[QUOTE="Deiuos"][QUOTE="Lance_Kalzas"]So we are free to give words other definitions? Try that in a language class at a college or a school and see how far that gets you. The term "internet service" means access to the internet provided by an ISP or IAP. This is evident when doing a search for internet service as I stated above. The search only pulls up internet providers. It does not pull up a list of messaging or gaming services, such as AIM or Xbox Live. If the term you're defining was accepted by the industries involved, then the search engines would include those services.
This is YOUR definition but that doesn't mean it's correct so define away. Include whatever you want in YOUR definition because it doesn't matter and it doesn't mean anything to anyone except you and the few that continue to use it incorrectly. It certainly doesn't mean anything to the companies that know what it actually means. So you provided a link to a dictionarywebsite. That's not proof because when someone changes the meaning of a word, term or phrase on that website, that does not mean it'll be accepted by any industry standard or educational institution, such as a college or school.
This is going no where. Let's just agree to disagree, because I'm not going to be doing this all week. You're also either not comprehending the entirety of what I type, or just trying manipulate whatever you can get your hands on to appear correct on a subjective issue, because I clearly said "Anyways, if we're going to be this picky about things, it's not even a word itself, I don't know why you'd search google or dictionary.com. It's a "term" made up of two separate words." Though, you just quote the sentence "It's how I used the word, and it's the definition I chose to use for the word." to make it seem like I never said that. All I'm going to say is this is not nearly as subjective as you think it is. The reason for that is you can't change the definition of a term, phrase, word or whatever else you want to call it whenever you want and expect the world to agree with you. Let me know what happens when you try changing the definition of something in a classroom, I'm pretty curious about that. Other than that, I'm just as done with this conversation as you are. If you're going to use a different definition for a word that no one knows, you must preset an agreement and understanding so that word can be communicated. You can't tell a guy in China that you want an apple, without ensuring they know what the word "apple" is. There is no one out there to say you can't change a word -- words have been changed for decades, otherwise we wouldn't have the definitions for slang words on dictionary.com. Are slang words not made up? Are any words period not made up? Obama just made the term "Car Czar."Language is basically the development of words and definitions that are made up, that people agree upon to use. You can take the English language, redefine all the words, and have all your friends learn the new language. Of course you couldn't use the words in a college paper, the teacher would obviously be asking, "What the hell is this guy doing?" Though, that doesn't mean you can't do it. Since when did college papers dictate the flexibility and concept of languages?
The same idea goes for "time." Time can be changed -- you can make it 4:00 right now if you want to, even though it's not for everyone else. You can then live your world in your own time. It's just going to conflict with the world, since everyone else probably has a different time set. But, who's to say you can't do that? Time is an idea set and changable by us, same with words, and languages. There was a time in our history where the idea of time didn't exist for us humans. There was a moment where the idea was thought out, and implemented. People made agreements on going by the same time, and it went on from there.
Yes, I used a different defintion for the term "Internet Service." You assume I'm the only person who may be using that defintion since you can't find anyone else using it with google -- which I find hilarious. But, what if I am the only person using it? I just used a different defintion, and all you can really do is whine about it -- that's all you can do. You can either accept it, or whine -- but, it's there. I did it. I'm not taking it back -- it's now a term with a definition you're not use to. It exists.
Guess what'd happen if I wrote a book about it, and got millions of people to agree on the defintion? What if I made a dictionary business, and added it myself, and made millions of people start using it -- made millions of people UNDERSTAND my defintion? Understand that "Internet Service" can also mean "service on the internet" therefore making my statements using the term that way make sense to them?
Guess what I did? I just made a term -- and it's real, like it's real now. With two people understanding and agreeing on it -- it's real. With one person alone, it's real. With a million, it's the same ... just real. It exists. Accept it, I told you what it means. I preset the defintion right here on this thread, so it is now most likely a new term, created by me. How can you argue it not existing? I just now made it.
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