Some of you new here to System wars are no doubt wondering WHY PS3 fans ( COWS ) hate the Xbox 360 so much.resulting in the countless THOUSANDS of graphix king posts and '' 360 is Doomed''posts over the years.the answer is simple, PS3 was supposed to FLAT OUT DESTROY the 360 and it didnt happen. somehow the 360 is thriving, Making BILLIONS in Hardware and Software sales, while PS3 sits on the outside looking in.( And all of this is without KZ3 and UC2, the PS3's Graphical saviors )
lets look at Sony PS3's time line of Fail.
2006 when PS3 launches it will be GAME OVER for the 360. RESULT, FAIL ( Gears of war Launches, gears ends up bieng the title that Defined Graphics this gen, and Sony fans have been wanting Xbox 360's HEAD on a Pike ever since!)
2007 is the year that PS3 overtakes the 360. RESULT, FAIL ( HALO 3 LAUNCHES, Crushing all sales figures, worldwide Halo 3 sales 10 million copies )the chances of ANY PS3 exclusive , or All of them COMBINED!, EVER catching up to this ONE title is a Lost cause at this point. but at least KZ3 looks better i suppose?
2008 when MGS4 and LBP Launches, its Over for the 360. RESULT, FAIL ( MGS4 and LBP were an Amazing games that had little to no marketing from Sony. Gears 3 launches to a Million dollar media blitz that year, we already know the rest. )
2008 When PlayStation Home launches its over for the 360. RESULT, EPIC FAIL + Self Owned! ( Playstation Home launches on PS3, AND ITS FREE! but apparently Sony doesnt seem interested in Marketing the thing?? )
2009 when Uncharted 2 drops, its REALLY over for the 360. RESULT, FAIL ( While Uncharted 2 garnered Mass critical acclaim, Multiple GOTY awards and FINALLY gave Sony fans a measure if revenge, the real Winner was Xbox 360, who walked away with over 4.9 BILLION in software and hardware sales for the games and devives division. )
2010 When God of war 3, Heavy Rain and GT5 Drop, its over for the 360. RESULT, FAIL. Xbox 360 records its Biggest year EVER in 2010! Kinect overshoots its sales estimates and all of the Top selling software in 2010 was either on the 360 or the Wii. Heavy Rain, GT5 and GOW3 are nowhere in sight on NPD'S top sellers list. Once again despite PS3 throwing its HEAVIEST punches ( God of War 3 and GT5 were THE MOST eagerly awaited ip's in PS3 HISTORY ), Microsoft STILL walked away with the Lionshare of profits. Noticing a TREND here?
2010 PlayStation Move ( in reality a Wii-Mote copy ) will signal the END of the 360. EPIC UNPRECIDENTED FAIL! ( Kinect and its bundles outsell Move nearly 5 to 1 and software nearly 13 to 1. ) This could be directly contributed to marketing, Sony spent a a few Million in Move Marketing, while MS Spent HUNDREDS of Millions. Noticing a TREND here?
2011 PlayStation 3 hacked. ramifications of this still to come. RESULT HELLA OWNED! ( this could either mean that PS3 sales will double now that the machine is hacked, or Capcom/ Activision and EA could get REALLY mad that their games are now part of an epic Free for all . you pick which one is more likely )
2011 KZ2, Infamous 2, Socom 4 and UC3 will REALLY be the END of the Xbox 360.
By now we should all know that 2011 will end just like the last 5 years.
its been a constant race of '' were catching up, and '' were closing the gap for 5 years now? When Exactly in System wars does Logic actually begin to seep in?
unlike the rest of the posters on this site, i own BOTH consoles, always have since the PS2/Xbox 1 days. but its been past time to look at reality.
the 360 isnt god like by no means, the RROD fiasco is a black mark on that console that will stick with MS forever. but the truth is hard for some to accept. and that truth is that 360 has owned PS3 this gen.
if graphics somehow make you feel better than by all means feel better. but its time for the delusion to stop and for the TRUTH to slowly seep in.
PS3 has lost exclusives, lost market share, PS Home failed miserably, PlayStation Move failed and whats worse is that The PS3 Brand doesnt ( or Will Not ) market their games to maximize sales at all, the company has operated in the RED for years ( only now turning a profit, which is the same as Closing the Barn Door after the Horses have Escaped ) and they are woefully behind the curve in software sales when compaired to its competitors. but perhaps as ive been told several times, 2011 is the year of the PS3. one can only hope.
so long 360...LOL.
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