[QUOTE="G10mgs4"]:lol: Self-ownedhttp://www.casinowatchdogs.com/images/WheelOfCash002.jpg
haha how is this self owned
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it doesnt matter UT3 has always been PC it would feel wrong to play i ton a console.its like playing halo on pc feels weirdbboycookie2
Well you can still play it with a mouse and keyboard on the ps3 ;)
I feel no ownage, I have a PC capable of runing it(And we both know it will be best on there). LOL LMAO! Ownage dodging FTW! :P Losers.Pro_wrestler
Wow, pc to the rescue!!! :roll:
If you want to argue amount of Map, PC wins. Infact why would you buy a game like UT for any system other than PC. PC will have insane amount of extra content just like every other UT.
What im saying is the ps3 version of UT3 will be superior to the 360 version, leave pc out of this.
[QUOTE="ParadiddleFill"]its funny that you cows are saying oh the unreal for the ps3 is going to have this and that and the 360 version isnt, when nobody even knows anything about the 360's version of unreal-Ninja_Dog-
Its hysteria I think.
They have nothing else to be proud of or excited about so they jump on speculation.
Its quite sad actually.
Nah its simple.
Epic got lazy because Blu Ray affords them more room.
So of course there going to be lazy about compression.
It has more to do with the space of BluRay then the lack of space on DVD 9.
In other wordsif there were no BR then Epic would just need to compress.
Obviously you aren't a TRUE/REAL Unreal player due to the fact that if you played online on any Unreal game (especially 2004) then you'd know that 10 maps can equal up to 10 gigs of temporary space used. So every Unreal gamer (360 fan or not) knew that 360 wasn't gonna have a buffet like package when it came to content. So no matter how many ways you wanna slice it, Microsoft fudged up. They didn't add a HD disc drive and don't allow the development of FREE USER GENERATED CONTENT for some odd reason (I say MS is M$ and they luv tah monay)..
I feel bad for anyone who gets suckered into buying Unreal 2k7 (Hey I call it 2k7 not that 3 bs) for the 360, since you aren't getting the true Unreal experience. Honestly any Unreal vets please tell me the last time you've played a map that wasn't custom made and if you have please give me a ratio of the maps that was part of the game compared to custom maps.
Now I'm sure UT3 is gonna be great for 360 fans since it'll top every other online game in the maps category, but in the end you'll be on these forums looking at pics and reading threads from both PC/PS3 forums talking about mods made for each side.. I'll be on the PC side and enjoying COD4 on 360 instead ;)
[QUOTE="Marka1700"]If you want to argue amount of Map, PC wins. Infact why would you buy a game like UT for any system other than PC. PC will have insane amount of extra content just like every other UT.
What im saying is the ps3 version of UT3 will be superior to the 360 version, leave pc out of this.
And Im sayin that the PC version will be overall superior. This is system wars, not console wars.
[QUOTE="toni_xhoni"][QUOTE="Marka1700"]If you want to argue amount of Map, PC wins. Infact why would you buy a game like UT for any system other than PC. PC will have insane amount of extra content just like every other UT.
What im saying is the ps3 version of UT3 will be superior to the 360 version, leave pc out of this.
And Im sayin that the PC version will be overall superior. This is system wars, not console wars.
OMG forget about the PC version for a minute, and look at the ps3 and 360 version!
[QUOTE="Primevil702"][QUOTE="Chaos_HL21"][QUOTE="toni_xhoni"][QUOTE="OldParr"][QUOTE="toni_xhoni"]Well this is a big deal, especially for xbox 360's future.
the 360 has AAA titles without the need of a new format.i dont see ur point and i wouldnt be surprise that this guy mark rein make some comments when the version of UT for the 360 comes out.he is just that kind of guy that is nice to something when one of its products is coming out for certain system.he is full of it
Well imagine if 360s AAA titles used bigger format discs (more space), they would have been so much better, with so many extras!
Yes they will magically become so much better an with more extras. Sure the DVD-9 is showing it age but it is not time to pull out the shotgun yet. With the Next Gen then yea it would be time for the DVD-9 to go the way of Old Yeller.
But it doesn't matter UT3 should be played on the PC, that is where it started and that is where I'll play it on (just have to upgrade my PC)
Where is should be played? What? The PS3 version will be great, yet... for some odd reason, according to you it shouldn't be played on the PS3? Get real..
Mods- Yes, technically they exist on the PS3, but they make you jump through hoops and sell your soul to satan just to get them up for download.
90% of the Unreal modding community just isn't going to bother. You'll be missing out on hundreds, if not thousands of mods.
ENTIRE GAMES. Not just new maps, not just new weapons, ENTIRELY NEW GAMES that PC modders will make, and most of them won't put them up on the PSN (whatever they call it).
PS3 owners are missing out on what REAL MODDING is about- FREEDOM. Not a select few corporate approved mods. The FREEDOM for ANYONE with a good idea to make it, the FREEDOM for ANYONE to share in that idea, to become a community of people with creativity.
That is what the PC version is about. Mods are so much more complicated than you could ever understand if you've never experienced their full glory.
*tear comes out of eye*
One thing - The PS3 mod support is not limited to "Corporate" approved mods. As far as anyone knows it'll be an open system... one thing however I'm looking forward to seeing is if they went the extra mile in terms of mod/map distribution. For example havin a way to distribute Maps to users via ingame lobbies, obviously only practical on smaller mods.
Obviously there's going to be restrictions with PS3 mods in technical terms. And there's a whole slew of unanswered questions - Will PS3 mods support new textures? New sounds? I could understand them sticking with stock resources due to Epic content being optimized for the PS3. For all we know the Mods on PS3 could be just new maps with original stock assets, which I would understand.. and would be fine to me. We'll see however, I've definitely got a whole list of questions concerning PS3 mods considering I'm buying both the PC and PS3 version - with the PC version there mainly for the Unreal Editor.
[QUOTE="Big_Red_Button"][QUOTE="Primevil702"][QUOTE="Chaos_HL21"][QUOTE="toni_xhoni"][QUOTE="OldParr"][QUOTE="toni_xhoni"]Well this is a big deal, especially for xbox 360's future.
the 360 has AAA titles without the need of a new format.i dont see ur point and i wouldnt be surprise that this guy mark rein make some comments when the version of UT for the 360 comes out.he is just that kind of guy that is nice to something when one of its products is coming out for certain system.he is full of it
Well imagine if 360s AAA titles used bigger format discs (more space), they would have been so much better, with so many extras!
Yes they will magically become so much better an with more extras. Sure the DVD-9 is showing it age but it is not time to pull out the shotgun yet. With the Next Gen then yea it would be time for the DVD-9 to go the way of Old Yeller.
But it doesn't matter UT3 should be played on the PC, that is where it started and that is where I'll play it on (just have to upgrade my PC)
Where is should be played? What? The PS3 version will be great, yet... for some odd reason, according to you it shouldn't be played on the PS3? Get real..
Mods- Yes, technically they exist on the PS3, but they make you jump through hoops and sell your soul to satan just to get them up for download.
90% of the Unreal modding community just isn't going to bother. You'll be missing out on hundreds, if not thousands of mods.
ENTIRE GAMES. Not just new maps, not just new weapons, ENTIRELY NEW GAMES that PC modders will make, and most of them won't put them up on the PSN (whatever they call it).
PS3 owners are missing out on what REAL MODDING is about- FREEDOM. Not a select few corporate approved mods. The FREEDOM for ANYONE with a good idea to make it, the FREEDOM for ANYONE to share in that idea, to become a community of people with creativity.
That is what the PC version is about. Mods are so much more complicated than you could ever understand if you've never experienced their full glory.
*tear comes out of eye*
One thing - The PS3 mod support is not limited to "Corporate" approved mods. As far as anyone knows it'll be an open system... one thing however I'm looking forward to seeing is if they went the extra mile in terms of mod/map distribution. For example havin a way to distribute Maps to users via ingame lobbies, obviously only practical on smaller mods.
Obviously there's going to be restrictions with PS3 mods in technical terms. And there's a whole slew of unanswered questions - Will PS3 mods support new textures? New sounds? I could understand them sticking with stock resources due to Epic content being optimized for the PS3. For all we know the Mods on PS3 could be just new maps with original stock assets, which I would understand.. and would be fine to me. We'll see however, I've definitely got a whole list of questions concerning PS3 mods considering I'm buying both the PC and PS3 version - with the PC version there mainly for the Unreal Editor.
The mods for PS3 are possible because of the open nature of PSN as stated by Mark Rein, so what "corporate" approving do they need??
The prior poster has no clue what they are typing.
I find this difficult to believe. Maps made with UnrealED don't take up much space, especially when textures and static meshes are recycled as is often the case with most games.
New static meshes are also extremely tiny..so that isn't an issue either. Textures are generally what take up the most space and they're required resources for maps, of course..but again textures are easily recyclable..so if space became an issue that could be done.
Not to mention there's tons of solutions to solve this problem, mainly compressing map data on the disc and extracting it onto the hard drive as needed. So this article is meaningless..
im sure you read the article, and comprehend what he said, im sure they have or are trying to solve the problems, but some things you just cant get around and you have to make some sacrifices. i dont think he is saying its gonna happen but that it is a real possibility. and this isnt the first time people have run into limitations.damage damage, dama, damadama, damdamdamage, damage control.
im sure you read the article, and comprehend what he said, im sure they have or are trying to solve the problems, but some things you just cant get around and you have to make some sacrifices. i dont think he is saying its gonna happen but that it is a real possibility. and this isnt the first time people have run into limitations.Stall0wn3d
LOL damage control?
I'm a hermit, genius. I'm a long time Unreal fan and I'm buying the PC version and the PC version ONLY.
My post implied sacrifices being made too, like recycling textures and static meshes from other maps. Read next time.
Oh, and editing other people's posts because you can't come up with anything to counter what I've said is idiotic and childish. Then again this is System Wars..
LOL, Sony fanboys getting owned on UT.
Please, I will buy the PC version, that is and will be the best version. Why buy a PS3 when you can get better versions on the PC.
You need to upgrade.
[QUOTE="mazdaspeed-rx8"]all i have to say is
Know whats worse than a fanboy who blindly hates a machine and would rather die before having one ...
Someone who buys a machine just so he can bash it on the internet and not be called a liar .........
So very sad .....
You know what's even more sad?...... the fact that you let his joke get to you.
It looks like he pulled your strings like the puppet that you are.
[QUOTE="Broman6015"][QUOTE="-Ninja_Dog-"]I say when and if it happens then the cows can claim ownage.
But as it stands now. Its only a maybe.
So I want every cow here to promise not to mention this again until it is a fact.
Because at this point it is far from fact and only speculation.If this continues some of the less then knowledable cows will take this as fact. When it clearly is not.
Can we agree on this ?
althought this would be the logical thing to do, logic doesn't really flow like water here. There will always be people who will bring this up before anything is confirmed. But there fanboys, so there is not much you can do. Just ignore it and wait to see what happenes
Yeah. You're right.
Enjoy the speculation cows !
God knows you need something to feel good about.
You agreed with him but yet you made yourself look like a fanboy,nice one....
Nah its simple.
Epic got lazy because Blu Ray affords them more room.
So of course there going to be lazy about compression.
It has more to do with the space of BluRay then the lack of space on DVD 9.
In other wordsif there were no BR then Epic would just need to compress.
[QUOTE="Klash47"]epic is really showing sony some love. they might eventually jump ship for good. because it seems like they've got the ps3 hardware all figuered out. more maps and mods and k/m support for the ps3 version FTW-Ninja_Dog-
Have fun with your inferior console version !
KB+M support, Mods? There is nothing inferior about the PS3 version sorry.
[QUOTE="AgentVX"]LOL, Sony fanboys getting owned on UT.
Please, I will buy the PC version, that is and will be the best version. Why buy a PS3 when you can get better versions on the PC.
You need to upgrade.
There is nothing better about the PC version are you just a lame hermit are a lemming hiding behind the pc? The pc version has no advantages over the PS3 version. Yes im sure if you have a higher end rig you can run it at higher res or better framerates( but you will be paying a hell of alot more then a PS3) and the PS3 version already looks OUTSTANDING. The videos shown at E3 looked as good as anything they have shown on the PC. The only other advantage the pc would have is KB+M support and mods and the PS3 version gets both of those as well.
didnt epic make m$ spent one billion for a 512mb to get gears graphics.damn im begining to hate that company especially that mark reinOldParr
If epic didnt do that, then 360 would of died along time ago ... crap CPU , crap GPU , then crap RAM? insult to injury.
Coming from a 360 owner?!:roll:LOL, Sony fanboys getting owned on UT.
Please, I will buy the PC version, that is and will be the best version. Why buy a PS3 when you can get better versions on the PC.
epic is really showing sony some love. they might eventually jump ship for good. because it seems like they've got the ps3 hardware all figuered out. more maps and mods and k/m support for the ps3 version FTWKlash47
As long as Epic games stay on PC, they will also come out on X-box 360.
[QUOTE="OldParr"]didnt epic make m$ spent one billion for a 512mb to get gears graphics.damn im begining to hate that company especially that mark reinMeu2k7
If epic didnt do that, then 360 would of died along time ago ... crap CPU , crap GPU , then crap RAM? insult to injury.
The 360 doesnt have crap anything from a power standpoint. There is certanley pc hardware capable of outpeforming it and it is clearly not the most powerful console but its not crap hardware especially for doing what its doing a year and a half after its release.
well the PC version is also going to be on a DVD9, so what's the problem?they should compress and make it a hard drive required game(for the 360 that is)mlaky
Because every gaming pc has a hardrive and one that can store over 20 gigs also. What should Epic do make a game that only people with only the 120gb HDD on there 360can play.
well the PC version is also going to be on a DVD9, so what's the problem?they should compress and make it a hard drive required game(for the 360 that is)mlakyOuch.....Core owners will cry!
[QUOTE="AgentVX"]Coming from a 360 owner?!:roll:LOL, Sony fanboys getting owned on UT.
Please, I will buy the PC version, that is and will be the best version. Why buy a PS3 when you can get better versions on the PC.
LOL........no, I'm typing this right now on my 360 controllerbecause I don't have a computer to do that.:roll:
Just face it Cows, PC version is and will be better. Please let it go, "NO" you will not have the best version. BluRay all you want, it still will be trailing the PC version............8)
I just love the way SW works.
When lemmings are bragging about Bioshock, cows claim they have a PC powerful enough to play Bioshock and lemmings claim it isn't true.
When cows are bragging about UT3, lemmings claim they have a PC powerful enough to play UT3 and cows claim it isn't true.
When Hermits brag about Bioshock AND UT3, lemmings and cows unite to say PC isn't even a gaming platform and only *insert very small number* % of people in SW have PC powerful enough to play those games.
[QUOTE="ragrdoll21"][QUOTE="AgentVX"]Coming from a 360 owner?!:roll:LOL, Sony fanboys getting owned on UT.
Please, I will buy the PC version, that is and will be the best version. Why buy a PS3 when you can get better versions on the PC.
LOL........no, I'm typing this right now on my 360 controllerbecause I don't have a computer to do that.:roll:
Just face it Cows, PC version is and will be better. Please let it go, "NO" you will not have the best version. BluRay all you want, it still will be trailing the PC version............8)
I think you got that backwards7.1 audio top of the line audio fidelity with 150 dollar fiber optical hookups?a 52 inch 1080p resoluting death star i call my tv? I think you are sadly misinformed over whom is having the better time gaming. Hunched over like a crab glaring at tiny screen is silly....
but seriously i only got like a 32 inch normal tv with broken color and cheap speakers but hey it sunded good right? lol
[QUOTE="ragrdoll21"][QUOTE="AgentVX"]Coming from a 360 owner?!:roll:LOL, Sony fanboys getting owned on UT.
Please, I will buy the PC version, that is and will be the best version. Why buy a PS3 when you can get better versions on the PC.
LOL........no, I'm typing this right now on my 360 controllerbecause I don't have a computer to do that.:roll:
Just face it Cows, PC version is and will be better. Please let it go, "NO" you will not have the best version. BluRay all you want, it still will be trailing the PC version............8)
What the hell?Why do you have a Gaming PC and a 360?So you're saying that the PC version will destroy the 360 version then right?No mods,less maps,May need Hdd plus live? that sucks RIGHT?Don't you just love it?! ?I just love the way SW works.
When lemmings are bragging about Bioshock, cows claim they have a PC powerful enough to play Bioshock and lemmings claim it isn't true.
When cows are bragging about UT3, lemmings claim they have a PC powerful enough to play UT3 and cows claim it isn't true.
When Hermits brag about Bioshock AND UT3, lemmings and cows unite to say PC isn't even a gaming platform and only *insert very small number* % of people in SW have PC powerful enough to play those games.
[QUOTE="froidnite"]Don't you just love it?! ?I just love the way SW works.
When lemmings are bragging about Bioshock, cows claim they have a PC powerful enough to play Bioshock and lemmings claim it isn't true.
When cows are bragging about UT3, lemmings claim they have a PC powerful enough to play UT3 and cows claim it isn't true.
When Hermits brag about Bioshock AND UT3, lemmings and cows unite to say PC isn't even a gaming platform and only *insert very small number* % of people in SW have PC powerful enough to play those games.
I love it so much that I can't live without it;)
[QUOTE="AgentVX"][QUOTE="ragrdoll21"][QUOTE="AgentVX"]Coming from a 360 owner?!:roll:LOL, Sony fanboys getting owned on UT.
Please, I will buy the PC version, that is and will be the best version. Why buy a PS3 when you can get better versions on the PC.
LOL........no, I'm typing this right now on my 360 controllerbecause I don't have a computer to do that.:roll:
Just face it Cows, PC version is and will be better. Please let it go, "NO" you will not have the best version. BluRay all you want, it still will be trailing the PC version............8)
I think you got that backwards7.1 audio top of the line audio fidelity with 150 dollar fiber optical hookups?a 52 inch 1080p resoluting death star i call my tv? I think you are sadly misinformed over whom is having the better time gaming. Hunched over like a crab glaring at tiny screen is silly....
but seriously i only got like a 32 inch normal tv with broken color and cheap speakers but hey it sunded good right? lol
Well, sorry about your broken 32' TV and shotty speakers. Unlike you, I do have a high end reciever, high end speakers, and a 60' 720p/1080iDLP. Couldn't care less, UT on my 24' Widescreen with 5.1 Klipsche speakers will outperform the PS3/360 version of UT, plain and simple.
They are having problems with the console version of the game because it can't run UT as fast as the PC. Mind you, I will have to get a new graphics card, as my X850 XT just won't due. But this was something that I was gonna upgrade soon enough, even before they release the game.
And you know why, because I can. PC version will be better, that's plain and simple.
[QUOTE="SiiSsy"][QUOTE="AgentVX"][QUOTE="ragrdoll21"][QUOTE="AgentVX"]Coming from a 360 owner?!:roll:LOL, Sony fanboys getting owned on UT.
Please, I will buy the PC version, that is and will be the best version. Why buy a PS3 when you can get better versions on the PC.
LOL........no, I'm typing this right now on my 360 controllerbecause I don't have a computer to do that.:roll:
Just face it Cows, PC version is and will be better. Please let it go, "NO" you will not have the best version. BluRay all you want, it still will be trailing the PC version............8)
I think you got that backwards7.1 audio top of the line audio fidelity with 150 dollar fiber optical hookups?a 52 inch 1080p resoluting death star i call my tv? I think you are sadly misinformed over whom is having the better time gaming. Hunched over like a crab glaring at tiny screen is silly....
but seriously i only got like a 32 inch normal tv with broken color and cheap speakers but hey it sunded good right? lol
Well, sorry about your broken 32' TV and shotty speakers. Unlike you, I do have a high end reciever, high end speakers, and a 60' 720p/1080iDLP. Couldn't care less, UT on my 24' Widescreen with 5.1 Klipsche speakers will outperform the PS3/360 version of UT, plain and simple.
They are having problems with the console version of the game because it can't run UT as fast as the PC. Mind you, I will have to get a new graphics card, as my X850 XT just won't due. But this was something that I was gonna upgrade soon enough, even before they release the game.
And you know why, because I can. PC version will be better, that's plain and simple.
Im sorry yet you are another misinformed Hermit that simply doesnt have a clue. The fact is the PS3 looked as good as any pc clip they showned and it was even running at a smooth framerate. Add in KB+M support and mods and the pc has no advantages. As ive said you may get higher res and better framerates but why does that matter when the PS3 version basically looks like a high end rig for about half the price. And yes I haved a 40inch 1080P LCD TV with a contrast ratio that brings most monitors to shame. Im sorry but as of now the pc version really has nothing on the PS3 version.
[QUOTE="AgentVX"][QUOTE="SiiSsy"][QUOTE="AgentVX"][QUOTE="ragrdoll21"][QUOTE="AgentVX"]Coming from a 360 owner?!:roll:LOL, Sony fanboys getting owned on UT.
Please, I will buy the PC version, that is and will be the best version. Why buy a PS3 when you can get better versions on the PC.
LOL........no, I'm typing this right now on my 360 controllerbecause I don't have a computer to do that.:roll:
Just face it Cows, PC version is and will be better. Please let it go, "NO" you will not have the best version. BluRay all you want, it still will be trailing the PC version............8)
I think you got that backwards7.1 audio top of the line audio fidelity with 150 dollar fiber optical hookups?a 52 inch 1080p resoluting death star i call my tv? I think you are sadly misinformed over whom is having the better time gaming. Hunched over like a crab glaring at tiny screen is silly....
but seriously i only got like a 32 inch normal tv with broken color and cheap speakers but hey it sunded good right? lol
Well, sorry about your broken 32' TV and shotty speakers. Unlike you, I do have a high end reciever, high end speakers, and a 60' 720p/1080iDLP. Couldn't care less, UT on my 24' Widescreen with 5.1 Klipsche speakers will outperform the PS3/360 version of UT, plain and simple.
They are having problems with the console version of the game because it can't run UT as fast as the PC. Mind you, I will have to get a new graphics card, as my X850 XT just won't due. But this was something that I was gonna upgrade soon enough, even before they release the game.
And you know why, because I can. PC version will be better, that's plain and simple.
Im sorry yet you are another misinformed Hermit that simply doesnt have a clue. The fact is the PS3 looked as good as any pc clip they showned and it was even running at a smooth framerate. Add in KB+M support and mods and the pc has no advantages. As ive said you may get higher res and better framerates but why does that matter when the PS3 version basically looks like a high end rig for about half the price. And yes I haved a 40inch 1080P LCD TV with a contrast ratio that brings most monitors to shame. Im sorry but as of now the pc version really has nothing on the PS3 version.
Im sorry yet you are another misinformed Hermit that simply doesnt have a clue. The fact is the PS3 looked as good as any pc clip they showned and it was even running at a smooth framerate. Add in KB+M support and mods and the pc has no advantages. As ive said you may get higher res and better framerates but why does that matter when the PS3 version basically looks like a high end rig for about half the price. And yes I haved a 40inch 1080P LCD TV with a contrast ratio that brings most monitors to shame. Im sorry but as of now the pc version really has nothing on the PS3 version.
If everyone thought like you, and nobody buys PC version of UT3, there won't be any mods.
And no way will Sony allow just any mod to be played on PS3. Believe me, there will be restrictions.
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