Poll Will UC4 graphics surpass Rise of Tomb Raider? (new images!) (135 votes)
Rise of the Tomb Raider, definitive edition is almost here and we have new screenshots!
![No Caption Provided](https://www.gamespot.com/a/uploads/scale_super/406/4066974/2995442-7902838074-insti.jpg)
Will UC4 hold its own!?
Rise of the Tomb Raider, definitive edition is almost here and we have new screenshots!
Will UC4 hold its own!?
Then a "reasonable pc" can be whatever someone wants it to be?
No love, its what you want it to be, love.
You're the one criticizing people for not being able to afford a reasonable PC. So what's your definition?
a pc that is reasonable enough to run 4k of course, if you have a pc that cant run the game in for 4k then its not reasonable enough for 4k gaming, otherwise stick with 1080p or whatever.
wait, i thought it was a pc that was reasonable enough for hardcore gaming?
Then a "reasonable pc" can be whatever someone wants it to be?
No love, its what you want it to be, love.
You're the one criticizing people for not being able to afford a reasonable PC. So what's your definition?
a pc that is reasonable enough to run 4k of course, if you have a pc that cant run the game in for 4k then its not reasonable enough for 4k gaming, otherwise stick with 1080p or whatever.
wait, i thought it was a pc that was reasonable enough for hardcore gaming?
If you are a hardcore gamer, then you spare no expenses for ultimate experience. Cause gaming is life.
also gotta go sleep now, the time is different over here where I live. Good night everybody, good night lostrib
You're the one criticizing people for not being able to afford a reasonable PC. So what's your definition?
a pc that is reasonable enough to run 4k of course, if you have a pc that cant run the game in for 4k then its not reasonable enough for 4k gaming, otherwise stick with 1080p or whatever.
wait, i thought it was a pc that was reasonable enough for hardcore gaming?
If you are a hardcore gamer, then you spare no expenses for ultimate experience. Cause gaming is life.
so all those pro gamers aren't hardcore?
the crazies really come out of the woodwork for threads like this. Good entertainment
I'll play ROTR on PC and UC4 on my Dust-Station 4 and not have to worry about which looks better
My point is, there are smooth looking skin in real life which is influenced by DNA, diet and age. Age is influenced by DNA's telomere length. The fusion of Mother's and Father's reproductive cells resets the DNA's telomere length.
My point is that I want to bang her.
(sigh) Get a GF and past 3rd base. Make sure your GF's eats healthy foods.
EA-Bioware could have it's own Lara/Tomb Raider type game with Rey (Daisy Ridley) from Star Wars The Force Awaken.
Choosing to ignore Uncharted 4's 1080p single player is like choosing to ignore ROTR's PC visuals. You're only doing it because it is convenient to your narrative. The multiplayer component of UC4 plays at 900p, yes, but Uncharted isn't CoD, people don't play it for the multiplayer, they play it for the single player campaign. And the fact remains that the campaign runs at 1080p. Your propensity to ignore facts is baffling, especially seeing as you seem to have a love for "facts", as is evidenced by your posts in this thread.
Of course, there's no point saying just about anything that requires an IQ of over 20 to be understood since, you know, you're incapable of understanding any of it.
I'm calling you stupid in case that was hard for you to understand.
UC4 runs at 900p in 2016 and that too by the creme de le creme Sony devs Naughty Duds which are revered by cows to be the technical wizards surpassing every other dev in the world. Currently neither it's SP is locked at 30 neither the MP runs at 60 without drops; especially after Naughty Duds hyping UC4 to be a 60 FPS marvel. Deal with it.
Whether people play a certain mode is not the point of the discussion. We are judging technical merits of a game and last I check MP is an integral component of UC4 and it will be accounted for. Now I wouldn't call you an idiot because that would be redundant since you are already a cow.
And in case you missed it, yes UC4 is 900p game and that's indeed a fact.
Dont know about you but this analysis of UC4 E3 still in development is pretty much flat out 30fps 1080p with a ton of shit going on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIx81srGliY
By your own logic of garbing mp part as intergal, some one can grap sp part and claim fact that UC4 is one of the few steler 1080p 30fps lock performer, unlike ROTR xboxone for example. Ofcourse PC ROTR will be the best. They were aiming for 60 at this point 1080p 30fps on single player is nothing to them. everything points to flat out 30fps 1080p single player.
Alright I will admit SP runs at rock solid 30. I haven't seen that analysis before. To me it always looked like the frames dropped during the chase scene in an alley. Fair enough.
That is what's happening around. Cows just ignore the MP part and want it to be overlooked and it's me that is reminding them of the MP portion of the game. That's the exact reason you have so many replies trying to NOT call it a 900p game because it doesn't fit their agenda.
LMAO but you also want them to forget that the single player part is 1080p. They are replying to tell you its pretty much the game. My post was meant to show you that your also trying to force your assumptions as facts to fit your agenda. As you have admitted to not have known. As you scream cows are ignoring mp your also ignoring sp facts. The different is they actually have a point that sp is what makes the game. If that part fails the whole game fails doesn't matter how great the mp is.
Look in all honest it would have been impressive if everything was 60fps as what they aimed at. There is no denying though what we have seen from UC4 sp, what goes on is very impressive technically. Probably runs at higher fps than 30, which is why it easily sticks to the lock 30 despite what's goes on. Yes Naughty Duds as you call them are a great technical devs and Cows overate them because of it. Similar to what any other platforms will overate something great on their side. They hire technical people some even come from microsoft and had microsoft patterned engine after there name. Sony's ICE team is very much home to ND.
Tomb Raider is impressive has few sacrifices on xboxone like the lack of any sort of AA and some areas of lighting as well as fps doesn't stick to the target 30. Perhaps ps4 version will fair slightly better. Pc is going to take that and obvious obliterate anything a console can do. UC4 may come close but PC will be king. Thread like this are meant to use pc to smack consoles and bring out anyone that wants to unnecessary bash UC lol.
Higher grade art assets can be optimised/scaled down for memory and render resolution targets.
A basic port from Xbox 360 usually has blurred/over smooth texture issues on PC resolution upscale, but this wouldn't be a problem if the art asset has the original higher grade PC art assets. PC is the art asset development workstation.
Your screenshot comparison is flawed since resolution is not 1920x1080p i.e. lesser resolution will dropping pixels that hides extra texture details.
When texture's resolution is high enough, higher rendering resolution has higher opportunities to display extra texture details.
X360: http://images.eurogamer.net/2013/articles//a/1/7/9/4/2/3/9/360_008.bmp.jpg
XBO: http://images.eurogamer.net/2013/articles//a/1/7/9/4/2/3/9/XO_008.bmp.jpg
What's up with people saying she looks like plastic? She doesn't. She has visible pores and light scarring.
Source: I played the game.
He knows it damn well but just wants to confuse new comers with the MP's resolution, that's pure pathetic really. No one is fooling for that lie.
I think only the multiplayer is. SP with have better graphics and 1080
lol UC4 runs in 900p in 2016 and that too by creme de le creme devs Naughty Duds. Deal with it.
All of which begs the question: could these new consoles run Crysis 3? Ryse delivers the full suite of CryEngine features with excellent image quality and it's still just a launch title. Given the experience of working on such a product, we have little doubt that Crytek could produce a Crysis Trilogyof sorts for next-generation consoles with few compromises.
Well, it's no wonder when you consider that 900pStation comprises of cheap ass tablet CPU and GPU barely matching a 570 from 2010.
Careful, mid-range 7850 slightly beats Fermi GTX 480 and mid-range Kelper 660/660 Ti. The old 6970 is still holding it's own.
PS4's GPU is slightly above 7850.
In most benchmarks 7850 and 570 performs in the same ballpark and besides I trust Capcom when they consider 570 to be equivalent to that of the 900pStation.
Your most benchmark includes last gen game engines that doesn't saturate complex compute and Fermi driver optimisations are in legacy status. Further more, Rise of Tomb Raider XBO is one of the few games with Async compute enabled.
Fermi is an aging GPU, As for delivering cutting edge game engines, CrapCom is not one of them.
Radeon HD R7-265 is the closest GPU to PS4's GPU. CPU can influence the final frame rate results.
Radeon HD R7-265 = 16 CU at 900 Mhz, 1.89 TFLOPS, 179 GB/s memory bandwidth.
PS4's GPU = 18 CU at 800Mhz, 1.84 TFLOPS, 176 GB/s memory bandwidth.
Radeon HD R7-265 Mantle beats GeForce GTX 580 and 570.
60 fps target would have reduced the resolution for lower tier GPUs.
NVIDIA Fermi is facing another NVIDIA RSX/Geforce 7 situation when modern compute features are gimping the older GPU.
I'm not disagreeing with you, all I'm saying that they are in the same ballpark even your benchmark tells that.
Don't know about your lem friends but good to know you finally accepted, yoou can't see shit.
My english is not so good, but i will try correct myself :
At least i'm not blind as those lems who can't see shit! Good? Good!
Nathan's skin is more natural than Lara's skin. Lara's skin is something like this one : Sorry dude, but Lara's skin looks like plastic
Lara's skin texture ( more like plastic ) is completely different compared to Nathan's ( more natural texture ). Your problem if you cant notice the difference :
Like I said it's your cow eyes.
Elena looks even more plastic and on top of that cartoony. LEL.
Hmm, unless, "surpass" is only talking about in resolution and framerate then there is no way UC4 can't surpass it. It's a silly comparison considering this is a cross gen title compared to a current gen one but looking at some of the comments it's typical system wars some people took this seriously.
A few things, simply increasing resolution and frame rate do not make graphics surpass that of another game, if that was the case pong at 4K running 10,000fps would have better graphics than all games ever. Second, is that picture supposed to be impressive? It's a cross gen 360 game and it shows. Nothing in that picture is more impressive than games already out now other than maybe resolution, current gen xbox one games like Quantum Break destroys it.
Can't believe anyone actually bit on this because it shows a lot of desperation and or bias to think Rise of the Tomb raider is even on the same level as UC4.
Here is Horizon Zero Dawn, an open world PS4 exclusive with a female lead to have fun with comparing to Tomb Raider since people are so obsessed with trying to out do Uncharted.
A better comparison and even with Horizon being open world game imo
This is Rise of the Tomb Raider on PC at 4k
And this is Uncharted 4
Right click to view both at full resolution.
Any questions
Odd that you'd run with the RotTR screenshot you choose (which imo, is better than the Uncharted one you used, did you actually look at them first?) and not one of Lara
I wonder how much of the scenery will be reflected in Nathan Drakes eyes?
Horizon is not going to come close to matching this, stop being silly. Just look at the clothing textures to start with
It's odd that I compare a male face against a male face? Dude you are trying too hard to make a controversy and failing. Notice that I choose a female character to compare against Lara? Yeah!
Also, "Horizon is not going to be close to matching this, stop being silly" Umm here are some pictures of Horizon, a open world game in which everything you see you can explore vs the very linear Rise of the Tomb Raider you are trying to praise so hard here.
Indeed someone is being silly and it's you. Thru PC Rise of the Tomb Raider has higher resolution and a few better textures than it's xbox one counterpart and that's about it as far as graphical impressiveness for a game that came out last year and made no splashed on the graphical or technical forefront of gaming.
This thread is nothing but a few xbox and PC fans showing extreme desperation and jealousy trying to knock the new Uncharted with a game that's out and made no real headlines other than failing to chart on NDP.
No one, outside of the bubble of system wars fanboys where any argument is a good argument, would take this delusional argument seriously. Suggesting that I am "silly" for stating that an up resed version of a last year cross gen game won't complete with a true current gen game is where you lost all credibility. You went full fanboy.
As much as I love Tomb Raider, Uncharted always looked and played better. Crystal Dynamics is still working on this new TR engine so of course there's alot of room for improvement but Naughty Dog has already mastered theirs. And naturally Uncharted 4 will look better than at least the Xbox One version of Rise of the Tomb Raider but that's just because PS4 actually runs on true native 1080p. It just goes back to which system is stronger.
while we pc gamers will enjoy rise of the tomb raider in 1440p or 4k
Running a last gen game in 1440p or 4K doesn't stop it from looking lastgen. ROTTR was made to also run on the 360 and it shows, no resolution bump or framerate bump will hide its flaws. In fact, they just make them more visible.
All of which begs the question: could these new consoles run Crysis 3? Ryse delivers the full suite of CryEngine features with excellent image quality and it's still just a launch title. Given the experience of working on such a product, we have little doubt that Crytek could produce a Crysis Trilogyof sorts for next-generation consoles with few compromises.
bu...bu....last gen/cross gen.
Wake me up when Sony exclusives actually surpass Crysis 2 from 2011 technically.
Choosing to ignore Uncharted 4's 1080p single player is like choosing to ignore ROTR's PC visuals. You're only doing it because it is convenient to your narrative. The multiplayer component of UC4 plays at 900p, yes, but Uncharted isn't CoD, people don't play it for the multiplayer, they play it for the single player campaign. And the fact remains that the campaign runs at 1080p. Your propensity to ignore facts is baffling, especially seeing as you seem to have a love for "facts", as is evidenced by your posts in this thread.
Of course, there's no point saying just about anything that requires an IQ of over 20 to be understood since, you know, you're incapable of understanding any of it.
I'm calling you stupid in case that was hard for you to understand.
UC4 runs at 900p in 2016 and that too by the creme de le creme Sony devs Naughty Duds which are revered by cows to be the technical wizards surpassing every other dev in the world. Currently neither it's SP is locked at 30 neither the MP runs at 60 without drops; especially after Naughty Duds hyping UC4 to be a 60 FPS marvel. Deal with it.
Whether people play a certain mode is not the point of the discussion. We are judging technical merits of a game and last I check MP is an integral component of UC4 and it will be accounted for. Now I wouldn't call you an idiot because that would be redundant since you are already a cow.
And in case you missed it, yes UC4 is 900p game and that's indeed a fact.
Dont know about you but this analysis of UC4 E3 still in development is pretty much flat out 30fps 1080p with a ton of shit going on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIx81srGliY
By your own logic of garbing mp part as intergal, some one can grap sp part and claim fact that UC4 is one of the few steler 1080p 30fps lock performer, unlike ROTR xboxone for example. Ofcourse PC ROTR will be the best. They were aiming for 60 at this point 1080p 30fps on single player is nothing to them. everything points to flat out 30fps 1080p single player.
Alright I will admit SP runs at rock solid 30. I haven't seen that analysis before. To me it always looked like the frames dropped during the chase scene in an alley. Fair enough.
That is what's happening around. Cows just ignore the MP part and want it to be overlooked and it's me that is reminding them of the MP portion of the game. That's the exact reason you have so many replies trying to NOT call it a 900p game because it doesn't fit their agenda.
LMAO but you also want them to forget that the single player part is 1080p. They are replying to tell you its pretty much the game. My post was meant to show you that your also trying to force your assumptions as facts to fit your agenda. As you have admitted to not have known. As you scream cows are ignoring mp your also ignoring sp facts. The different is they actually have a point that sp is what makes the game. If that part fails the whole game fails doesn't matter how great the mp is.
Look in all honest it would have been impressive if everything was 60fps as what they aimed at. There is no denying though what we have seen from UC4 sp, what goes on is very impressive technically. Probably runs at higher fps than 30, which is why it easily sticks to the lock 30 despite what's goes on. Yes Naughty Duds as you call them are a great technical devs and Cows overate them because of it. Similar to what any other platforms will overate something great on their side. They hire technical people some even come from microsoft and had microsoft patterned engine after there name. Sony's ICE team is very much home to ND.
Tomb Raider is impressive has few sacrifices on xboxone like the lack of any sort of AA and some areas of lighting as well as fps doesn't stick to the target 30. Perhaps ps4 version will fair slightly better. Pc is going to take that and obvious obliterate anything a console can do. UC4 may come close but PC will be king. Thread like this are meant to use pc to smack consoles and bring out anyone that wants to unnecessary bash UC lol.
Nope, I don't want them to forget that SP runs in 1080p, I'm simply highlighting their hypocrisy that they want 900p part to be overlooked by their creme de le creme devs Naughty Duds. I would have called it 1080p in SP and 900p in MP originally but I wanted the response from cows that how hypocrite they are when it comes to their exclusives and want their shortcomings to be overlooked. These are the very same people that go around calling every dev in the world lazy and incompetent compared to first party Sony devs. I'm just rubbing it in their faces.
These very same guys called out DICE lazy for SW:BF being 900p on 900pStation and ridiculed it so much so by comparing it to CoD and calling CoD:BO3 to be superior and suddenly when Naughty Duds failed to meet their hype, they want to overlook this.
Let me give a brief history of cows hypocrisy:
Calling CDPR lazy for not getting a game with the scope of Witcher 3 to drop frames on 900pStation but completely okay with Untill Dawn's 10 FPS and calling it a technical marvel.
Calling DICE lazy for making SW:BF 900p@60FPS with big maps and in MP but Naughty Duds are still superior devs for doing much less.
Comparing AC:Unity with Famous for no Shadows and calling Ubisoft lazy (not that I disagree with that) but Unity is much bigger and doing lot more than Famous for no shadows.
Refuse to acknowledge any game that some how shipped on 360/PS3 to be comparable to the games only released for 900pStation by holding it to some arbitrary criteria of they are not 'next gen' because last last gen but have no problem declaring TLOU:R, GoW:3R superior that many current gen games. Oh and they are also the ones calling Halo 5 inferior to last gen Halo 4.
Calling KZ:SF superior to every PC game last gen including Crysis 3 and refuse to acknowledge that DF called Ryse superior to KZ:SF and called these consoles weak enough to un Crysis trilogy.
Calling every game that didn't meet the 1080p criteria on 900pStation lazy but okay with KZ:SF's subHD MP resolution, and if Naughty Duds are so technically superior mind telling them why TLOU:R being a last gen port failed to achieve constant 60 FPS?
Oh and I should also like to mention that cows on this board at many occasions outright called Sony First party superior to every other dev and having access to more budget, technology etc. making my ridiculing Naughty Duds for 900p UC4 even more legitimate.
I just want it to be as good of a game. Rise of the TR was top 3 of my year. Just downloaded Baba milk so we'll see.
April looks stellar with QB early and U4 late
That's assuming the PS4 CPU is as powerful as the CPU used in that benchmark. Typically, a relatively powerful Intel CPU (i7) would have been used. If an AMD CPU (like my FX-8350) was used, I would expect the framerates to be lower. It would be even more so with lesser AMD CPUs.
My point is, there are smooth looking skin in real life which is influenced by DNA, diet and age. Age is influenced by DNA's telomere length. The fusion of Mother's and Father's reproductive cells resets the DNA's telomere length.
My point is that I want to bang her.
(sigh) Get a GF and past 3rd base. Make sure your GF's eats healthy foods.
EA-Bioware could have it's own Lara/Tomb Raider type game with Rey (Daisy Ridley) from Star Wars The Force Awaken.
You are tuff , dude. Real stuff, dude. I bet you are somekind of alpha male, arent you?
You are aware that those images aren't even 'in engine' let alone 'in game'?
No it really isn't, those images are from an art demo and promotional render for E3. Basically ND saying "look how great we are". It's even downgraded for the first 'in engine' demo they showed 2 years ago and as @lostrib said, we know how that turned out.
I posted some images in previous pages, didn't i? Nathan skin from that images and in-engine images are not different. Looks same to me and it's not plastil like Lara's skin
@zeeshanhaider I'm going to leave you to it then. Ill just add this if no one is impressed by both of these games cut scenes. Then wow I need to get my eyes checked. We have seen this in motion.
come back once they show us actual footage instead of promotional footage
I thought that's from an actual capture from the beginning of there E3 2015 Demo. Pretty much represent there cut-scenes detail in different lighting situation. Damn those Naughty Duds there still playing with us even this late in the game, when will they ever learn lol.
You're the one criticizing people for not being able to afford a reasonable PC. So what's your definition?
a pc that is reasonable enough to run 4k of course, if you have a pc that cant run the game in for 4k then its not reasonable enough for 4k gaming, otherwise stick with 1080p or whatever.
wait, i thought it was a pc that was reasonable enough for hardcore gaming?
If you are a hardcore gamer, then you spare no expenses for ultimate experience. Cause gaming is life.
so all those pro gamers aren't hardcore?
you ask for my definition and I gave you my definition.
Let me rephrase it for you then, pcs reasonable enough to run games in 1440p or 4k
@zeeshanhaider I'm going to leave you to it then. Ill just add this if no one is impressed by both of these games cut scenes. Then wow I need to get my eyes checked. We have seen this in motion.
come back once they show us actual footage instead of promotional footage
I thought that's from an actual capture from the beginning of there E3 2015 Demo. Pretty much represent there cut-scenes detail in different lighting situation. Damn those Naughty Duds there still playing with us even this late in the game, when will they ever learn lol.
I wouldnt trust the demo footage either, do you remember what happened to the witcher 3
Yeah, only cutscenes with camera focussing on character faces after every 2 second. That's all cows and their overlords Sony/Naughty Duds have to show for graphics, in every other department it falls flat. No wonder you have cows post any gameplay direct feeds. Having a single detailed character model is not equal to technical mastery though it makes for a fine illusion.
@zeeshanhaider I'm going to leave you to it then. Ill just add this if no one is impressed by both of these games cut scenes. Then wow I need to get my eyes checked. We have seen this in motion.
come back once they show us actual footage instead of promotional footage
I thought that's from an actual capture from the beginning of there E3 2015 Demo. Pretty much represent there cut-scenes detail in different lighting situation. Damn those Naughty Duds there still playing with us even this late in the game, when will they ever learn lol.
Are you one of those cows that refuse to accept that Naughty Duds have downgraded their last three games from their promotional material?
Like I said it's your cow eyes.
Like i sad, you're blind like lems.
Deal with it that UC4 is nothing special as cows make it out to be as evident by the fact that it's 900p in 2016 by teh creme de le creme Sony devs Naughty Duds on the 900pStation.
Like I said it's your cow eyes.
Like i sad, you're blind like lems.
Deal with it that UC4 is nothing special as cows make it out to be as evident by the fact that it's 900p in 2016 by teh creme de le creme Sony devs Naughty Duds on the 900pStation.
Hahahaha! What an dumbass! Nice spin! Multiplayers is 900p, SP campaign is 1080p. Just continue to be and idiot. :clap: :clap:
@GarGx1: It's a pc render but the model itself is real. Naughty Dog wouldn't show you something you're not going to see in game. But keep in mind that in game, it'll go against the environment too so it's not as unbelievable as you think. This is just the type of hardwork and dedication you can expect from them. Don't let your fanboyism make you forget that we're on a new gen now. New games look better than ever before.
I don't know why people keep mentioning the PC in this. It's like throwing a little kid into a fight with a big kid. Just because the PC is stronger doesn't mean that Uncharted 4 won't be the better overall game. You're still playing the same Tomb Raider game with slightly better graphics. Get over yourselves already.
I don't know why people keep mentioning the PC in this. It's like throwing a little kid into a fight with a big kid. Just because the PC is stronger doesn't mean that Uncharted 4 won't be the better overall game. You're still playing the same Tomb Raider game with slightly better graphics. Get over yourselves already.
now you did it..NOW the hermits will post side by side pics that look identical STILL claiming the PC blows the Xbone TR away...sits and waits..:/
Your are using a benchmark in which the HD7870 beats the GTX680. FFS! even the older HD6970 beats the GTX680 and the GTX Titan in min frame rate.
I don't know why people keep mentioning the PC in this. It's like throwing a little kid into a fight with a big kid. Just because the PC is stronger doesn't mean that Uncharted 4 won't be the better overall game. You're still playing the same Tomb Raider game with slightly better graphics. Get over yourselves already.
now you did it..NOW the hermits will post side by side pics that look identical STILL claiming the PC blows the Xbone TR away...sits and waits..:/
and you guys will keep posting promotional and e3 footage thats just as reliable as my dog's ass
@thepclovingguy: Promotional footage has never exaggerated the end product from Naughty Dog. The fact that you won't accept it is your business.
Like I said it's your cow eyes.
Like i sad, you're blind like lems.
Deal with it that UC4 is nothing special as cows make it out to be as evident by the fact that it's 900p in 2016 by teh creme de le creme Sony devs Naughty Duds on the 900pStation.
Hahahaha! What an dumbass! Nice spin! Multiplayers is 900p, SP campaign is 1080p. Just continue to be and idiot. :clap: :clap:
Yup, that's what I said, it's 900p and looks like shit and the SP is onrails QTE fest with no player control and still Naughty Duds failed to do 60 FPS as hyped by them.
Wake me up when 900pStation gets a game that can rival Crysis 2 from 2011.
@thepclovingguy: Promotional footage has never exaggerated the end product from Naughty Dog. The fact that you won't accept it is your business.
you can fanboy as much as you want, this game still doesnt impress me visually
@GarGx1: It's a pc render but the model itself is real. Naughty Dog wouldn't show you something you're not going to see in game. But keep in mind that in game, it'll go against the environment too so it's not as unbelievable as you think. This is just the type of hardwork and dedication you can expect from them. Don't let your fanboyism make you forget that we're on a new gen now. New games look better than ever before.
Yeah, because UC2, UC3 and TLOU weren't downgraded.
I have heard people saying the same thing about the witcher 3, now the final game looks much worse than it was advertised in the vgx footage
@thepclovingguy: Well that's up to you too. Either way you'll never see Uncharted 4 on PC so it doesn't really matter anyway. As contradictory as it sounds, I'm actually an old Tomb Raider fan over Uncharted but even I'm honest enough to admit where Drake has Lara beat.
@thepclovingguy: Well that's up to you too. Either way you'll never see Uncharted 4 on PC so it doesn't really matter anyway. As contradictory as it sounds, I'm actually an old Tomb Raider fan over Uncharted but even I'm honest enough to admit where Drake has Lara beat.
no, you are just here to bash on the xbox and pc.
@thepclovingguy: Well that's up to you too. Either way you'll never see Uncharted 4 on PC so it doesn't really matter anyway. As contradictory as it sounds, I'm actually an old Tomb Raider fan over Uncharted but even I'm honest enough to admit where Drake has Lara beat.
Given how close the ps4 architecture is to standard pc's and how crappy the hardware is we could see a ps4 emulator in some years, so never say never
@thepclovingguy: I never even mentioned it being better than PC. You brought the PC into this which it has no business in this debate. My beef was on Xbox One being inferior.
@howmakewood: Pirating games is nothing new or special. I would hardly call that an achievement. It's actually frowned upon.
Yup, that's what I said, it's 900p and looks like shit and the SP is onrails QTE fest with no player control and still Naughty Duds failed to do 60 FPS as hyped by them.
Wake me up when 900pStation gets a game that can rival Crysis 2 from 2011.
Lem at it's best.
Naughty Duds failed to do 60 FPS as hyped by them.
Naughty Dog aimed for 60/1080 in SP campaign. "Aiming" is one thing, "will be" is another thing.
@thepclovingguy: Additional graphical features still doesn't stop ROTR from looking lastgen. It's using a lastgen engine and it shows.
Yup, that's what I said, it's 900p and looks like shit and the SP is onrails QTE fest with no player control and still Naughty Duds failed to do 60 FPS as hyped by them.
Wake me up when 900pStation gets a game that can rival Crysis 2 from 2011.
Lem at it's best.
Naughty Duds failed to do 60 FPS as hyped by them.
Naughty Dog aimed for 60/1080 in SP campaign. "Aiming" is one thing, "will be" is another thing.
Meh....Old excuse. Try again.
Yeah, they aimed that's a Naughty Dud dev said on twitter that the UC4 reveal is the bear minimum and we will only improve from that point. lol Naughty Duds making 900p turd for the infamous 900pStation in 2016 and cows are failing to come up with excuses to defend their so called elite devs. Oh and as I recall Naughty Duds also couldn't get TLOU:R to run at a constant 60 and cows expect graphics king from them, top lel.
Yup, wake me up when you have an exclusive that can come close to Crysis 2 from 2011 technically. But hey, what can you expect from a 900pStation that's made up of a cheap ass tablet CPU and GPU that barely matches a 570 from 2010.
Yup, that's what I said, it's 900p and looks like shit and the SP is onrails QTE fest with no player control and still Naughty Duds failed to do 60 FPS as hyped by them.
Wake me up when 900pStation gets a game that can rival Crysis 2 from 2011.
Lem at it's best.
Naughty Duds failed to do 60 FPS as hyped by them.
Naughty Dog aimed for 60/1080 in SP campaign. "Aiming" is one thing, "will be" is another thing.
Meh....Old excuse. Try again.
Yeah, they aimed that's a Naughty Dud dev said on twitter that the UC4 reveal is the bear minimum and we will only improve from that point. lol Naughty Duds making 900p turd for the infamous 900pStation in 2016 and cows are failing to come up with excuses to defend their so called elite devs. Oh and as I recall Naughty Duds also couldn't get TLOU:R to run at a constant 60 and cows expect graphics king from them, top lel.
Do you game, if so on what?
Yup, that's what I said, it's 900p and looks like shit and the SP is onrails QTE fest with no player control and still Naughty Duds failed to do 60 FPS as hyped by them.
Wake me up when 900pStation gets a game that can rival Crysis 2 from 2011.
Lem at it's best.
Naughty Duds failed to do 60 FPS as hyped by them.
Naughty Dog aimed for 60/1080 in SP campaign. "Aiming" is one thing, "will be" is another thing.
Meh....Old excuse. Try again.
Yeah, they aimed that's a Naughty Dud dev said on twitter that the UC4 reveal is the bear minimum and we will only improve from that point. lol Naughty Duds making 900p turd for the infamous 900pStation in 2016 and cows are failing to come up with excuses to defend their so called elite devs. Oh and as I recall Naughty Duds also couldn't get TLOU:R to run at a constant 60 and cows expect graphics king from them, top lel.
Do you game, if so on what?
I exclusively game on PC.
@thepclovingguy: Additional graphical features still doesn't stop ROTR from looking lastgen. It's using a lastgen engine and it shows.
What makes game current gen?
@zeeshanhaider I'm going to leave you to it then. Ill just add this if no one is impressed by both of these games cut scenes. Then wow I need to get my eyes checked. We have seen this in motion.
Yeah, only cutscenes with camera focussing on character faces after every 2 second. That's all cows and their overlords Sony/Naughty Duds have to show for graphics, in every other department it falls flat. No wonder you have cows post any gameplay direct feeds. Having a single detailed character model is not equal to technical mastery though it makes for a fine illusion.
I thought that's from an actual capture from the beginning of there E3 2015 Demo. Pretty much represent there cut-scenes detail in different lighting situation. Damn those Naughty Duds there still playing with us even this late in the game, when will they ever learn lol.
Are you one of those cows that refuse to accept that Naughty Duds have downgraded their last three games from their promotional material?
At this point I feel like this is going to go on and on. I'm the one who pointed you to a gameplay analysis when you made assumption to know how it performs. You posted cut scenes still and promotional pictures so I thought I do the same. All of a sudden you want to move the goalpost. It just feels like you have an excuse for anything that impresses about UC4. I don't know what Naughty Duds did to you. I'm going to bow out of this and agree to disagree. I think in engine cut-scene of these games are impressive as is the UC4 gameplay demo. Looked like a physics tech demo impressive stuff for a console.
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