From all the years this debate has been waged, I don't think a very crucial viewpoint has been examined before. It's not so important whether or not PC/360 games are exclusive or not, so much as that they serve the same purpose as exclusives games, to a given consumer gamer market.
What do I mean by types of "consumer gamer market"? As much as there is a divide between platform fans, those who rally behind the banner of 360, PS3, Wii, or PC, as their chosen platform to game on, there is an even bigger divide between PC gamers and console gamers.
Oh you know what I mean. You've seen it so often on the boards, discussions of why people do and do not game on the PC platform. One side says why they prefer to play on consoles, the other side arguing why those points are irrelevant and PC is still the superior platform. But my point here is not which is the superior platform, but to illustrate that there's really 3 distinct markets of gamers.
All Systems Gamers – plays on multiple systems, both console and PC
Console Only Gamers – will play on one or more consoles, but only on consoles
PC Only Gamers – will game only on the PC, refusing to ever touch a console
While it may seem like I'm creating my own terms and criteria, you simply cannot argue against the fact that these categories DO exist. Why else do we see discussions on these boards as to why console is a preference and reasons not to game on PC, as well as why others don't play on consoles? Doesn't matter whether you agree or disagree with the reasoning's behind this, just the fact that this divide is real.
While PC IS a gaming platform, some people just use theirs for every other function but that, like office productivity, online browsing, multimedia viewing, emailing, graphics & art creation, and so on. PC is unique in that not all PCs are used for gaming purposes whereas all consoles are designed as gaming devices even if having extra multimedia features. Thus the divide between PC gamers and console gamers.
Certain games not being released on PS3 or Wii is relevant to purchasing choices depending on which group you belong to. This is NOT to say that certain games are "console exclusive" or "microsoft exclusive", no I'm not trying to promote those erroneous terms. BUT, from the Console Only Gamer's perspective, if he isn't going to be playing on PC anyway, a game being shared between 360 and PC is irrelevant. He's looking at which games are on which consoles, so SC Conviction, Mass Effect 2, The Orange Box (prior to recent events in Valve's development policy), and GeoW1 would still be deciding factors to pick up a 360 over a PS3.
The games may not have been exclusive by the truest definition, yet they still served the same purpose as exclusives do. And that's the point, when you factor in that console only gamers is a consumer market for which the console releases is relevant, PC shared not withstanding.
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