certain point age has nothing to do with being able to afford it... sometimes.
People with extreme gaming PCs seem to think they are getting a better deal and gaming experience than console gamers and dont seem to understand why people by consoles.
i buy gaming consoles because not only are they sooOOO much cheaper, but in a years time when your gaming PCs all dusty and struggling to play the new PC games even with your new $150 graphics card my console can still play the newest games. Has anyone got a PC that is as old as a ps2 that you havent spent **** loads upgrading? i think not.your the ones being ripped off.
I have a 6800 GTo from 2 years ago and it runs new games fine, you got no idea. A one year old graphics card does fine. And your probably insecure about your choice if you have to go make a post about it full of misinformation.
[QUOTE="marklarmer"]People with extreme gaming PCs seem to think they are getting a better deal and gaming experience than console gamers and dont seem to understand why people by consoles.
i buy gaming consoles because not only are they sooOOO much cheaper, but in a years time when your gaming PCs all dusty and struggling to play the new PC games even with your new $150 graphics card my console can still play the newest games. Has anyone got a PC that is as old as a ps2 that you havent spent **** loads upgrading? i think not.your the ones being ripped off.
I have a 6800 GTo from 2 years ago and it runs new games fine, you got no idea. A one year old graphics card does fine. And your probably insecure about your choice if you have to go make a post about it full of misinformation.
Sure a 6800GT is a fine card. It'll run games for AT LEAST another 6 months. The things you have to sacrafice are going to get more and more and eventualy before the 360 has died you'll have to get another card but your right budget PC gaming is fine. The problem with some of (mostly the vocal ones) the Hermits 'round here is they post screens of Crysis running MAXED OUT and chuck around 60fps like it's going out of fasion. Then they tell everyone how PC gaming is SO much cheaper than console gaming, sure it can be but not with Cryisis on max. They want to have their cake and eat it, this has finaly pissed enough people off that they bite back. Your 6800GT wont be running crysis maxed out at 1280*1024(a standard 5:4 LCD res for monitors up to 19" - wich are at that nice price/size spot that most budget PC gamers will be going for). It might run it sure but not like the screens they use. Not to mention they like the 1920*1200 screens so the rig would be more like 8800GTXs in SLi or OCed lesser cards, by the time they have done all that it's not even close to as cost effective as console gaming.[QUOTE="greg_splicer"]
In the end it is the games you likeAdrianWerner
i liked advantures in the past, but got bored of the genre after many many years of playing them, after all nothing came even close to old advantures of Sierra, like King's quest series, or RPG's like Lands of Lore 1-2-3 etc, as for strategy games, nothing will ever match Lord of the Realms 2 or Heroes 2-3 genious for me
Lands of Lore are crap now, but not crap at all for their time, also amazing was Heroes of M&M RPG before going 3D, to be frank with you there is no other RPG to come close to the feeling f those old games now, oh i forgot ultima, yes that was amazing as well, BUT games like BG2, Arx Fatalis and Gothic 1-2 i loved too, still nothing like those is close to release, Gothic 3 was a let down, Witcher seems to have one chance to be a good game, most others are imply forgetable
The new adventures are CRAP for me, nothing comes close to sierra advantures of old, not even miles close, they are either too serious, too unimaginative or too silly
And gabriel knight, i forgot about that one series, those were the real advanture games
The new adventures are CRAP for me, nothing comes close to sierra advantures of old, not even miles close, they are either too serious, too unimaginative or too silly
I still think modern adventure games compare to old ones better than modern RPGs compare to old school RPGs. You say new adventure games suck? Look at those 360 RPG lists you like making, they're utter garbage compared to old wRPGs and jRPGs
The new adventures are CRAP for me, nothing comes close to sierra advantures of old, not even miles close, they are either too serious, too unimaginative or too silly
I still think modern adventure games compare to old ones better than modern RPGs compare to old school RPGs. You say new adventure games suck? Look at those 360 RPG lists you like making, they're utter garbage compared to old wRPGs and jRPGs
Problem is ... those are the RPG's today, should i play nothing ? I do not see any pc rpg coming close to that either, Gothic 3 could be the one, failed, Arx Fatalis 2 maybe, but nowhere to be found, so i have to go to consoles, their RPG's are far better plus we get JRPG's pc does not, at least those keep some of the great things in RPG's intact. like a great story, and emotion, plus i really liked the turn based JRPG's of old, that crap FF12 was the utter disapointment for me
The new adventures are CRAP for me, nothing comes close to sierra advantures of old, not even miles close, they are either too serious, too unimaginative or too silly
I still think modern adventure games compare to old ones better than modern RPGs compare to old school RPGs. You say new adventure games suck? Look at those 360 RPG lists you like making, they're utter garbage compared to old wRPGs and jRPGs
Problem is ... those are the RPG's today, should i play nothing ? I do not see any pc rpg coming close to that either, Gothic 3 could be the one, failed, Arx Fatalis 2 maybe, but nowhere to be found, so i have to go to consoles, their RPG's are far better plus we get JRPG's pc does not, at least those keep some of the great things in RPG's intact. like a great story, and emotion, plus i really liked the turn based JRPG's of old, that crap FF12 was the utter disapointment for me
I'm putting my hopes into Drakensang as I loved Realms of Arkania and BaldursGate2 and that's the mix of those two. Still...I don't get your logic, you bash adventure games for not living up to older standarts and yet you have no problems with modern RPGs not living up to older standarts
A couple of reasons - a big one is that I'm moving away from using my desktop PC. Having wireless on campus gave me an incentive to use my laptop. Having wireless at home makes it even better. I can't use my desktop computer from the comfort of my bed, couch, bathroom, et cetera. My computer now can go everywhere with me - and that's a wonderful thing - in another year and a half or so I'm looking forward to upgrading my laptop - a market where generally speaking if I don't worry about GPU I can get a nice machine for $800 - if I worry about GPU, it's $1200+, and it'll be outdated in 18 months anyway.
Another consideration is that desktop gaming is expensive. The "slowly upgrade components" this is under bullsnot, when it comes time to upgrade your CPU - it's generally time for a new motherboard and RAM - a $300 ~ $400 move right there. About every 18 months you need to invest $150 or so into a graphics cards if you're going to run new games at the resolutions you've come to expect. When you consider that I prefer using a laptop, the whole "desktop" thing is an added expense.
On top of that, I've found game compatibility with HD-equipment to be subpar - I bought a $500 HDTV because it interfaces with everything - VCRs, DVD players, my PC, et cetera - now you're telling me that games are being shipped *sans* widescreen support? C'mon, that's ridiculous. Getting an optical pass-through is an expensive pain too - just to get some nice surround sound from a *real* soundsystem rather than computer speakers (though logitech makes some nice ones at the high-end that do both).
From the games perspective, the games on PC are pretty much limited to four or five genres - over the years I've seen series like X-Wing completely shrink, and it doesn't leave a lot on the PC I like. While I like FPS games, every new one seems to require a new GPU to run at resolutions / framerates that are competitive, so it becomes a frustrating cycle. The newest (relative to my lifetime of gaming) experiences on the PC have all seemed to stem out of MMORPGs, which I'm not paying $15/month for - not because I can't afford it, but because I don't like feeling like "oh I'm not playing WoW at all this month, I'm wasting my money paying for it though" - I don't like feeling that pressure to play that comes with recurring bills.
And the older I get? The less I want to put up with the nonsense. My whole major / career path revolves around getting technology to work the way it's supposed to, when I come home after spending four hours in a lab modeling a system, an hour debugging code for an inane assignment, and two hours trying to build a statistical model for some microeconomics problem for quantiative tools, well, I just want stuff to work.
The "wife / girlfriend" factor was the final straw. When my "Home Theater PC" became a *process* to use, I said "forget it" and went back to burning things onto DVDs. Everything about PC gaming / theater use is just a little bit slower, a little bit more inconvient, a little bit more expensive, and frankly a lot less fun.
So, less variety in games, higher cost, less convience, more problems, inconsistent performance, lack of consistent support, lack of portability, et cetera... it all adds up to make PC gaming unattractive for me.
People choose consoles because they're simpler. %99 of people just could not possibly build a gaming computer or keep it maintained. I really don't think cost is as big of a factor as you'd think. Consoles are really expensive when you look at accessories and cost of games.... not to mention buying multiple ones. A custom PC for $1000 right now could keep you going for at least 3 years playing the newest games on decent settings.... 360 probably has 3 years of support left period.Lazy_Boy88
Building a PC is the reason I haven't got a good one yet, I keep telling myself to do it, then I don't know where to start and eventually lose interest, price isn't really a factor. I'm just really lazy.
The new adventures are CRAP for me, nothing comes close to sierra advantures of old, not even miles close, they are either too serious, too unimaginative or too silly
I still think modern adventure games compare to old ones better than modern RPGs compare to old school RPGs. You say new adventure games suck? Look at those 360 RPG lists you like making, they're utter garbage compared to old wRPGs and jRPGs
Problem is ... those are the RPG's today, should i play nothing ? I do not see any pc rpg coming close to that either, Gothic 3 could be the one, failed, Arx Fatalis 2 maybe, but nowhere to be found, so i have to go to consoles, their RPG's are far better plus we get JRPG's pc does not, at least those keep some of the great things in RPG's intact. like a great story, and emotion, plus i really liked the turn based JRPG's of old, that crap FF12 was the utter disapointment for me
I'm putting my hopes into Drakensang as I loved Realms of Arkania and BaldursGate2 and that's the mix of those two. Still...I don't get your logic, you bash adventure games for not living up to older standarts and yet you have no problems with modern RPGs not living up to older standarts
Well i never said i do not have a problem, in fact i would love those RPG's be deeper and more involving, but what should i do, stop playing rpg's at all ? I have faith Fable 2, Mass Effect, Lost odyssey, Blue Dragon, Cry On and Infinite Undiscovery will be amazing games to play, yes worst than older ones on pc, but FAR FAR better than any new ones, maybe bar Gothic 3 and just maybe Witcher, i do not know about Dragensang, seemed to barren and empty to me, any news on that one ?
The new adventures are CRAP for me, nothing comes close to sierra advantures of old, not even miles close, they are either too serious, too unimaginative or too silly
I still think modern adventure games compare to old ones better than modern RPGs compare to old school RPGs. You say new adventure games suck? Look at those 360 RPG lists you like making, they're utter garbage compared to old wRPGs and jRPGs
Problem is ... those are the RPG's today, should i play nothing ? I do not see any pc rpg coming close to that either, Gothic 3 could be the one, failed, Arx Fatalis 2 maybe, but nowhere to be found, so i have to go to consoles, their RPG's are far better plus we get JRPG's pc does not, at least those keep some of the great things in RPG's intact. like a great story, and emotion, plus i really liked the turn based JRPG's of old, that crap FF12 was the utter disapointment for me
I'm putting my hopes into Drakensang as I loved Realms of Arkania and BaldursGate2 and that's the mix of those two. Still...I don't get your logic, you bash adventure games for not living up to older standarts and yet you have no problems with modern RPGs not living up to older standarts
Well i never said i do not have a problem, in fact i would love those RPG's be deeper and more involving, but what should i do, stop playing rpg's at all ? I have faith Fable 2, Mass Effect, Lost odyssey, Blue Dragon, Cry On and Infinite Undiscovery will be amazing games to play, yes worst than older ones on pc, but FAR FAR better than any new ones, maybe bar Gothic 3 and just maybe Witcher, i do not know about Dragensang, seemed to barren and empty to me, any news on that one ?
You've never heard of Hellgate:London or Dragon Age nasos? And don't even say "Well those have a 99% chance of coming to consoles" because the 360 RPG's could come to PC too.
The new adventures are CRAP for me, nothing comes close to sierra advantures of old, not even miles close, they are either too serious, too unimaginative or too silly
I still think modern adventure games compare to old ones better than modern RPGs compare to old school RPGs. You say new adventure games suck? Look at those 360 RPG lists you like making, they're utter garbage compared to old wRPGs and jRPGs
Problem is ... those are the RPG's today, should i play nothing ? I do not see any pc rpg coming close to that either, Gothic 3 could be the one, failed, Arx Fatalis 2 maybe, but nowhere to be found, so i have to go to consoles, their RPG's are far better plus we get JRPG's pc does not, at least those keep some of the great things in RPG's intact. like a great story, and emotion, plus i really liked the turn based JRPG's of old, that crap FF12 was the utter disapointment for me
I'm putting my hopes into Drakensang as I loved Realms of Arkania and BaldursGate2 and that's the mix of those two. Still...I don't get your logic, you bash adventure games for not living up to older standarts and yet you have no problems with modern RPGs not living up to older standarts
Well i never said i do not have a problem, in fact i would love those RPG's be deeper and more involving, but what should i do, stop playing rpg's at all ? I have faith Fable 2, Mass Effect, Lost odyssey, Blue Dragon, Cry On and Infinite Undiscovery will be amazing games to play, yes worst than older ones on pc, but FAR FAR better than any new ones, maybe bar Gothic 3 and just maybe Witcher, i do not know about Dragensang, seemed to barren and empty to me, any news on that one ?
Well. I also want to play games and only new good adventure games are being released regularly on PC. Sure the overall quality of them does not match up to early 90s, but there are couple very good ones each year and from time to time we get real gems comparable to best old ones. Plus the upcoming line-up looks like it might live up to "good old times". Can't say that about upcoming RPgs line-up. Drakensang doesn't live up graphicaly to stuff like Oblivion, but it looks good enough and the stuff I'm hearing about it makes he hopeful. Still, that's the problem with upcoming RPGs, in adventure section I do see couple upcoming games that might be comparable to best old ones, while in upcoming RPGs I don't see such games.
The new adventures are CRAP for me, nothing comes close to sierra advantures of old, not even miles close, they are either too serious, too unimaginative or too silly
I still think modern adventure games compare to old ones better than modern RPGs compare to old school RPGs. You say new adventure games suck? Look at those 360 RPG lists you like making, they're utter garbage compared to old wRPGs and jRPGs
Problem is ... those are the RPG's today, should i play nothing ? I do not see any pc rpg coming close to that either, Gothic 3 could be the one, failed, Arx Fatalis 2 maybe, but nowhere to be found, so i have to go to consoles, their RPG's are far better plus we get JRPG's pc does not, at least those keep some of the great things in RPG's intact. like a great story, and emotion, plus i really liked the turn based JRPG's of old, that crap FF12 was the utter disapointment for me
I'm putting my hopes into Drakensang as I loved Realms of Arkania and BaldursGate2 and that's the mix of those two. Still...I don't get your logic, you bash adventure games for not living up to older standarts and yet you have no problems with modern RPGs not living up to older standarts
Well i never said i do not have a problem, in fact i would love those RPG's be deeper and more involving, but what should i do, stop playing rpg's at all ? I have faith Fable 2, Mass Effect, Lost odyssey, Blue Dragon, Cry On and Infinite Undiscovery will be amazing games to play, yes worst than older ones on pc, but FAR FAR better than any new ones, maybe bar Gothic 3 and just maybe Witcher, i do not know about Dragensang, seemed to barren and empty to me, any news on that one ?
Well. I also want to play games and only new good adventure games are being released regularly on PC. Sure the overall quality of them does not match up to early 90s, but there are couple very good ones each year and from time to time we get real gems comparable to best old ones. Plus the upcoming line-up looks like it might live up to "good old times". Can't say that about upcoming RPgs line-up. Drakensang doesn't live up graphicaly to stuff like Oblivion, but it looks good enough and the stuff I'm hearing about it makes he hopeful. Still, that's the problem with upcoming RPGs, in adventure section I do see couple upcoming games that might be comparable to best old ones, while in upcoming RPGs I don't see such games.
Indeed, RPG's are declining in quality, what saves JRPG's is the cinematics/story most of all, but there is nothing to save WRPG's, but at least i have fun in Oblivion looking at the amazing scenery, certainly not visiting the 1000th underground same cave
IMO Arx Fatalis was the last of amazing 3D RPG's, for some reason this game was my most memorable one, even though i ove forests and outside settings, still that game did it for me, it was incredible
Gothic 2 was close to be amazing too, and now Gothic 3 just spoilt it
I want to play it when it comes to 360, but i am not loosing any sleep over it
Too bad advantures are not coming to 360 !!! Would be amazing to have some of the best advantures on pc, but since those do not need 78800GTX cards, i can play them on my pc too :), i especially would like to play that one from monkey island creators
I play on both PC and 360. But if I had to choose one it would be tough but I'd go with the pc. Why?
Better graphics in the long run. 6 months from now the pc will pull ahead in a big way with games like Crysis and Age of Conan amongst others. My main game types are FPS, RTS, Driving, RPG and MMO's. The PC is best for 3 out of 5 of those. & the mods make a big difference on the pc.
The downside, of course, is the expense. A good gaming pc costs 3 times what the 360 and add to that that most devs seem to be focusing on Consoles at the moment means the best games are heading to the consoles right now.
So I'm sticking with both.
Ghost Recon 1 and Islandthunder are both on the Xbox, as is Operation Flashpoint, Forza is one of the best driving sims out there, it even opens with the definition of a simulation. It would be most difficult for a console to have a decent flight sim due to a lack controls but with a custom joystick I'm sure they could do it. Steel Battalion while we are on it is also an awsome sim. Granted Mech's do not exist but it's a sim' in many of the ways other games are sims' playing it was very reminicant of Falcon 4.0 for me. Everything has a use and is needed to get the most out of your mech and theres no arcadey feel to it's gameplay. So as these are not titles the console kiddies tlak about alot I'll lest you slide on beliveing that consoles don't have sim games (forza was but you probably passed that off as an arcade racer). I also belive PCs aare the ..... 'home'(?) of sims but am not willing to say the only source of. Mostly my post was a knee jerk reaction to your implication of consle gamers being kids with no money.Tasman_basic
Oh...come on. That's like claiming PC rocks in fighting games. Yes..GR1 and OPF are on Xbox, but they're are pure crap compared to PC originals(especialy OPF) and this gen it doesn't look like Xbox360 will get games even at that level. And while SteelBattalion and Forza are nice, they're at most "arcade-sims". I don't have anything against that (I love Freespace2 afterall), but it's not like they offer true sim experience
[QUOTE="Tasman_basic"] Ghost Recon 1 and Islandthunder are both on the Xbox, as is Operation Flashpoint, Forza is one of the best driving sims out there, it even opens with the definition of a simulation. It would be most difficult for a console to have a decent flight sim due to a lack controls but with a custom joystick I'm sure they could do it. Steel Battalion while we are on it is also an awsome sim. Granted Mech's do not exist but it's a sim' in many of the ways other games are sims' playing it was very reminicant of Falcon 4.0 for me. Everything has a use and is needed to get the most out of your mech and theres no arcadey feel to it's gameplay. So as these are not titles the console kiddies tlak about alot I'll lest you slide on beliveing that consoles don't have sim games (forza was but you probably passed that off as an arcade racer). I also belive PCs aare the ..... 'home'(?) of sims but am not willing to say the only source of. Mostly my post was a knee jerk reaction to your implication of consle gamers being kids with no money.AdrianWerner
Oh...come on. That's like claiming PC rocks in fighting games. Yes..GR1 and OPF are on Xbox, but they're are pure crap compared to PC originals(especialy OPF) and this gen it doesn't look like Xbox360 will get games even at that level. And while SteelBattalion and Forza are nice, they're at most "arcade-sims". I don't have anything against that (I love Freespace2 afterall), but it's not like they offer true sim experience
you just come across as someone looking excuses not to like consoles. Also Ghost Recon is identicle except mapped to a controler and a KB/M. Theres nothing arcade about Forzas driving model unless you left all the aids turned on like a n00b.I rmb when i was young and the ps2 came out... the reason i choose consoles over pc is that is much much easier putting a disc and start playing is all i want... trouble always finds itself to me while i am installing the games on the pc so yup.glenn2709
You have troubles installing games? You can't be serious.......
It's as easy as clicking "Next" a couple times, wating 3-5 minutes, the you can start playing. Installing games means shorter loading times and more content........
you just come across as someone looking excuses not to like consoles. Also Ghost Recon is identicle except mapped to a controler and a KB/M. Theres nothing arcade about Forzas driving model unless you left all the aids turned on like a n00b.Tasman_basic
No, it's who come as someone incapable of admiting real sims simply do not exist on consoles
GR1 was average on PC and on XBox, but on Pc it was improved with mods. Not to mention it's tactical shooter not a sim .And sorry, Forza physics are arcadish by Pc standarts. You obviously never played a decent pc racing sim in your life
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