Hard to say truthfully. At the very least they've noticed one of our messages..though it wasn't exactly properly take care of upon viewing.
I DO NOT think we should let the Introduce Yourself topic be one in the same with our rules thread. I doubt anyone is going to really read that rediculously long title let alone look over the first page for rules that aren't even complete. We need links to all the mod threads, ToS, etc. Things that are particularly of interest to the union should be directly quoted like the info below on UNION GAMES.
Officers should handle game creation itself (for now) rather the directly put the Leader (YOU) at risk in any way. A recruit can suggest one but should not be allowed to make one directly. They can spell out their idea, but we have to go over it. If the need arises, we'll elaborate on this set-up. Though the Leader should be aware of all goings-ons of course.
Understand this tid bit:
"4) The importance of Union Leaders! There are a variety of things that are important for a Union to exist, and a Union without a leader is a Union that is at risk of being removed. If you do not have an active Union leader, please read this thread."
I feel the above ALONE is enough to explain (in the future), why Leaders are needed without going into the powers/abilities, figurehead, etc. things.
The below is for those of you who care about the little diversions a union offers...
Creating one of these threads will cause the Topic Creator to be moderated with a point loss or suspension and those posting in the thread also run a risk of being moderated once a moderator comes across the thread one way or the other. In some instances the punishment will be more severe and users who posts in these threads as well as the topic creator may have their Profile Level reset to ZERO. The Union is question can suffer the same level reset or it can deleted altogether from GameSpot.
These thread go by various names, but the purpose of the thread remains the same. I repeat, do not create or post in any of these threads, report them or PM me the links the threads
Let's Count/ Posting game/ [Insert number here] Posting - These are threads where users just count starting from #1 and going on and on, the thread may have a numerical post limit or not.
In/Out thread/ Signing in/out thread - These threads serve no purpose all users do in them is post 'in' when they enter the union and'out' when they leave the union. Sometimes users posting 'in' and 'out' consecutively, multiple times a day.
ABC Game - Similar to the let's count game, users post the alphabeth in order. This isn't kindergarten. We all should know the alphabeth by now...I hope...
Word Game - This when someone post a word and the someone else posts another word...and so we go on
Last Letter game - This is when users post a word, then another user uses the last letter in that word to create a new word...and so on and so on
One-word story - This is when users each post one letter hoping to build a story
Backwards Posting - I haven't had many run in with this one, but these are when users post messages backwards, can be a single word or a sentence, then users spell out their word and post one of their own...and so forth
Quote Game/Build a Quote/ Largest Quote Game - These are when users start off trying to build the world's largest quote chain. This is not onlySpam, but it's extremely Disruptive!
Throw something/ban/kill the user above (or below) me/you or any other variations - Seriously now, this is when users just randomly post something to be thrown/ban/kill users. It's total spam.
Vending Machine - Starts off with a user inserting a coin then another user posts what the previous poster would get, then poster insert a coin and so goes the thread. This game serves no purpose and has no meaning whatsoever.
This or That - Users put down two things, another selects one of the two and then put downs two more for someone else to choose...and so goes the thread
Rate the User/Sig/Avatar/or anything else above/below - Just users posting numbers. No discussion whatsoever. Even with discussion there are still the odd few that loves to spam up these types of threads therefore they are outlawed totally.
Grant a wish - This is when a user wishes for something, then another user grants the wish and the wishes for something and so on. Once again serves no purpose, just users posting random wishes.
Fight/Battle (or any other variations) - This thread is when users 'fight' with each other. It's nothing but random posting and spamming. It isn't allowed.
ANY type of thread (1) begging/ asking users to making random posts or comments (2) Asking users to end a sentence in a certain way eg. [Insert random sentence here] without my hands - This doesn't need any explaination. It's just users posting random things
ALLOWED (but with specific rules)
Hurt and Heal - The isn't really a game, but more like a contest where users can hurt or heal various things. Most famous are video game characters or users. The golden rule to remember for this thread is ONE ACTION PER DAY. Any sooner and you run the risk of the thread being removed and moderation eg Threads with one action per hour rule will be instantly nuked and the topic creator moderate.
Corrupt a Wish - This starts off with a user wishing for something, then another user grants the wish, but twists the meaning so that the wish is granted, but it isn't actually what was originally asked for, the the user in turns posts a wish and so on so on.
True or False - This is when a user posts something then another user posts if it is true or false (related to the initial poster) and gives a reason why, then that user posts something and so on.
NOTE: This is just a slightly modified version of "Corrupt a Wish" so please do not have both types of threads in your union at the same time. If you get tired of one format and want to try the other, please lock the first thread.
Person above/below me - Simple, just post something about the user above or below you. It must have some line of truth in it. Try to avoid simple single word phrases and post things meaningful eg has XXXX posts or is LvXX or is online are not acceptable in this thread. DO NOT POST ABOUT YOURSELF. If these threads get out of control and turn into spam, it will be removed and users will be moderated with pointloss and suspensions
What are you listening to - Not really a game, but this is allowed at unions also. As long as one user doesn't spam up the thread, it's okay to have around.
Picture Game/Picture This/Guess the (insert something here) - This is when users post a picture (most of the time it's game related), it can contain hints or not, and the users must try to guess the game the picture is from, the winner then post a picture and so on.
Trivia Games - These are simple or complicated quizes that test the knowledge of users (similar to GameSpot's On the Spot Trivias). A user posts a question, another user answers, it the user is correct he/she posts their own question. Most of the times these trivias are multiple choice (in order to keep the thread moving)
Voting (Insert something here) - Various voting is allowed at unions. Poll voting and post voting are both allowed
3-word story - This is when users post 3 words hoping to build a story. It's not too different from the one word story but this one is allowed because users can actually build on it and I have seen some rather creative stories."
Notice that Witty Caption is not covered. Perhaps we should ask if there is any issue with it in concept. It seems to fit the bill of what they would want. Obviously anyone posting content that breaks rules would NOT be the fault of the thread's design/creator so much as the poster. It would then be up to the Officers/Leader to deal with that. I'd prefer we don't bring in mods. I'd rather we have a way of clearing things up quietly while still appeasing them. Less work for them, less trouble for us.
That's the idea anyway...how it pans out remains to be seen...THIS part is up for discussion.
~If you prefer, Alucard, I could do the necessary EDITs to save you the work but either way, we're going to a discussion about this. At the very least through the Officer Thread. It is of the highest priority that we have this issue tackled I feel.
NOTE: Let the discussions begin..
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