does this really, truthfully bother anyone?
Do you really, truthfully do not see how it does bother people ?? what a ridiculous and pretend to be naive of a question you got here, why do people pretend to be dumb when I know they are actually smart people? do you like to look dumb?Â
But I'll answer your question.
Do you like the government agents standing outside your door house looking through your windows all day watching and monitoring your every move?? Making it digitally possible doesn't make monitoring any more comfortable :?
This puts everybody on risk of being exposed to the world. The government could and they probably already took control of a lot of famous, powerful and influential people in the country ( Also internationally famous/powerful I suppose ) by threatening them with exposing their privacy thanks to the NSA practices.
They could easily accuse a regular guy of being a terrorist with this kind of surveillance....The possibilities are endless and Im not talking about Xbox here, Im talking about the whole operation which is PRISM.
You guys should care, you should defend your rights and privacy, I don't know why this generation is so freaking lazy of doing anything ( and Im not pointing fingers at you only here, Im talking in general )? why no protests? Why no prosecution?
Did the government really hypnotize you to this level? DO SOMETHING!
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