@slimdogmilionar said:
LMAO. Are you just dumb or in denial? Bring me a link to show PS4 DMA is the same as M$
You posted a link from vgleaks that said DME's can pull/push/move data without the CPU having to initiate the task. How can you say move engine's don't support DMA but then say that PS4 has the same thing as Move engines? On top of that you claim DME's don't support DMA. Everything I just posted came from your own vgleaks source you tried to use to own me. To add extra icing on the cake the picture , which was also pulled from your vgleaks link shows that the move engines support DMA + tile/untile so explain to me how DME"s don't support DMA.
You say the move engines don't support compression and decompression. Notice how it says decode and encode on move engine 2 and 3. This again comes from your vgleaks:
Generic loseless compression and decompression
One move engine out of the four supports generic lossless encoding and one move engine supports generic lossless decoding. These operations act as extensions on top of the standard DMA modes. For instance, a title may decode from main RAM directly into a sub-rectangle of a tiled texture in ESRAM.
The canonical use for the LZ decoder is decompression (or transcoding) of data loaded from off-chip from, for instance, the hard drive or the network. The canonical use for the LZ encoder is compression of data destined for off-chip. Conceivably, LZ compression might also be appropriate for data that will remain in RAM but may not be used again for many frames—for instance, low latency audio clips.
LMAO. I can't stop laughing at how dumb you sound in your post. Like I said before anything that's in DDR3 the move engines can pull and move so that would essentially be CPU data. Am I right or am I wrong?
Again LMAO at the fact that you say move engines 0 & 1 lack any kind of compression hardware but fail to notice engines 2 & 3 that clearly say encode and decode. This proves that you have no idea what you are talking about and that you really don't understand the things being said in the links you post.
How am I an idiot, before you claimed that PS4 being capable of PRT is a win and that it is the same as tiled resources but now your stance has changed and you claim PS4 does not need to use PRT because it has GDD5. That's just a dumb statement period. The PS4 will do nothing but profit from being able to use PRT even it has GDDR5, without tiling textures would be huge and the amount of ram needed to hold them would be extremely costly.
DMA and DME are not the same thing no matter how you try to spin it. Everything that DMA does has to be initiated by the CPU, everything the DME's do they are initiated by the DME themselves. That's why they are called move engines instead of DMA. DMA means being able to access any part of memory at any given time and free the CPU from doing task when it can't keep up, but again the transfer in and out of DMA's has to be initiated by the CPU. DME's also can access any part of memory but the transfer in or out does not have to be initiated by the CPU.
Lol funny to see you say I don't know what I'm talking about but yet you still can't seem to grasp the concept right in front of your face, they are not the same kind of engine period. This is a fact that you cannot prove otherwise, give up, you lost, you are wrong, you can't be right no matter how much you try to say they are the same they are not.
I expected a better losing statement from you. Something along the lines of "So it doesn't matter PS4 still has more GPU power than the XB1", or at least that's how I would have went out. Definitely would not have continued to make myself look stupid.
The DMA are the same and since your original argument is they are not the same yeah you end up been owned just like Tile Resources which you falsely claim wasn't the same as PRT..hahaha
I already link you to the article that destroy your theory period.
The part you are in bold there refer to the 2 extra DMA the xbox one has moron,GCN has 2 the PS4 has 2 the xbox one has 4,why the xbox one has 4.? Because unlike the PS4 or PC it relies on DDR3 as memory and has only 32 MB of fast memory,so to be able to move data between both memory banks (which is what the extra DMA do on xbox one) they need something else the would be a bottleneck.
The PS4 DMA like on PC are there for a reason,on xbox one there is 2 more because the xbox one uses slow memory and has 2 different memory address unlike the PS4 and hell unlike PC because PC has 2 different address but one is system the other is video memory which is GDDR5.
Move engines don't move data off the CPU like you claim they move data between video DDR3 and ESRAM stated by my link.
No i didn't fail to notice them in fact i highly the difference between both and claim both are DMA regardless of having compressor and decompressor which the PS4 also has as well as encoder and decoders,mind you the PS4 also has a low power ARM CPU and not all the crap the xbox one has inside its apu need to seat there on PS4,several other things are outside the APU,is the reason why the xbox one apu is 5 billion transitors is full of crap which doesn't need to be there including those decoders.
You are an idiot tiling is not PRT dude,tilling refer to other process as well,the xbox 360 need it tiling on EDRAM to have 4XAA does that mean the xbox 360 had tile resources of PRT.? hahaha
The Xbox 360 has 10 MB (10×1024×1024) of fast embedded dynamic RAM (EDRAM) that is dedicated for use as the back buffer, depth stencil buffer, and other render targets. Depending on the size and format of the render targets and the antialiasing level, it may not be possible to fit all targets in EDRAM at once. For example, 10 MB of EDRAM is enough to hold two 1280×720 32-bit surfaces with no multisample antialiasing (MSAA) or two 640×480 4× MSAA 32-bit surfaces. However, a 1280×720 2× MSAA 32-bits-per-pixel render target is 7,372,800 bytes. Combined with a 32-bit Z/stencil buffer of the same dimensions, it becomes apparent that 10 MB might not be sufficient.
Predicated tiling allows rendering to larger surfaces than can fit into EDRAM at any one time. In predicated tiling, the screen space is broken up into tiles (rectangles). The following figure shows the screen space broken into two tiles.
This is tiling ^^ and this is what has to be done on ESRAM to fit everything on ESRAM,they are not talking about Tile Resources that is different,the tiling they are talking about is the one the xbox 360 basically use to deal with the small space available on EDRAM the same problem affect ESRAM because it is to small,and tiling also is more work for the developers in case you didn't know it.
So when i say the PS4 doesn't need tiling i am not talking about PRT or Tile Resources like MS call it,i am talking about Tiling what developers had to do to fit everything on EDRAM and on ESRAM.
Consider you self educated on this matter.
Xbox One (Durango) hardware has four move engines for fast direct memory access (DMA)Read more at: http://www.vgleaks.com/world-exclusive-durangos-move-engines
Once again they are the same my link >>>>>>>> you.
But let me put to rest this shit once and for all...
Digital Foundry: So often you're CPU bound. That explains why so many of the Data Move Engine functions seem to be about offloading CPU?
Andrew Goossen: Yeah, again I think we under-balanced and we had that great opportunity to change that balance late in the game. The DMA Move Engines also help the GPU significantly as well. For some scenarios there, imagine you've rendered to a depth buffer there in ESRAM. And now you're switching to another depth buffer. You may want to go and pull what is now a texture into DDR so that you can texture out of it later and you're not doing tons of reads from that texture so it actually makes more sense for it to be in DDR. You can use the Move Engines to move these things asynchronously in concert with the GPU so the GPU isn't spending any time on the move. You've got the DMA engine doing it. Now the GPU can go on and immediately work on the next render target rather than simply move bits around.
Andrew goossen calling DMA move engines... BOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM....
Lets drop another misconception here the xbox one doesn't have 64 command it has 16 from its 2 ACES.
Digital Foundry: The GPU compute comparison seems to be about Xbox One's high coherent read bandwidth vs. raw ALU on PS4. But don't the additional ACEs added to PS4 aim to address that issue?
Andrew Goossen: The number of asynchronous compute queues provided by the ACEs doesn't affect the amount of bandwidth or number of effective FLOPs or any other performance metrics of the GPU. Rather, it dictates the number of simultaneous hardware "contexts" that the GPU's hardware scheduler can operate on any one time. You can think of these as analogous to CPU software threads - they are logical threads of execution that share the GPU hardware. Having more of them doesn't necessarily improve the actual throughput of the system - indeed, just like a program running on the CPU, too many concurrent threads can make aggregate effective performance worse due to thrashing. We believe that the 16 queues afforded by our two ACEs are quite sufficient.
And there you have it another confirmation from Goossen the xbox one has 16 commands from its 2 aces...
Oh and no matter what the PS4 will always be more powerful..
But keep the hopes alive maybe the super cloud..hahahahaa
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