First off, a screenshot from the PC version of Resident Evil 5 (max settings):
Check out more screenshots here:
You can be guaranteed that they are legit, cause NeoGAF will have long banned the user and removed the screenshot if it isnt ;)
So, why doesn't everyone own a gaming rig? Despite all the advantages, there are still pure console gamers and it blows my mind.
PC gaming is:
1) not that expensive. I've seen good PC's built for 500 if your REALLY on budget.
2) Has more high scoring exclusives than all 3 consoles combined
3) Has mods, I've seen mods offered for free that are superior to expansion packs. Infact, many games IMO like Rome Total War would be garbage without mods. They can completely revolutionize a game.
4) I've found that PC games generally have the best and most mature community of players
5) PC gaming has unmatched technical power and the versatility it gives is next to none. While consoles are likely to be stuck with 1080p even on the NEXT generation, PC gaming, if you are willing to spend the money, can be running across multiple monitors with features like eyefinity.1920x1200 x 3 is 5760p.
6) Yes, PC gaming can be played on your "comfy" couch and you can connect your PC to your HDTV. If you don't want to use the superior M+K (superior for most genres that is) for a game, you can just connect a controller. LIke I said before, VERSATILITY
7) Best versions of all multiplats. Infact, some multiplats are so good on PC that they might as well be considered a whole different experience. Case in point, Team Fortress 2.
So, why do some people actually not game on PC?
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