so let me get this straight... one third complaining about the avatars, yet all their gamercards have fairly elaborate avatars, leading me to believe that you spent (at least) sometime designing, which defeats your original post. Second we have people saying it is to childish and at the same time complaining they cant find anything, IF ITS DESIGNED FOR CHILDREN WHAT DOES THIS SAY OF YOUR INTELLIGENCE?? LOL and finally we have people complaining about the spotlight blade.. are you guys really this ignorant?? The original dashboard had subway ads, car ads and a ton of other "non gamer" crap. with this new "spotlight" they only have video game/movie related ads, and if you don't like it, you can change the channel.... am i THE ONLY ONE that didnt like seeing that stupid subway monkey on my dashboard?? or hte mitsubishi ads?? did eveyone ALREADY forget EVERYTHING about the last dashboard??
PS: if you dont like the new dashboard, just use the guide button, it contains all the previous dashboards blades, so stop complaining.
PPS: this dashboard seems to work faster, such as bringing up the blades, loading arcade games, looking at achievement listing and gamer pics without having to wait 30secs for it to "load" all of them.
PPPS: the only weird thing i have had happen is random strangers joining private parties, though it really confuses the person that joins, hehe
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