again, not what the guy was talking about.
If they don't need millions of employees to monitor people since they can filter, through bots, what's minimally suspect (given the ocasional errors that would lead to unjust monitoring), but that's not what he meant, then what's the heart of the matter in that discussion?
he was making it seem like there would be a dedicated person watching you 24/7.
There's no need for that, and this is the reason for anyone to be worried about. They'd have the video feed stored, and would only check it if the bot tagged you (by error or not).
Watch the Snowden interview I pointed before, you'll know why he chose to disclose the work he did in the NSA.
A bot pointing that you said or done something suspect, even if in a random conversation, can turn you into a subject of federal investigation when you were just making a joke with a friend. There were cases of them nitpicking alleatory data, that brought together represent someone who isn't the real you, just to create a picture of a dangerous suspect.
It all comes to this: you can become a victim of state paranoia.
And there's no need for you to be watched 24/7 for that to happen. They'd just choose the video feeds that mattered to them, doesn't matter how long or short it would need to be, could be of about a couple seconds, to justify the investigation. And that selection be first selected by a bot filter, not a human being. Then you'd have to be monitored even if to register that it was a "false alarm".
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