[QUOTE="demonlord6696"]i dunno if its just coincidence but i DLed it the day it came out, today i was playin Fable 2 and the graphics went crazy so i turned the game off. now my 360 is f'ed up. i got a red light in the lower right circle of the power button, and it just shows an error screen. my damn 1 year warranty JUST expired too. like i said, may be coincidence but i guess ill never know....Str8_2_HeavenE74? I got that too after the update. Mine has already been shipped to MS service center. Good luck!
my friend got error code E73 with one red light on the right bottom corner, i got three red lights right after the update, and I bought a new 60 gb one, my friend one was 60 gb one with 175 watts, new Xbox also breaking up, alert to all of you, really. Bloody bad quality crap machine, the xbox 360, how can we allow this? I'm stupid enough to buy another one just for the sake of games, that's why.
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