what is your favorite animezinedinezidane1Hands down the Serial Experiments: Lain series. The series took quite a number of chances with the way in which the story was portrayed was perfectly placed. It's just a twelve episode series and that's it, but that's as long as it needs to be. That it takes such a strange idea (A student at a local school commits suicide, and then other students begin to receive E-mails from the student) and then pushes that idea to such a convoluted and yet brilliant direction is surely breathtaking. I watched the series in its entirety the first time, because I was so hooked on it. There's quite a bit of other anime that I like, particularly Miyazaki's works, the venerable Akira and Ghost in the Shell, plus some odd titles in there as well, such as Perfect Blue and Blood: The Last Vampire (Which I'm thoroughly convinced that if it were three hours long or its own series, instead of a 45 minute movie, it would have been one of the better vampire stories ever told). Have you guys ever seen Ergo Proxy? I want to know what that one's all about. :x
what is your favorite animezinedinezidane1I have a few so let me name them: Cowboy Bebop (1st on the list), Rorouni Kenshin, Trigun, Outlaw Star, G Gundam, DBZ (of course, that should've been second.)
[QUOTE="zinedinezidane1"]what is your favorite animeThe1-thtgotawayI have a few so let me name them: Cowboy Bebop (1st on the list), Rorouni Kenshin, Trigun, Outlaw Star, G Gundam, DBZ (of course, that should've been second.) Good list, it's the closest to mine. Cowboy Bebop definitely on top, Trigun, Gundam in general, R.Kenshin was pretty cool, Outlaw Star was good but it's been forever since I've seen it. DBZ is awesome.......But also, Ghost in the Shell movie and anime is good, and Akira is heavenly.
[QUOTE="The1-thtgotaway"][QUOTE="zinedinezidane1"]what is your favorite animeirmeleeman5995I have a few so let me name them: Cowboy Bebop (1st on the list), Rorouni Kenshin, Trigun, Outlaw Star, G Gundam, DBZ (of course, that should've been second.) Good list, it's the closest to mine. Cowboy Bebop definitely on top, Trigun, Gundam in general, R.Kenshin was pretty cool, Outlaw Star was good but it's been forever since I've seen it. DBZ is awesome.......But also, Ghost in the Shell movie and anime is good, and Akira is heavenly. Yeah Akira is really good, I don't know why but I liked that anime movie Metropolis and Blood the last Vampire and of course Hellsing, those were pretty good.
Yeah Akira is really good, I don't know why but I liked that anime movie Metropolis and Blood the last Vampire and of course Hellsing, those were pretty good. The1-thtgotawayAkira was pretty good, and remains so to this very day. I haven't seen Metropolis, what's it about? I wasn't particularly impressed with Blood: The Last Vampire. What did you like about it?
[QUOTE="The1-thtgotaway"] Yeah Akira is really good, I don't know why but I liked that anime movie Metropolis and Blood the last Vampire and of course Hellsing, those were pretty good. RintaranAkira was pretty good, and remains so to this very day. I haven't seen Metropolis, what's it about? I wasn't particularly impressed with Blood: The Last Vampire. What did you like about it? Wow I watched Metropolis a while ago I forgot :D, but I liked Blood the last Vampire I don't why I liked the storyline, and the toughness of her I guess.
[QUOTE="Rintaran"][QUOTE="The1-thtgotaway"] Yeah Akira is really good, I don't know why but I liked that anime movie Metropolis and Blood the last Vampire and of course Hellsing, those were pretty good. The1-thtgotawayAkira was pretty good, and remains so to this very day. I haven't seen Metropolis, what's it about? I wasn't particularly impressed with Blood: The Last Vampire. What did you like about it? Wow I watched Metropolis a while ago I forgot :D, but I liked Blood the last Vampire I don't why I liked the storyline, and the toughness of her I guess. Well there must be something you remember about it, otherwise how can you remember that it's good?
[QUOTE="The1-thtgotaway"][QUOTE="Rintaran"][QUOTE="The1-thtgotaway"] Yeah Akira is really good, I don't know why but I liked that anime movie Metropolis and Blood the last Vampire and of course Hellsing, those were pretty good. RintaranAkira was pretty good, and remains so to this very day. I haven't seen Metropolis, what's it about? I wasn't particularly impressed with Blood: The Last Vampire. What did you like about it? Wow I watched Metropolis a while ago I forgot :D, but I liked Blood the last Vampire I don't why I liked the storyline, and the toughness of her I guess. Well there must be something you remember about it, otherwise how can you remember that it's good?Well that's true, ok humans and robots co-exist, and the poor people leave under the huge city-state atop of it. A detective and his young nephew goes to Metroplis to solve a case, when they go somewhere, the young boy found this girl name Tima, who is a robot, but she don't know she is a robot, and she is actually a copy of Duke Red's (Higher person) daughter who died. This robot Tima has a lot of power and I guess Duke Red wants to control this power which brings on the journey of the detective and Kenichi, the young boy. It's real good, I liked it a lot, kinda sad though.
My second video blog is going to be up tonight. This onehas my intro and theme song with it though. Let me know what you guys think. Thanks.
I'll be sure to watch for it Sarge.My second video blog is going to be up tonight. This onehas my intro and theme song with it though. Let me know what you guys think. Thanks.
Well that's true, ok humans and robots co-exist, and the poor people leave under the huge city-state atop of it. A detective and his young nephew goes to Metroplis to solve a case, when they go somewhere, the young boy found this girl name Tima, who is a robot, but she don't know she is a robot, and she is actually a copy of Duke Red's (Higher person) daughter who died. This robot Tima has a lot of power and I guess Duke Red wants to control this power which brings on the journey of the detective and Kenichi, the young boy. It's real good, I liked it a lot, kinda sad though.The1-thtgotawaySongs interesting. I guess I'll have to look it up.
[QUOTE="atomsmasher1313"]TrigunI love how you say Trigun when it's like the only one you've seen....:P
thats a lie, ive seen other ones. Cowboy bebop was good from what i saw, ive actually seen elfen lied somewhere, i saw a couple DBZ episodes, and i used to watchgundam if i could find it
My second video blog is going to be up tonight. This onehas my intro and theme song with it though. Let me know what you guys think. Thanks.
It was excellent.
As for anime, the only anime I've really watched was DBZ. Long live Vegeta!
Random Quiz: What is your inner anime hair colour?
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Another Anime Quiz: What DBZ Character Are You?
What DBZ character are you? Your Result: Broly
you are power crazed, insane with rage, and all around have an evil personality, you are the strongest fighter out there! destroy all who oppose you!!!!!
Vageta Android 17 Goku What DBZ character are you?
Isn't it Vegeta, not Vageta?
I've got another video coming up tonight, in my opinion the best I've ever done.Sarge_Maximus2
I just watched a few of your videos and I'm jealous, no one would ever do those spoofs or anything with me. They were really cool and I reccommend that you do a quick tutorial on how to do add special effects like the superman one ... I used windows movie maker, but don't know how to do those things :(
Actually, my brother, who's also on gamespot as Col-Bauer, did tghe effects. And just wait, it's only gong to get better. For my war epic I'm getting a bunch of army surplus gear, GI helmets and etc, all from WWII.Sarge_Maximus2
Thats awesome, I guess I'll have to ask your brother for the tutorial :P
Gotta catch up with this topic. My favorite anime are:
1. Fullmetal Alchemist
2. Naruto
3. G Gundam
4. Rurouni Kenshin
I also like DBZ, Case Closed, Gundam Wing, and loads of others which I'll kick myself later for not remembering. :lol: Anime is my favorite TV medium.
For the hair color quiz:
You are a blonde. You love attention from the opposite sex, and just want to have fun. People often take you for innocent, but you know what's going on.
Wow, that is absolutely the last thing I would have ever expected. :shock:
DBZ Character Test:
What DBZ character are you? Your Result: Goku
all around nice guy, who always thinks of others before himself, you always have an appitite, and are rather strong. you are just too nice for your own good!
Vageta Broly Android 17 What DBZ character are you?
I'm Goku, cool I get to be the strongest man in the universe. :lol: And the person spelled Vegeta and Gallick Gun wrong among various other DBZ misspellings.
You scored as Kairi. You are Kairi! Kind and gentle, you care about others and you are known for commiting selfless acts. You are the one others turn to in times of need and no matter what, the people you help will always appreciate your caring touch.
0%Looked, quick commented... You've a bit of a glitch, maybe... Reserved criticism since even though I follow the form you've laid out for criticism, you still take it as command anyways, and I only ever mean to give suggestions... Maybe it's my force of personality that gives you the idea that I'm telling you what to do, as opposed to suggesting? I dunno.Rintaran
In the future, you may want to shorten your intro, it goes on for quite a bit of your entry. Additionally, you're going to want an outro, or something more than the quick cut than you currently have. A thanks for watching followed by a fade-out is usually sufficient, if not particularly unique. Additionally, I'd like to see you create your own music for the intro at some point in the future (or provide credit to the band during an outro?)Rintaran
Isn't that just bubling with "I want you to's"?
You see that word "may" ? That doesn't mean "must", that means "I suggest". And "I'd like to see" is not "you must have", but literally, this is what I'd like to see. I'm used to not getting what I like.
The only real want, is the outro, and that's because in your first two Sarge's Corners you cut out right in the middle of a word, and I figured it would keep you from cutting yourself off, again (which it did btw, though that was a pretty long outro :P ). And again, a "want" is not a "need", and therefore, it's not a command or direction.
You've also neglected to include the first part of that quote:
I like it. Your comments and theory about "fanboys" are pretty good. Recommendation given.
Which, if you watch over your recent blog against critics, is what you say you want before criticism. A few good points about what we liked, and then suggestions to make it better. Admittedly, I should probably have put more points, but really, why reiterate the details of your blog in a comment only to laud them?
If I were telling you what to do, trust me I wouldn't beat around the bush. I'd very clearly say "You will do this", not "you may want", "you're going to want", or "I'd like". I give wish lists, whether I get what's on them doesn't really matter, but it's usually good for reference anyways. In the end, I always get some sort of present. In this case, it's another episode of Sarge's Corner, and as misrepresented (and glitched) as this episode may be, it was still relatively good and I managed to get something from my wish list to boot!
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