Sorry but Bayonetta's ass craps all over Rachael's
Jet Set Radio Future
Dead Or Alive 3
Dead Or Alive Ultimate
Oddworld: Munch's Oddysey
Oddworld: Strangers Wrath (should have added it dude)
RaliSport Challenge 2
Halo CE
Shenmue 2
Panzer Dragoon Orta
Ninja Gaiden
Street Fighter Anniversary edition
Jade Empire
Blinx (deal with it)
These were the game that made the Xbox for me. The more i think about it, the more i believe that there wasnt a best console last gen. The PS2 had the most highest rated games, theres no denying that but it wasnt for everyone (it was for me). What i mean by that is, a person thats a heavy FPS/WRPG player wouldnt find a home on the PS2 and in that regard, the Xbox would be the best console for them. Its something i liked about last gen, each system had its own area it catered too, unlike this gen where everyones going for everything. It meant you needed more consoles, but i liked that.
Im going to make a thread on this later.
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