Deeb: >every
It varies. The Glitch FAQs go over this. GoS and GoW:A didn't get them though.
Some entries allow restarts (checkpoint abuse), but others require quit/reload (from savepoints) with regards to resetting the clock.
>sure about GoWII
As you should be.
>don't believe in speedrun veteran
What's all this?
Yet so few manage times of any note.
>what to upgrade
If anything. Also, how to upgrade that thing (getting the EXP, where to upgrade it *for other exploits*, etc.).
>how to skip fights
Or entire areas. Also, these techniques aren't alway so easy as with the GoS method. Figuring out the triggers and all that can take time and even when you know how to do it, not all of them are easy to manage. Some require precision and timing to say the least. OoB cases require memorization of collision and sometimes the entire area if the camera messes up (including going totally dark).
>when to take chests
Which might often be 'never'.
>which items to collect
Probably among the 'never' category too. We often finding regenerating/infinite magic exploits aside from runs with tools allowing it already (costumes, possessions, urns, artifacts, etc.).
Often a tool for combat and even that leads back into speedrunning (as the aim). Though, some glitches are more for amusement than utility.
Many of them tend to also fancy speedruns (if not doing the speedrunning).
>forgot to mention
He respects PAIN/PAIN+. He's merely having a go with regards to the comment on speedruns. Much of what you note for PAIN+ factors in speedruns too. Not everything can be skipped and optimal handling in terms of speed is the ultimate concern, so you need good handling and good tactics. Can't dally around. Just being bad at quick rolling (or other rapid movement aspects) adds up quite a bit over the course of a run.
>worth time
It would take a long time to learn the best skips, optimize for the run, practice the skips, practice segments and do it all. Just for GoW1, you would need to do as well as tyrhhjy and then denote which skips he didn't use for whatever reason (new or he couldn't reliably do them) while doing as good or better in terms of everything else to beat his time (which was something like 55 minutes).
Doing a 1 hour (or less *sub-1 hour*) run is no joke, Deeb. Even if you know what they do, it doesn't mean you can just execute it perfectly. Many don't even understand what they are seeing in the more complex skips (or how it is done). So that makes it even harder to emulate. This is what Wulf would like you to understand. Then competing against the times of others in the world can make it that much more trying.
TUGOWU recently tightened up the time expectations for qualifying quite a bit, but even now requires more tuning while we do allow for very forgiving final times versus just noting the records and only tracking the fastest of a particular run.
Wulf: >silly to stop at a non-save point
Silly to stop at all in a single segment run, but we don't seem to get much of that in our runners.
>haven't heard of an entry that doesn't reset the clock on restart
"It works differently from the one in GoW 1, very differently. I must say I prefer the GoW 1 clock... Game clock begins counting at the start of the first in-game scene. On retry, the game time is not reverted back. (unlike in GoW 1) While in weapons (start) menu time DOES run. While in save menu, time DOES run. § During FMV's the time DOES run. During in-game cutscenes, time DOES run. During loading times, time DOES run. While in the pause (select) menu, time does not run. While in the screen which you get if you open up the disc tray, time does not run." - AKheon (GoWII Glitch FAQ)
GoWIII FAQ and CoO don't note it. Can't speak on GoS or GoW:A (you covered that). GoW1's Glitch FAQ just reconfirms what is known.
>bad for lack of savepoints
Tested chapter select on that front? The Continue option versus purely using 'restart'?
>chapter select just piles it on
Those shady motherf***ers... This wouldn't fly with Platinum. They don't count time spent in QTE finishes, cutscenes, loading, restarts, some non-combat areas, deaths, etc. in the final time which caused Vanquish and MGR:R in particular (Bayonetta less so) to get flack about being 'too short' when the players were too dumb to realize the clock was just stroking their (undeserved) ego.
>needs confirmation
I can understand 'restarts' (though annoying), but not Continue (and absolutely not Chapter Select). It only sort of makes for settings lower than VH as they give you full HP refills for every single checkpoint if you restart (or die, I suppose). For deaths, maybe that would be excusable for keeping time on VH, but restart won't give that perk, so why count time? Just tricking the dips*** reviewers and casuals into thinking the game was longer than it really was (as with all the filler/padding)?
>PAIN+ jest
Yes, yes. To take the joke further, anybody could be a VH NUR and higher Clone veteran. You just need to block or evade certain attacks, keep the Clones grouped, isolate one to drain its spawn pool and watch the trajectory of Agony's bolts. Simple enough. Plumes all day with some OH redirection and maybe T (less so s6). But such is the nature of the play at (over)simplifying.
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