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Anyone else getting an idea from TCs username?DroidPhysX
That he is a 13 year old Xbox fanboy? Or he be a playstation fan trolling? :P
Anyone else getting an idea from TCs username?DroidPhysXFor one, it doesn't make sense, neither the xbox or the CoD franchise existed in 1998.
Or that's his birth year...
[QUOTE="DroidPhysX"]Anyone else getting an idea from TCs username?NaveedLife
That he is a 13 year old Xbox fanboy? Or he be a playstation fan trolling? :P
I'm going to have to consider the ladder :Pno splinter cell came out before 2008 dumassCodXbox1998
And guess what came out before MGS4...MGS3! And before that was...GASP...MGS2! And I think you can do the math from there ;).
**** you and your ps3. cod is the best shooter of all time. why do you think everyone buys it? dumbassCodXbox1998Counter Strike is the best shooter of all time.
Is this why I can probably count of two hands the number to times I've actually played my Xbox over the past year?
**** you and your ps3. cod is the best shooter of all time. why do you think everyone buys it? dumbassCodXbox1998I shall stoop to the troll: Wat ps3?!? Popularity =/= quality, people used to think the Earth was flat, pretty popular opinion, but it was wrong as hell. :D
Xbox has better games such as halo and gears while ps3 games are all rip offs lbp (mario) uncharted (gears of war) killzone (halo) mgs (splinter cell) infamous (prototype) and gta (forza). also, 360 has wayyyyy better graphics. ps3 doesnt come with a hd drive and bluray is **** no one uses it. 360 has cross game chat and better online. psn is all laggy and **** and it was down for 2 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 360 gets maps first. suck it ps3 trolls and fanboys. xbox4life. CodXbox1998Going by your name, you are far too young to be playing a COD game
pc sucks why do you think they make cod games on 360 first? CodXbox1998
More little kids game on the 360, probably.
pc sucks why do you think they make cod games on 360 first? CodXbox1998If I'm correct, COD came on PC first.
pc sucks why do you think they make cod games on 360 first? CodXbox1998To please 12 year olds like yourself. Why do you think they dumbed-down the graphics for Crysis 2 on the Xbox? Have you ever heard of dedicated servers? Sadly you haven't, you've yet to experience the world of PC gaming which is vastly superior to any console.
shut the **** up i still get more girls than you. CodXbox1998Why is it people feel the need to create new accounts just to be idiots?
pc sucks why do you think they make cod games on 360 first? CodXbox1998Wasn't CoD born on pc :lol: They make every game on pc/mac/linux, no game has ever been made on a console (too my knowledge)
[QUOTE="CodXbox1998"]shut the up i still get more girls than you. DroidPhysXThen why are you on an internet forum?
Why are we all? :P
shut the **** up i still get more girls than you. CodXbox1998Oh my :lol: Runescape Gf's don't count :lol:
If I'm correct, COD came on PC first. Call of Duty first appeared on the PC back in 2003. When this troll was 5 years old. Yeah.[QUOTE="CodXbox1998"]pc sucks why do you think they make cod games on 360 first? VensInferno
Oh my :lol: Runescape Gf's don't count :lol: lmao. :lol:[QUOTE="CodXbox1998"]shut the **** up i still get more girls than you. VensInferno
[QUOTE="CodXbox1998"]that game has **** graphics and only 16 people play it nowadaysCodXbox1998i was talking about counter strikeNah, you were talking about Runescape.
blu ray isn't hd its a fail technology by sony CodXbox1998That awkward moment when you discover that Sony didnt invent blu ray
blu ray isn't hd its a fail technology by sony CodXbox1998Of course it's not hd, no one said it was, it's a disc format, often used for hd movies, that supports a ton of data per disc. Vastly superior to dvd.
that game has **** graphics and only 16 people play it nowadaysCodXbox1998Counter Strike Source on max settings with my true 1080p 24' 120hz monitor while maintaining 200+ fps is much more rewarding than anything you would get out of a **** console that has dated graphics comparable to something you'd get from a PC in 2005.
[QUOTE="CodXbox1998"]**** you 1v1 quickscope me on mw2 caseystrykerThe quickscope challenge. Now we know he's serious. You guys are about to kill me. Stop posting these hilarious replies
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