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I can't really come to a difinitive answer to this question, as it has been posed to me by friends. I personally think it is comparing apples and oranges. I've always been a fan of the 1st person perspective over 3rd person, but Epic did so well with Gears that it almost feels like a 1st person game. The one thing that drove me nuts about Gears was that I always felt like I had blinders on and couldn't see to my left. And the character movement to me was always kinda sluggish.
If I had a gun to my head and had to pick between the two, I would have to go with Halo....simply because it is a much more rewarding MP experience IMO. Even though its lacking the cover element (best displayed in R6V), it still have enough variety in the game modes and weapons that it really doesn't get old. I was playing Halo 2 for over 2 years and I still had fun with it.
i have both. i got gears when it first came out, halo3 when it first came out. i've logged way more time into gears than halo3 but some things are easy to see
Graphics - Gears by a long shot
Single Player - Gears
Co-op - Halo3, 4 man co-op = good time
Multiplayer - Halo3, they've perfected the multiplayer system for xbox live
Replay Value - Halo3, gears was a cake-walk on all difficulty levels, at least halo3 provides some difficult, skulls, and 4 man co-op are all good reasons to replay this game.
neither is a clear-cut winner. each is good at what it does, and each does different things well. neither has a huge negative. personally i like halo3. to me graphics don't make something fun. graphics make you think, "damn this looks real." Is this important? Yes. Integral to fun? Not to me.
Hmmm tough call, these are both tied for 2nd as my favorite games behind Oblivion.
Gears Wins with:
Graphics, innovative new shooter system, visceral feel to combat, chainsaw gun!
Halo 3 wins with:
Story, characters, online functionality (more game types, forge and theater are AWESOME),, 4 player co-op
Its a tough call I love both games equally, but preferences aside I'd have to say Gears was a bit more innovative in its basic gameplay and graphics. Plus its a brand new IP not yet another sequel.
I honestly don't see how Gears is getting so many votes
...Allow me to elaborate.
GoW's storyline is fairly simple, but fun to understand. An alien-like invasion from a species dubbed as the 'Locust' are invading Sera (Their Earth), and they have to fight them off. You follow a character named Marcus Fenix and his rag-tag squad of soldiers as they attempt to bring a plan together that'll stop the Locust, in what seems to be for good. Now, that sounds like a good plot on paper, right?
Well, as the game develops, the story hardly does the same. Occasionally, there is an attempt to do a little character developing, but it fails drastically. You never learn much of anything about anyone in the games past, which makes the current events that unfold with certain characters seem unexplained, and irrelevant. Hell, the only way you can find out how Fenix ended up in Prison is to read some small print in the manual, and even that doesn't tell you exactly what happened. And I don't care if they plan on making a second game that explains alot of this just for the sake of it being a trilogy, they left out way too much.
As for the gameplay, it's amazing. The one-button cover system is innovative, and works fairly well. Except when you accidentally run into walls. But it's not something that happens a whole lot, and it doesn't seem annoying when it does occur. The campaign can get a little dragged out on single player, but co-op tends to be pretty fun. I don't see why Epic couldn't allowed a 4 player co-op, since you have a 4-man squad, but egh, co-op did pretty good nonetheless. The achievements for the game were simple, but fun to go for. Hell, it's the main reason I continued to play the multiplayer on Gears for as long as I did.
Speaking of the multiplayer, it was alright. Worked the same way as it does in Campaign, only you fight other people. It's fun for the first few times you play it, and from there, it's nearly ALWAYS the same. Everyone uses a shotgun and blind-fires it, or Active Reload's the Sniper Rifle to down you in one shot and snatch an easy kill. It's also severely glitchy, with such glitches as the Crabwalk, where you can roadie-run in any direction you want as if you're walking, but at roadie-run speed, and the Chainsaw glitch, where you can walk around with your chainsaw revved and shooting people, so that the chainsaw doesn't lower and you can possibly stun them as you get close. Not to mention they fall to pieces the moment you touch them.
With all of that in mind, Gears is a good game, but the lack of story and amount of glitches/flaws involved in it's multiplayer really hurt it, especially since Epic hasn't done anything about said glitches.
So, if I haven't made it abundantly clear yet, I choose Halo 3.:)
I honestly don't see how Gears is getting so many votes
...Allow me to elaborate.
GoW's storyline is fairly simple, but fun to understand. An alien-like invasion from a species dubbed as the 'Locust' are invading Sera (Their Earth), and they have to fight them off. You follow a character named Marcus Fenix and his rag-tag squad of soldiers as they attempt to bring a plan together that'll stop the Locust, in what seems to be for good. Now, that sounds like a good plot on paper, right?
Well, as the game develops, the story hardly does the same. Occasionally, there is an attempt to do a little character developing, but it fails drastically. You never learn much of anything about anyone in the games past, which makes the current events that unfold with certain characters seem unexplained, and irrelevant. Hell, the only way you can find out how Fenix ended up in Prison is to read some small print in the manual, and even that doesn't tell you exactly what happened. And I don't care if they plan on making a second game that explains alot of this just for the sake of it being a trilogy, they left out way too much.
As for the gameplay, it's amazing. The one-button cover system is innovative, and works fairly well. Except when you accidentally run into walls. But it's not something that happens a whole lot, and it doesn't seem annoying when it does occur. The campaign can get a little dragged out on single player, but co-op tends to be pretty fun. I don't see why Epic couldn't allowed a 4 player co-op, since you have a 4-man squad, but egh, co-op did pretty good nonetheless. The achievements for the game were simple, but fun to go for. Hell, it's the main reason I continued to play the multiplayer on Gears for as long as I did.
Speaking of the multiplayer, it was alright. Worked the same way as it does in Campaign, only you fight other people. It's fun for the first few times you play it, and from there, it's nearly ALWAYS the same. Everyone uses a shotgun and blind-fires it, or Active Reload's the Sniper Rifle to down you in one shot and snatch an easy kill. It's also severely glitchy, with such glitches as the Crabwalk, where you can roadie-run in any direction you want as if you're walking, but at roadie-run speed, and the Chainsaw glitch, where you can walk around with your chainsaw revved and shooting people, so that the chainsaw doesn't lower and you can possibly stun them as you get close. Not to mention they fall to pieces the moment you touch them.
With all of that in mind, Gears is a good game, but the lack of story and amount of glitches/flaws involved in it's multiplayer really hurt it, especially since Epic hasn't done anything about said glitches.
So, if I haven't made it abundantly clear yet, I choose Halo 3.:)
Well written. People will overlook any flaw in a game just because they believe it's better than everything else.
Halo 3 most definitely. While Gears has excellent Multiplayer, its replayability is a bit lacking. Halo 3's is not. Halo 3 with 4-Player Online Co-op, Campaign Scoring and Skulls gives it tons of Single Player Replayability. Then once you add Halo 3's Excellent Multiplayer with Saved Films, Screenshots, Forge and Custom Games you have a game worth your money more than Gears.
Personally though, just get both. Gears and Halo are both very different in their Gameplay and are both must-haves for any 360 owner.
hmm in graphics id say gears
multiplayer definitly halo 3
umm story i cant decide because we dont know all of halos story seeings how theres books and hopefully another game
fanbase id probably say halo won
i dont think of which ones better i just leave the computer and play both
I say Gears since never a game had me playing it with enthusiasm for such a long time. In gears killing someone is a big deal and you are a more important part of your team on the other hand in halo 3 people get killed like 10 times more than they kill and most of them are lone wolves and when you kill someone is just a bit step closer to reach the score limit.
P.S I don't know if it was CoD4 Beta that got me so hyped that just when halo 3 came I think about it and prefer CoD4 so much more.
Gears of War. Easily.
Halo 3. The game should have gotten a 7 if it were not for the theatre and forge editer. Otherwise, average shooter.
Gameplay : Gears of War
Story : Gears of War
Graphics : Gears of War
Multiplayer : I'd have to say Gears of War because it's just so much more fun and there's really nothing else quite like it on the Xbox 360.
i hate when ppl act as if gears is so revolutionary. everything ok, and i mean everything in gears has been done before, and been done in a much much better way. gears is a collaboration of rip offs namely from RE4. and as far as story goes, i realy can't beleave that anyone actually thinks that gears has a has like no story at all, once i got above ground again i had no idea what was going on, or why i was doing the things i was doing; even before that the only thing i was aware off is that i was going to set off some bomb for some reason. as for multie player, gears has like 4 MP modes all of witch play pretty much exactly the same, and they are only fun if your hosting caus you always win when yer hosting.
when you look at halo 3 and gears in the MP department alone it's like a sliding scale where gears almost falls off the map from the amount of content and game varients that halo 3 has. so realy it's like no contest, halo 3 is like 10 times the game that gears is.
[QUOTE="Ultra-Alue"]Gears of War. Easily.
Halo 3. The game should have gotten a 7 if it were not for the theatre and forge editer. Otherwise, average shooter.
Gameplay : Gears of War
Story : Gears of War
Graphics : Gears of War
Multiplayer : I'd have to say Gears of War because it's just so much more fun and there's really nothing else quite like it on the Xbox 360.
i hate when ppl act as if gears is so revolutionary. everything ok, and i mean everything in gears has been done before, and been done in a much much better way. gears is a collaboration of rip offs namely from RE4. and as far as story goes, i realy can't beleave that anyone actually thinks that gears has a has like no story at all, once i got above ground again i had no idea what was going on, or why i was doing the things i was doing; even before that the only thing i was aware off is that i was going to set off some bomb for some reason. as for multie player, gears has like 4 MP modes all of witch play pretty much exactly the same, and they are only fun if your hosting caus you always win when yer hosting.
when you look at halo 3 and gears in the MP department alone it's like a sliding scale where gears almost falls off the map from the amount of content and game varients that halo 3 has. so realy it's like no contest, halo 3 is like 10 times the game that gears is.
"halo 3 is like 10 times the game that gears is." LoL I think I found a huge halo fan. For me after it's all about personal opinions and preferences, there's no real "better game". As for my OPINION I think halo is not a bad game but I don't like the fact that in most MP games whoever gets to shoot first kills >.>
The only reason Halo got a 9.5 was because of the new reviewing system. Gears would have got 9.5 too otherwise. My game's Halo 3 for multiplayer and Gears when I'm all by myself. Graphics don't really matter to me as long as they look OK. Halo 3's controls seem to work more fluidly. It's pretty even. Halo series is dead. Gears has two more to come. Mass Effect will probably have sequels and become the best single player game on the 360.
Halo series: Dead now :cry:
Gears series: Alive :D
You can't say Halo 3 is unique.
Its the most generic first person shooter Ive ever played.
But its just a really well put together game, thats why its good.
Gears was really fresh to me, I had never played a game where taking cover was implemented.
Its just so gruesome and vulgar, so it tops Halo.
Its just much more entertaining in my opinion, with heads just popping off and bodies exploding.
For me the games are technically even. What edges halo 3 ahead of gears of war is simply my love for the universe thay created. The whole visual style also appeals to me more... I'm so sick of dark games.
Im gonna have to stick with GoW. Jaw dropping graphics (makes me wanna hump my 360), groundbreaking gameplay. but its also true that the mp's got a few glitches which makes, us standard gamers (none hardcore),impossible toget achievements like seriously.
Halo 3 is a great game!, its true it got hyped, but the graphics are just fine,but at the endit remains as just another FPS, thats for sure. im not digging halo 3 mp that much..... after a while i get bored.
Gears of War. Easily.
Halo 3. The game should have gotten a 7 if it were not for the theatre and forge editer. Otherwise, average shooter.
Gameplay : Gears of War
Story : Gears of War
Graphics : Gears of War
Multiplayer : I'd have to say Gears of War because it's just so much more fun and there's really nothing else quite like it on the Xbox 360.
Gears Had like no story, although the graphics were better Gears gameplay sucked in my opinion, it had horrible AI, horrible Multiplayer, very easy to beat especially on the hardest mode, the online was soooooooo laaagggyyy!
Gears baby. As Chad Warden would say, "they best rename Halo to GAYlo"
j/k Halo is a fun game too. But... Gears is where it's at for me personally.
how many freakin times do people have to make this exact same topicI am not sure if this is already been done, but whats your pick, everyones saying Halo 3 is better when the Gamespot score was 9.5 and User score was 9.0 while Gears of war was 9.6 and 9.4, So take your pick, I say Gears, but Halo a very very close second.
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