I heard and watched that GoW:A is completely different from the rest of the series, so I can't judge the method.
If GS knew....
I heard and watched that GoW:A is completely different from the rest of the series, so I can't judge the method.
If GS knew....
>can't judge
There is some room to do so despite this, but if you wish to withold that judgement, so be it.
Gorgons can get hit by the fire barrier and it's possible for it to knock them into a stun state.
There is a one way wall preventing entry to the north side of the fire barrier. Gorgons can pass through south, but not north. If you're on the north side, they will press up against it constantly taking damage. I didn't have the patience to kill one that way as they only seem to take damage at an interval of 3.5 taunts.
Passage over the barrier while it's flaming is possible, just takes a careful jump.
Sirens stone quickly when caught in the gorgon's gaze.
Gorgons can be shattered without OSoO if you hit the statue with the slam of the grabbed gorgon before shield charging.
>hit by fire barrier
Not for damage of note, I'm sure. I don't recall it causing them to dizzy. How interesting.
It's on my list of things to view. I need to attend this, Zig's small update, Adel's recent few videos and Deeb's ongoing coverage.
>time taken
Got to Zig. You, Tid, Deeb and Adel are in cue. I have some rounds to make as well though.
I've perfected the gorgon shattering a bit further. Can reliably do it without OSoO now but that leaves me open to a counterattack from the first gorgon. With OSoO, if it doesn't bug out, I can shatter them without a shield charge.
To get the most out of a gorgon stoning, you have to hit the target with both the slam and the toss as you finish the stoning grab.
Hold the stick directly away from your target right after the stoning, as Kratos will whip the gorgon behind him, then immediately hold the stick towards your target, as Kratos will finish the backwards whip by tossing the gorgon forward.
Those two hits actually do a fair bit of damage to the statue. They seem to be equivalent to 4-7 hits of a shield charge. I believe the final toss can hit multiple times, which would explain some of the randomness I'm seeing in required shatter damage.
When initiating the grab, you can position and direct the gorgon a fair bit. You can probably move 1/4th the length of the arena in a direction of your choice.
I've lost count of the number of times OSoO has glitched and just started sliding around the floor forever without attacking, or just not appeared while costing me my activation. Glitched gorgon grabs are incredibly common as well. Sometimes they just free me from the animation and stone properly, sometimes they repeat the animation twice and lock me in for both but nothing gets stoned. Can be mostly avoided by not grabbing anywhere near the edge, but that's too limiting.
As for general ToA discussion, I'm thinking that shattering one gorgon then getting the next two to red halo is optimal. Having 2 sirens and 2 gorgons up at once is too much if you want to actually attack. The gorgons constantly gaze or grab you, and if you're partially petrified you can't stand still long enough to get an attack out with the lightning landing everywhere. The MP refills from siren/gorgon finishers aren't enough for a second cast until you're almost done the phase anyway.
OSoO has iframes when being cast, can be used to trick through a gorgon's grab attempt on you.
Do the Eyes have any combat value whatsoever? They seem completely useless.
There may be other causes, but it seems to me that if you're rolling around like a madman, the siren's lightning will become invisible if it goes off-camera but not disappear. I've been killed many times by what I assume is invisible lightning.
A note to be careful in phase 2, a shield jump that hits the north edge will ring you out, even at ground level.
Deeb: >at the beginning
The order is dependent on my whims. That which is noted might not even apply. By the time I make a move, another could have joined the list (again). Taz, SoH, etc.
Wulf: >open to counter-attack
To be expected.
>if it doesn't bug out
Ah, yes.
>slam and toss
Such a bother.
>not activating or slides
Great game.
>sometimes good X and sometimes s*** Y
"I love it!" - Gene
>nowhere near the edge
Oh boy.
>shatter one
>red halo two others
>leaving one health case
Sounds about right.
>aren't enough
Too bad about SBK's finding seemingly not apply unless it's something for a version without any patches at all (I have 1.02 still).
>i-frames on cast
Is it i-frames or super armor?
>Eyes value
Just some damage and knockdown on foes (even Gorgons). Regenerate at a decent speed. I find that it doesn't always come out when input.
>off-screen lightning becomes invisible
Perhaps the hit box just lingers a bit and/or the hit box extends outside the visible bolt a bit. Either is perfectly possible with the nonsense this entry pulls.
>northside shield jump
>rings out self
I see.
> i-frames or super armor?
Seems to be iframes, but I'm not 100%. Didn't consider super armor. I've used it to trick tail swipes, and while I didn't check my health immediately after, I probably would've noticed that I had unexplained damage.
>knockdown on foes (even Gorgons). Regenerate at a decent speed.
I guess it may be worth playing around with outside of the ToA, but it's not enough to knock a gorgon out of an attack.
> Perhaps the hit box just lingers a bit
That may be possible. I've noticed that if you get a gorgon off-screen as it's starting a grab attack, it will pause at that exact point until you go back onscreen for an insta-grab. Maybe the lightning is 'pausing' as well, but the animation's already finished.
>didn't consider
Look for a small flash on your HP bar. Tiny damage.
>wouldn't have noticed damage
Tail swipe hits quite a bit harder than the grab initiation.
>knock Gorgon out of an attack
Most things aren't.
>pause the grab and suddenly spring into it when revealed
>lighting is pausing
It's possible. It's hard to test without an Arena though.
Nothing like ending an otherwise perfect attempt with a death to wraiths. Ugh.
Started off with an effortless shatter of the first gorgon, perfect grouping of the next two for simultaneous red halo and death, 3 siren punch-outs and easy cleanup. Phase 2 was efficient but otherwise unnoteworthy, then for phase 3 I got sloppy for one second and ignored wraith simultosses, thinking they were boundary taunts.
Obviously there are easier and safer ways of clearing the ToA so it shouldn't be this big of an obstacle in my run, but if my run is going to be noteworthy for no other reason, it will be because of how the ToA is offensively violated, not defensively passed. That, and shield plume.
I miss the carefree days of my youth, where I could just sit down with a challenge from start to finish no matter how long it took.
>death to Wraiths
I can just imagine your horror.
>clean W1 and W2
>W3 Centaur down easily
>mistoke cue and got lit up
Oh, my.
>that and shield plume
>miss the freetime
Hmmm, yes.
>done and uploaded
My side project is about done. I should be back to viewing videos and such soon. YT has been pissing me off with their playback errors though. That slows me down too.
>W2 and W3 issues
>done with it
Really saps you, does it not? Such an array of stupid design calls.
Doing stage 1 of the ToA as I did really highlights almost every mistake they made. If they'd had a single tester do it my way, and fixed the errors they came across, the game would have been improved throughout.
Glitched grabs, insta-gorgon grabs, statue shattering, perma-stuns disabling gorgons, fake perma-stuns where the gorgon has a permanent halo but is active and can't be grabbed until red, ridiculous hitboxes on the lightning, invisible lightning hitboxes, statues in mid-attack sometimes causing stagger to the player when they shatter, OSoO getting 'lost' and just wandering around, gorgon gaze releasing creatures from white halo, creatures initiating attacks after you finish a grab before the camera returns to a useful position... The list goes on.
I don't mind 'difficult' areas (even though this area would have been easy with a defensive approach) but this section wasn't me fighting the creatures, it was me fighting the programming.
Edit: After re-reading my post, I may have understated the number of errors elsewhere. Fixing the above errors would be a good start, but I suppose it doesn't highlight 'almost every' mistake they made.
OSoO is i-frames from everything I can see. No HP bar flashing when OSoOing through attacks.
> side project
What's been keeping you busy, if you don't mind me asking?
>almost every
Certainly a good deal of them. They didn't slip in any stupid navigation/puzzles, drop a cutscenes (visual cues and lever pulling aside), etc., but I get the idea.
>single tester
Papy "tuned it" personally. Tuned it for OSoO and magic spam. On Normal. With MAX set-up. Neat, huh?
>various issues
>the list goes on
And on.
A bit.
>doesn't highlight
These things happen. It is a strong case for a large collection of their failings.
>keeping busy
My mother was sick, father is out of control, cousin wanted me to catch-up in SnK (anime *I also went ahead in the manga for good measure*), aunt had an issue with her HP PC tower (motherboard is screwed and 'error purple' *anti-piracy failsafe* prevents fix), grandmother expects an 80th birthday slideshow with music of very old slides (about four times the work for my grandfather's version, one-third the amount of aid, half the freetime to work on it, too many distracting problems, etc.), upkeep on car (about done in this front), preparations for Eternal's marriage, etc. Lots of family stuff (primarily). For tomorrow, I need only concern myself with my guest.
I'd rather use my freetime for my own pursuits online (of which I have a great many) aside from vidya. Even with the low amount of work hours I have, it's still enough to drain my time and energy enough to prevent activity that is highly demanding/draining (as some long evaluations/testing can be). I'm certainly not fond of the issues YT has been having (forces me to restart the computer to load pages).
His Twitter. He blocked me from it, so I can't mine it for old quotes and he did remove some old interactions (mostly stuff where he was dumb enough to speak to me). I'd have to make another account to work around it and give you links.
>updated flash
That's what some suspect is part of the issue.
>different browser
Yep. Even mobile has some issues (not nearly as bad).
>NUR+ done
As at gow3forums, this is known.
Wulf: >ever give that a try
Maybe later.
Deeb: >what problem
Specifically issues with playback (mostly when rewinding/fast forwarding a video) that causes flash to lock-up (not just crashing and needing to be stopped and started up again). This forces a full restart of the computer each time (not just restarting a video *or closing the browser as with some other issues*). On mobile it was just a rare case where skipping ahead refused to work. Might have meant nothing.
>update flash
I had done so. It's noted as an issue on YT's end. FireFox and Adobe pointed fingers at each other in a lot of the topics, but YT itself seems to be the fault here.
>sign-in issue
I'm unfamiliar with this. Just that YT itself kept asking about its new versions and how to represent me to others (very annoying).
Yeah, now every channel is forced to use the new version, just like the last year. You will get used to it.
>get used to it
Adaptable, am I.
Only a matter of time. GFAQs pulled the same stunt. The mobile version looks especially bad now.
I didn't try the mobile version but the PC version looks much better than the previous one.
>Adaptable, am I.
Don't you think there is something wrong"?"
>much better
It's closer to GS, but lacks the GS features that make it worth the trouble. I expect more errors, longer load times, etc. Code will likely start to f*** up more often too. All a matter of time.
>something wrong
It's not a question. It's a statement. Yoda speech pattern.
Never happened with me.
>longer loading
I don't concentrate. Even if it is. How much would it take?!
Doesn't matter how much longer it takes, it's a move in the wrong direction.
F5, *BAM*, page is done. That's how it should work.
F5. .... .... ... Hey, there it is. That's how it should not work.
I'm sick of people taking something that works, adding useless "features", and ending up with something that works less efficiently than when they started.
Deeb: >never happened
But it will. And worse errors too.
>how much
If it loads at all? Probably around five seconds. Usually by showing a page from the past rather than the present. Sometimes refreshing is enough to fix that. Posting can result in error too, but the message is often false (the post went through).
When you see pages as they were, not as they are...this is a notable difference. When posts fail to go through or give false flags, that is no good. When a union becomes inaccessible (as has happened before), that is a problem.
Wulf: >move in the wrong direction
A direction they've been in before. Two or three times, even.
>less efficiently
This place has been a mess for close to six years. Shortly after TUGOWU established itself, GS abandoned unions and began to falter on all other fronts.
That's GS.
>nothing happened
It goes on and off with high traffic. E3 is over, so it should start to resolve. We shall see. If they try to change anything, it gets really bad.
Deeb: >which
All. It's a matter of degree, however. I know GoW1 and GoWII best among them. Less so GoWIII. Less still for CoO and GoS. Then comes GoW:A.
Wulf: >thanks
Needless. It's among my functions. Good work. I'm still tired though. Work offered me optional hour mid-way into my sleep cycle. Had to turn it down for the promised Father's day visit, but the old fool forgot we talked the night before and made his own plans to visit graves. So I'm freed up, but lack energy to do much with it. I can't sleep, but can't really be active. So passive intake is all that leaves me. Watching. Not really analyzing, thinking critically, etc. Thus, I can't review or do much of anything as intended until I do manage to get a few more hours of sleep.
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