Unfortunately, the answer is quite long because I divide it into two parts. 1) Is it possible to get information about the proportion of sales W3 on each platform? We do not give detailed information on the distribution of sales Witcher 3. IN GREATLY SIMPLIFIED TERMS by the end of June 2015. 30% units sold, our latest title is the PC version and 70% are versions of the console.
I'm not going to read 7 pages of consolite stupidity, but what you mouthbreathers fail to take into account is the fact that THE GAME WAS "FREE" FOR THOSE THAT PURCHASED AN NVIDIA 970/980.
Not to mention the combining of multiple console platforms as a singular entity, but we've already done that one to death.
I don't know what software AMD cards may have offered, but I got the Witcher 3 and the batmobile game for free with my 970.
I just never redeemed my code for the the Batman game because I've never been a superhero fan.
So yeah, given NVIDIA's hardware sales, it's safe to say that the statistic this thread is based upon is less than useless, kinda like consoles these days.
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