Alright so all the Sony haters will be support Sony by giving them royalties on this purchase.
Wow Xbox fanboys are such losers.
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[QUOTE="masiisam"][QUOTE="wasted_wisdom"][QUOTE="chikenfriedrice"][QUOTE="Taalon"]Lemmings: "Buh...buh...but teh blu-ray is teh lamez!!!!111!!!"Spartanx23
BluRay is great and i'm a lemming but so was HDDVD but it died so if I as a lemming want HD movies then BluRay it is
Wait lemme' get this straight, you're saying MS got owned and so did all of you who said blu-ray wasn't needed for gaming?
You're saying that all that bashing of Bluray and saying its going to fail was wrong afterall? You're actually saying you don't like overhyped exclusive games that come in like 6 dvds? *coughs-Lost odessy-cough*
There yea go again No_Wisdom...
How is the "potential" of BR coming to the 360 "owns" all lemms?..If anything it is another shot at cows.
Besides BR for gaming is still a joke..Until the developers find a way to utilize that space without downloads to the HDD..Then it is still just redundant space
Thanks for owning this guy, but he pretty much owned himself anyway.;)
All good...and to be honest...... I have had morning coffee that is stronger and that's not saying much when i dump cream and sugar in the cup
Well i just hope for 360 fan's sake that Microsoft waits until it's next Xbox to incorporate the Blu-Ray drive instead of manufacturing yet another form of 360 console.
I think 360 owners are probably tired of all the different 360 models their being forced to choose from already...
First it was Xbox 360 Core and Xbox 360 Premium
2nd it was the Xbox 360 Elite
3rd the Xbox 360 Live Arcade...
Then last but not least the supposed new chipset and heatsink versions of all of the above models....
So now their doing a Blu-Ray model...c'mon...if 360 fanboys want a Blu-ray then just buy a PS3, the game libraries are not that different with the exception of a few exclusives, other wise if your that much of a Microsoft fan then i'd urge 360 fans to rally together and let Microsoft know you don't want yet another 360 model on the market that you have to shell out more money for, but instead just for them to include it in their next gen Xbox 720 or what ever it will be called.
I love how you're bashing the 360 for having many SKUs to choose from when Sony has done pretty much the same thing.
First it was 20GB and 60GB
20GB and 60GB discontinued and in comes the 80GB.
80GB Discontinued in favor of 40GB.
And now Sony is bringing another 80GB SKU out in the form of the MGS4 bundle.
That's 5 separate SKUs. Suddenly, the 360 doesn't seem so confusing now does it?
[QUOTE="l-_-l"]:lol: I am going to need a more reliable source than some site called tomshardware.toxicmog
Toms hardware is a massive website known for reviewing some of the best PC hardware in the gaming world. :roll:
I think at this point |-_-|'s self ownage has switched to self ownage of toxicmog for thinking that he wrote something clever after it had already been said about 20 times.
i hope 360 gets blu ray as a fan boy you know how much cash that is for sony and the benefits?Nolan16Sony wants microsoft to adopt blue ray. I watched an interview they said putting Gears of War 2 on BD is the only way to do the game justice. But I don't think they can all of a sudden put games on Blu Ray. Put including is exactly what Sony wanted though.
Read the WHOLE page, I will quote a bit of it:
However, Microsoft came out and denied all rumors, stating that they were not exploring any kind of Blu-ray add-on or in talks with Sony about integrating Blu-ray into the XBOX experience. The software giant stated they would continue to invest in its XBOX Live online service as the means of high-definition content delivery.
There, MS says they are not using it. Thats it, not more of these rumor threads.
The problem is some of you read a small rumor, posted by someone who has no clue, and people believe it gullably and hype it. there is NO BLU-RAY FOR THE 360!!!!!!!!!!
So stop making these threads and misleading people! Its stupid.
And please, Is tis site even reliable? If this was real news GS or IGN would have it covered.
you speak as if this will be the first of its kind where fanboys buy things that benefit rival companies.Alright so all the Sony haters will be support Sony by giving them royalties on this purchase.
Wow Xbox fanboys are such losers.
WMA support in the PSP?
devs paying to license UE3?
ZOMG...Cows use Windows! Teh enemy!
have some maturity and perspective. Everyone pays everyone else royalties for some reason or another in the gaming industry. and in most other tech industries as well.
[QUOTE="wmc540"][QUOTE="fierro316"]Bu... bu Blu Ray isn't needed.masiisam
It isn't needed for gaming.
Agreed.....BR for games is STILL a joke...Until the developers find a way to utilize the space without downloads to the is just redundant space
It looks like R* and MS disagree.
[QUOTE="fierro316"]Bu... bu Blu Ray isn't needed.wmc540
It isn't needed for gaming.
correct.You do realize that even if 360 gets Blu-Ray, developers will still have to make games based on the harddrive-less 360 right? So, Blu-Ray STILL won't help in terms of game development. AvIdGaMeR444
this should be obvious..
you know why sony wants microsoft to adopt blu ray money money mo money.Nolan16You know why Microsoft demanded their VC-1 codec be included in the Blu-ray spec: money money mo money.
Everyone's making money off of Blu-ray.
[QUOTE="masiisam"][QUOTE="wmc540"][QUOTE="fierro316"]Bu... bu Blu Ray isn't needed.fierro316
It isn't needed for gaming.
Agreed.....BR for games is STILL a joke...Until the developers find a way to utilize the space without downloads to the is just redundant space
It looks like R* and MS disagree.
care to elaborate?? Cause R still forced a 1/3 download on the PS3..and where ohhh where did MS or R state BR is necessary
sooo please.....
:lol: I am going to need a more reliable source than some site called tomshardware.l-_-l>.> TomsHardware is a VERY credible source for PC benchmarks and PC hardware reviews.
[QUOTE="masiisam"][QUOTE="wmc540"][QUOTE="fierro316"]Bu... bu Blu Ray isn't needed.fierro316
It isn't needed for gaming.
Agreed.....BR for games is STILL a joke...Until the developers find a way to utilize the space without downloads to the is just redundant space
It looks like R* and MS disagree.
Microsoft disagrees because they are putting a BluRay drive in the console for the sole purpose of playing movies? That doesn't make sense at all. The drive in the 360 won't be for gaming.
[QUOTE="Mamba_Negra"]blu-ray has yet to be a success, but if they go blu-ray good for sony and MS.NFS102
It beat HD.
On topic, it's good to see MS responding to PS3's "surge".
I agree Bluray has mometum but it has yet to beat the DVD format and that is the true longterm test for success. There is still a very real possibility that before Blu-ray can overtake the DVD format another technology will slip in and steal the market away. Supposedly there is an MIT technology that may put several terrabytes on discs with much faster read times than any of todays technologies. basically technology moves so fast that until one format displaces the current dominent format (now DVD) there is no 'sure thing'. Time will tell.
[QUOTE="Nolan16"]i hope 360 gets blu ray as a fan boy you know how much cash that is for sony and the benefits?Couth_Sony wants microsoft to adopt blue ray. I watched an interview they said putting Gears of War 2 on BD is the only way to do the game justice. But I don't think they can all of a sudden put games on Blu Ray. Put including is exactly what Sony wanted though.
Of course Sony wants MS to include Blu-Ray in the 360, MS would then have to pay them royalties.
The whole thing about putting Gears 2 on BD being the only way to do the game justice is marketing.
[QUOTE="Nagidar"][QUOTE="jessie5788"][QUOTE="KingCotton462"]LOL, M$ steals blu ray, I wonder how Sony feels nowJavy03
happy someone stated early that ms has to pay sony for blu-ray.
Look up VC-1 than get back to us. :lol:
Sony doesnt use VC-1, other movie studios do and pay MS for that. IF MS does include blu ray they will have to pay Sony.
You don't understand, VC-1 is one of the primary codecs that was adopted by the Bluray Association.
lol, Half of what your saying is just nonsense. The ps1 having a guide button? no it didn't, then what was it used for? Anolog sticks were an advance that everyone took up even the N64. the r1 and r2 buttons were not there on the xbox or the 360 they are TRIGGERS, which Sony tried to do with the PS3 controler. Pure crud I hate them, fingers always slide off. takes alot of getting used to to be able to even use them. Now rumble feature, lol, Sony got sued for patent infringment. nuff saidso what here goes 360 copying ps again
guide button was on psx
anoalog sticks was on ps1
the controller shape on right (x,circle,triangle,square) and 360 has same with diff letters
the r2 and l2
and now bluray
omg get a life ms
anyways itll only be for movies and not for games so jahahahha
so what here goes 360 copying ps again
guide button was on psx
anoalog sticks was on ps1
the controller shape on right (x,circle,triangle,square) and 360 has same with diff letters
the r2 and l2
and now bluray
omg get a life ms
anyways itll only be for movies and not for games so jahahahha
and sony copied all that stuff
[QUOTE="shadow8585"]That was the primary selling point of the ps3 over x360. Now the X360 is the legitimate "best console" this gen, hands downMuzzle_Flashes
Sure, I mean, paying for everything, including online, hardware failure, HD-DVD backing, peer 2 peer pay online, no standardized hard drive, not to mention all the good 360 games released on the pc with mod support and free online and improved really is the best console this gen hands down:D
lol you 360 fanboys are all retarded, actually, I don't know what you're going by when you make that assumption, I hope it's not sales because Wii stomps on the 360's sales....
I hope it's not games because Wii has allot way more acclaimed series with higher ratings and MORE sales than anything on the 360's...not to mention anything that's worth getting on the 360 releases on the pc anyway minus the rip offs...
I hope you're not talking about best console when it comes to dependancy because you have to pay for everything, Red Ring Of Death,multiple hardware problems, including the 360 driving wheel smoking up and having to be recalled, and the 360 being the source of a burning down house *Google it*
I hope your not talking about format because 360's is DVD9 which is like 8GB of space, not to mention Wii games are overall longer than 360 games, as I've played both and beaten both, Zelda games can reach up to 30 hours or more, Gears was eight and I beat Halo in 8 also....also Microsoft backed HD-DVD at one point and everyone who went out and bought one is now screwed....
Yea, so all your arguments are invalidated, get that 'Best Console', B.S. outta here and hop of Microsofts D1nglaling you incompetent idiot...
Hey I don't mind paying for online. Besides p2p on-line is included. you act like it's a separate charge or something. it's not. xbox live has ALOT of features that make it a reasonable cost, besides the fact that they buy and take care of the servers that make this possible. and by the way Sony's servers are only used for the playstation store and getting you to the right server for your game, which is then provided and cared for by the individual developer. Microsoft provides all the on-line code to the developer, and they just plug the code into the game. no development time, no testing. it's already been tested and debugged by millions of xbox live gamers for the past three years. Microsoft has these servers and the developers do not have to get there own for the gamer, so it is cheaper in costs for the game devs. Besides with Microsoft taking care of all the servers it is a more consistent environment, and doesn't change from game to game. All this does cost money so Microsoft asks for 4.00 a month. WOW i don't know if i can handle that.P.S. rrod doesn't cost you a thing and Microsoft throws in a free month of live for the inconvenience.
there are two games that last way more then 30 hours that i can think of, oblivion, and lost Odyssey.
The only hardware problems Microsoft has besides the rrod is in less then 3% of consoles, so I don't think that is a problem for 97% of the gamers out there. and rrod is covered under a warranty.
Oh and the house that was burned down was the kids fault, he had the console on the carpet and left it running. Not Microsoft's problem. And any console could have done the same thing.
HD-DVD backing was not a microsoft failure, toshiba cut and run. besides i believe the movie studios were more to blame for that. They decided on their own to back bluray, not because it was better or selling a whole lot more, but in my belief it would bring in more money. still seeing bluray movies at above 30 dollars apiece. I thought everyone said the price would come down now that HD-DVD was gone?
Your points are also Invalid, except for the Wii sales. And what did you call him for stating his opinion, YOU INCOMPETENT...... Never mind. I won't do that to someone.
worse then dvd? you are a hypocriteBR is over rated. Sure its the future of gaming... But for movies... I think it looks worse then DVD's. Because HD grain in movies looks like crap.
Although I will admit some BR movies do look fantastic... If they don't have special effects over the image.
:lol: I am going to need a more reliable source than some site called tomshardware.l-_-l
Wow really interweb noob
and you have a rig in your sig:|
[QUOTE="Truth_Hurts_U"]worse then dvd? you are a hypocriteBR is over rated. Sure its the future of gaming... But for movies... I think it looks worse then DVD's. Because HD grain in movies looks like crap.
Although I will admit some BR movies do look fantastic... If they don't have special effects over the image.
You need to watch more BR movies. If you can't see that HD grain in your face that makes the picture look like crap... Then that's not my problem.
[QUOTE="Truth_Hurts_U"]worse then dvd? you are a hypocriteBR is over rated. Sure its the future of gaming... But for movies... I think it looks worse then DVD's. Because HD grain in movies looks like crap.
Although I will admit some BR movies do look fantastic... If they don't have special effects over the image.
I dont think he's serious.. if he is.. ouch.
that was one of the reasons i wanted a ps3 >_>
guess i'll just wait longer
You know... Microsoft getting Blu-Ray, could end up being a great thing for Microsoft. I say this because, one of the main reasons the PS3 is selling right now, is because it's a cheap Blu-Ray player. But now? If the X360 gets one too, the PS3 and X360 are basicaly the same console right? Both have GTA4, both have online, both have HD, both are about the same price. (I know, I know, "BUT!!! XBOX 360 HAS HALO!!!" "AND MSG4!!! OMG!!!"... I get it, I'm just simplifying it, please don't make a big deal out of it.) If I were Sony, I would try my hardest to NOT allow Microsoft to use Blu-Ray.
[QUOTE="c02z"]worse then dvd? you are a hypocrite
I dont think he's serious.. if he is.. ouch.
Obviously you 2 haven't watch jack of BR movies. Worst BR movie I seen has to be Ocean's 13.
[QUOTE="tmntPunchout"][QUOTE="c02z"]worse then dvd? you are a hypocrite
I dont think he's serious.. if he is.. ouch.
Obviously you 2 haven't watch jack of BR movies. Worst BR movie I seen has to be Ocean's 13.
To each his own then. I think bluray looks fantastic especially Independence Day and 300. But, obviously, I couldn't have watched my copy of ID4 bluray because I haven't watched jack.
To each his own then. I think bluray looks fantastic especially Independence Day and 300. But, obviously, I couldn't have watched my copy of ID4 bluray because I haven't watched jack.
To date I watched over 40 BR movies. So I know what I am talking about.
Plus the fact that you can see errors in CGI is another downside to HD movies. It hasn't been till recently that movies have been edited to display properly in HD. It doesn't help that a movie was made to be watched in SD... Then re-compressed without reediting it for HD playback.
I still prefer DVD's and like I said some BR movies look fantastic without special effects overlaying the image. Like CGI movies, which look crystal clear except for the odd compressed image here and there.
[QUOTE="tmntPunchout"]To each his own then. I think bluray looks fantastic especially Independence Day and 300. But, obviously, I couldn't have watched my copy of ID4 bluray because I haven't watched jack.
To date I watched over 40 BR movies. So I know what I am talking about.
Plus the fact that you can see errors in CGI is another downside to HD movies. It hasn't been till recently that movies have been edited to display properly in HD. It doesn't help that a movie was made to be watched in SD... Then re-compressed without reediting it for HD playback.
I still prefer DVD's and like I said some BR movies look fantastic without special effects overlaying the image. Like CGI movies, which look crystal clear except for the odd compressed image here and there.
I'm not going to disagree with you, but like I said, you have your opinions and I have my opinions. I just think bluray movies look better than upscaled dvds. I've had improved entertainment/movie experience using bluray so far over dvds. ID4 is probably the only DVD I upgraded to Bluray, so I don't have many movies to actually compare the quality of them side by side like it sounds you did so I can't really compare so in depth like you. Also, if I offended you with my first post, it wasn't my intention and I really thought you were joking.
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