@dynamitecop said:
The same way my nearly 12 teraflop PC can share games with one.
They don't share games,is not like you can put a PC game on your xbox one,the xbox one get a weak version just like the 360 did for tomb raider,the only difference it the xbox 360 was 10 years old when that happen,the xbox one is not even 3.
That is not the same as Neo were 1 version fits all.
@FireEmblem_Man said:
Just like Sony and the cows that spent $600 paper weight w/inferior multiplats!
lol the PS3 got superior exclusives,free online play,share your games with friends,mods,PC vs PS3,internet browser,free netflix,hulu and other without pay walls,no 50% fail rated.,blu-ray,7.1 loss less sound more powerful platform,and $1,400 worth of hardware for $600.
@SinjinSmythe said:
Sony will now have the underpowered, inferior piece of shit soon. MS had enough of cows running around like little bitches.
And you have to dust off this account to post that..hahahaa
Be a man and post from your normal account,oh wait you probably talking shit about Neo on the other account,and now have to use this one to not look like an ass.lol
If funny i don't see the lemmings who hated Neo guts and claimed segregation,user base fracture,and all that crap and there is a rare abundance of shitty accounts like this ones and several others which are nothing but dusted alt account.
It surely would be fun seeing lemmings caring about power again,oh i can't stop salivating at the quoting spree i would have..lol
@loe12k said:
I knew i said 14 just got lazy and decided to not edit it. A Tombraider is still an xbox exclusive tills it arrives on PS4 it can be counted.
PS4 AAA exclusives.
- Killzone: Shadow Fall , Driveclub, Infamous Second Son, The Last of Us Remastered, Bloodborne, God of War III Remastered, The Order: 1886, Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection, Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, Ratchet & Clank
6 new titles 4 remastered versions
Ryse, Dead Rising, Sunset Overdrive, Quantum Break, Halo5, Halo MCC, Gears Ultimate, Tombraider( to be released on PS4) Killer instinct, Forza 5, Forza 6, FH2
9 new titles 3 remasters
xbox wins.
There is something about this list i can't quite put my finger on it..oh yeah is full of shit..
Counting Tomb Raider for XBO,but not counting,MLB,SF5,Salt and Sanctuary,Resogun,Hell Divers,FF,Valkiar Chronicles,Alienation,Day of the tentacle..
But then again you don't know what AAA means which is 90,which non of those games you mention is by metacritic.
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