Mmhm planning to getting CS3 for Christmas. PLUS if I manage that well enough I'm gonna go back and try to pick up GIMP. I like the challenge of GIMP, but I'm just circling it for the time being. Also heard that CS5 has a TON of new stuff and clutter so it'll be practice. :D
As for Paint.NET and Paint I manipulate images and work with them but honestly it's best for doing things like collages and minor/slight alterations, despite how good my sig turned out. :lol:
I think my sig came out so well because image search engines tend to love me and give me high-quality stuff and I have a habit of finding good stuff. :lol:
I guess the Internet likes me. :lol:
Considering the present and the writing that's going to be inside the card...She might have a joygasmic heart attack. :lol:
I'm such a romantic it melts her to the core. :oops:
She says she's the lucky one! :lol: I would go farther but I don't think I should clutter the thread with romantic OT. :oops:
In any case I'm gonna be redoing that Dance In The Vampire Bund sig with Mina Tepes in it. It was a birthday present for a friend and she's been using it as her computer background for quite some time. I told her I should remake it so that some key elements are adjusted.
AND here is another old design I thought I lost. It's one that came before my Christmas card design but I might as well put it up here. Still made in Paint.NET lolz. Slap-sensei's seen it already.
@Kakarot: LOVE the second one man. The rainbow effect works it pretty damn well. :D
Another one I made today.
The woman didn't come out as well as I wanted but I loved how the guy came out. I have at least another place where he would work. :|
Thank you all:D
A friend sent me a tut for rainbow effect and I followed it and made I need to find the link for the tut:P
@Ebbon: It looks great but I feel like it's missing something:?
Yeah I know which is why I'm frustrated...The guy came out best I should probably use him in another design and use a similar effect.
@Kakarot: Thanks man I think it's pretty much the woman that has things missing lol
The woman didn't come out as well as I wanted but I loved how the guy came out. I have at least another place where he would work. :|
the dude on the left is a little blurred with would have been fine if it was on the background, I would have the woman blurred a little aswell to match up the left side
Ah Paint.NET...How we despise your base, barely legitimate classification as image enhancement software.
Yeah I tried distorting it individually and altogether and it didn't help much with me. :|
I have a file for it on my laptop hard drive but the software isn't active as of yet. I'm putting it aside for now until I get a couple friends to start tutoring me on using GIMP. :lol:
But suffice to say I still will be designing. :3
I prefer PS, its easier to use in general for designing imo. Â I know that there's people that say GIMP is better and that's fine for them. Â Oh I'm gonna be working on a sig for Dorthie2 soon by request, I hope that she'll like it.Â
Well I just finished a signature for my good friend Dorthie2, she really liked it :D Â so be ready to see it on her posts probably very soon.
Thanks Bella for the Nickelback sig I really like it dorthie2
You're welcome Dorthie, I'm glad that you like it.Â
Its a nice basic sig. Good job!Azaru32
Thanks Asaru, the more I design the more I learn about the things CS4 can do :P
Btw, your sig is cool, sis you make it?
Hmm that sounds interesting indeed Nii-kun. Â I can't wait to see it :D Â Speaking of making gifts I'm also making one for my Nii-kun for his B-day this month... and I have a feeling he will like it a lot as it's featuring some characters form one of his fave anime :P
... *looks at my previous reply to Azaru and notices a type-o and face palms* Â .... it should have said "did" not "sis" Â oye ...Â
Here's a design that I made for a contest which is now done so I can share it here. Â I'm interested in what you all think. Â
I'm going to set the bar higher on commenting images from now on soo... don't kill me...
Overall, it's a good beginners sig.
It may sound harsh but I really think you can do so much better then this since I dont think you're at beginner lvl anymore. I'm going to advice you to do THIS tutorial. It's a GIMP tut so it should be easy since if I remember correctly you use GIMP?? Show me the result if you decide to do this tutorial.
Thank you Euca for your comments on this design, and they weren't harsh at all. I'm glad that you saw things that needed improvement as I want to get better at this type of thing. It was a method from an online tut for Photoshop, which is the program I use for making my designs. Â I've been using CS4 recently and have never tried using the pen tool for doing renders, thank you for suggesting that, I will be giving that a try to clean this one up and then post it again here. Â Â
As far as the BG goes, I used a C4D render and smudged it. Â However you were right about using the eraser tool, although I didn't put a duplicate layer of the BG over the top of the Nura render and erase it so the render showed through it. Â I'd have to look up the online tut I used in order to explain how I did it lol. Â
I've never used GIMP, but would like to figure it out sometime.... eventually. Â
oh goodie, you use PS as well. Then I have the perfect tutorial for you on rendering pics. LINK. It contains 3 seperate mini tuts. Scroll down to the last part of the tut (Ichimaru Gin).Â
hmm so your background used to be a C4D? Usually when you use a C4D, you don't have to change it that much. Most of the time it's ready to be used as it is. The only thing that you might apply to it are color changes. Somehow it does have some similarities with my banner tutorial, since I erase parts above the render as well. You might want to check that one out as well. You might want to use the pic in the banner tutorial to practice rendering.
I can honestly say that you can render with the magic wand on Paint.NET and get quite a decent render if you preset its levels right.
Otherwise I just use an eraser and make the render the way I want it. For Bella's I did that and it actually came out REALLY well and the erasing only took about two hours. MUCH more brief than I expected but well worth the effort if you remember to adjust eraser sizes (Yes I know it's no the best way but I have to make due somehow when the magic wand fails :lol::P).
The detail sticks and where the hair in Bella's design is uneven and looks low-quality all you would have to do is erase around the edges BUT you MUST be careful and pay attention to your eraser size. To get it pretty damn right I went as high as 35 for an eraser size and went all the way down to size 1 around hair.
Long and arduous, but worth the quality you get. @.@
Considering that I have always only used one render in any sig and that finishing any sig took about another two to five hours of work depending on what I do with coloring and adding designs it's not even the bulk of the work.
Bella's would be the first time I put more than one render (despite them being small) in and even then when I did that part I'm busy with other things. More time has been spent on the background and positioning than the rendering. I like the quality I get from it it actually makes it look more like it belongs with whatever background I use.
There are five renders in the sig I'm doing for Bella. One big one and a bunch of little ones. Added maybe thirty minutes of work at most. So far I've done 3 hours of work because I'm redoing a background and sig for another friend, a couple birthday things. Plus novels don't write themselves. Gotta budge time somehow.
There is no comparison with photoshop or gimp. All other programs are rubbishAzaru32
I understand that. However understanding that doesn't make acquiring PS any easier. -_-"
@Euca: Yeah I realize that which pisses me off but eh I have to make due. The Barragan sig I made for a DOTM last year had a couple of self-rendered Barragans over an unrendered one.
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