I really like the sunset theme Kakarot, but I've always liked sunsets and sunrises. That gives me an idea though :P for a new sig and maybe a banner for on my profle *grins*
The sunset theme suits Goku pretty well. You might wanna work on the font a bit though, it's a bit too plain.-Katsuri-
agree. what ur using?
I'm using Vivaldi font,size 16
Do you suggest another font that writes cursive cuz I like the text to be fancy8)
Here's a debut on a couple of my works. I made them on paint.net.
This is Mina Tepes from Dance In The Vampire Bund which was a birthday present for one of my friends.
This is actually my first sig. I call it a sig but I never resized it as a sig, though. :lol:
Sorry I don't have tinypic or photobucket but I managed to save the pics posted here to my house PC and then uploaded them to Facebook and hopefully this works. XD
The Mina Tepes sig I made for my friend's birthday.
And the Elfen Lied sig featuring Nyuu.
@Ebbon: Ohh, Dance in the Vampire bund. Is it supposed to be stretched like that? O_o Other than being stretched, it looks good.
The Elfen lied one is pretty unique. Messy isn't really my kinda thing though. :P Green for text doesn't suit it me thinks. Try a combination of black and red, or just red. Maybe a little stroking and/or glow to add to that.
@Kakarot: Better. But try to change the color too. Or if you're going with white, try stroking it to make it more apparent. Push it up a bit too. You can also use a combination of fonts in the same text (for example, make the first letter "king & Queen" and the rest "Rage Italic").
@Ken: Is it only my comp or is that gif really just repeatedly showing three layer clips of Aizen's creepy grin? xD
Not a big fan of that light border as it is. You might wanna add a black border around the light to make the whole thing stand out more I'm loving the text you used though. What's that font?
its only 2 layers of his evil grin.lol
that font has several font names for some reason, i know 2 names are grudge and the other is concrete. oh bleeding Cowboys, and 28 days too.Â
@Kat: Yeah I didn't have a standard for sig size so that's why the Mina sig turned out the way it did. With the Elfen Lied sig I used a red moon for a background so the red text would have gotten lost in it. Also I inverted the colors with one layer which is why the other Nyuu is oddly colored. So there was a lot of black.
With an Additive setting it tends to mess up those sorts of things. Green felt best with the circumstances.
@Ken: What's the name of this "stanrdard font"?
@Ebbon: It's not really related to the size of the image it self as much as the stretching of it. Unless you meant you had to stretch it to make it that size, which is a bad idea in general as it ruins the pic.
Yes, red on its own would've gotten lost. That's why I mentioned stroking/adding glow afterward. Doing that will make it look more apparent and not lost, while also giving it a nice touch.
Yeah, I noticed how you inverted the colors. I'm personally not a fan of doing that as it feels too messy to me, but to each his own style I suppose. I'd personally rather fill the empty space with a brushing of my own.
Sorry I don't have tinypic or photobucket but I managed to save the pics posted here to my house PC and then uploaded them to Facebook and hopefully this works. XD
The Mina Tepes sig I made for my friend's birthday.
And the Elfen Lied sig featuring Nyuu.
ohh look great and you know you dont need tinypic account to upload :P you can just go stright upload it.
something i was playing with in photoshop while making my bleach card.
love it! :D but gif should be better type not just 2 sec fames :P
@Kat: Actually I shrunk it down and I didn't get into the 430 x 170 format then until I had made my DOTM entry lol. Also I'm still new to paint.net and have only the slightest grasp of its capabilities which explains why the Elfen Lied sig is how it is XD
@Nightmare: My computer won't upload any pics to Gamespot. Seriously I've tried on a multitude of occasions...
Here's one that I'm working on recently, still want to add some text to it, just not sure what yet :P
Hm? I didn't know you were into wolves.-Katsuri-
Yup I do, but I made those for 2 friends of mine and they liked them a lot.
i like wolves.lolkenkashijd
Wolves are cool that's for sure.
i like second one lots better :) good job bella!Nightmare-_-
Thanks Euca, and it's good to see you back at Gotei.
Well I hope that Tobler3, my new recruit doesn't mind my showing one of the signatures that I've made for him. I'm making a few others as well for him.
Anyway, here's one of them:
He's a big fan of Yoruichi Shihoin :D
You're welcome Euca. That would be great, tutorials would be helpful. I do have a book but sometimes that diesnt really help all the much lol. Thanks.
Thanks Euca, and it's good to see you back at Gotei.
Well I hope that Tobler3, my new recruit doesn't mind my showing one of the signatures that I've made for him. I'm making a few others as well for him.
Anyway, here's one of them:He's a big fan of Yoruichi Shihoin :D
Arigatou, it looks really good, can't wait to see the others :)
@ Tobler: You're welcome and I'm currently working on the rest.. 2 more actually and should have them done tonight my time.
@ Ken: Nice indeed and so the union is being resurrected.. awesome.
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