Final Fantasy 13-Seriously played 20 minutes and sold it to a friend the same day. What have they done to this franchise
GTA 4-I dont know why this series is so praised. But this one I hated with a passion
Far Cry 2-Get mission, Go there kill a guy in slow car, uh oh im sick give books to dudes to get vaccine rinse and repeat. Oh an stupid A.i, gun jams, Infinite spawning enemies 5 minutes after killing, the fact the game had nothing to do with the first Far Cry
Super Smash Bros Brawl-Melee was awesome but this one sucked. Crappy sound effects, two many clone characters(seriously falco and star wolf...come on) Subspace emissary crap(or whatever it was called), horrendous online, friend get the drill
Both No more Heroes games
Resistance 2-Bad graphics, Worse gameplay then the first, Two weapon crap mechanic, Lame online horrible co-op story mode
Any and every sports title
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