keep having fun cows.
I like how im decried for not having a steering wheel bet most of you numpties dont own one either.
As usual we see the full Gran turismo defence league is in play.
Oh yeah Kuraimen, i only sold GT5 last November, y'know money was tight so it was surplus to requirement and was bought on release day when i thought it was amazing but over the course of a solid month of play i realised it was a pretty hobbled together game with no real direction and a very broken online component and the lack of auction house at the time was honestly criminal as much as their birthday glitch.
1) go to GT Mode, select either A-Spec or B-Spec.
Yeah at launch playing the same few races over and over so i can unlock cars to drive, the actual decent races where im not driving a 1.4 Yaris is highly entertaining, least Forza i feel it throws you in at a fairly decent pace especially how it handles levelling in comparrison to GT which was my main irk it felt like a grind, you never feel like your getting anywhere and honestly it got boring.
2) it was broken on release date. assuming you actually played the game for "a solid month", then that means you had 29 more days to play online
The online system at launch was honestly horrid, it was poorly planned,designed and the UI screamed of bad design.
3) so you went to find an auction house even though you had no game credits to buy a car? lulz. there's an offline used car shop, there's the new car dealerships, there's an online used car shop, there's an online guide to which races give which cars, you can receive car coupons from friends, and if you really want to whine so much there's the birthday glitch, which was actually more fun than any glitch in Forza.
Idiot i dont think you understand what i mean by auction house, you ever seen the Forza one? its used for picking up bargains or special cars, its a great system shame it wasnt in GT5, it would have been better considering how rare some cars are actually it would have given the game a decent economy online aswell.It would have really opened it up for people.
the car coupon system is terrible to be bluntly honest and so is the online used car shop in comparrison to an auction house system where you are more likely to find what you want and possibly at a reduced price :o i got an Enzo for 300k on FM3 because someone had a doubler i guess.
4) to recap, you gave up on the game because you can't find the career mode, the license tests, the special challenges, and the seasonal events. then you couldn't play the game online during release date so you mark it off as broken. then it doesn't have an auction house because oh what are we to do, how do we get cars if there were no auction houses.
To recap i honestly think your a dumbarse cow troll, who probably should add me on PSN, once i get back to my parents house sometime next week i'll add you and you can see all the GT5 trophy's i actually have, done all the license tests, special challenges and various other major feats in the game mind you, you probably wont because your pride and your idiocy will get in the way of how you cant seem to grasp the concept i had a diffent experience than you purely based on the fact i dont allign myself to one platform like a silly cretin.
what a whiny little prick :roll:
excuse me while i bugger off and listen to Attila.
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