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it's the biggest mystery of live. That stuff has been around since the very early beta days. Who knows why the parents let them playmohfrontline
It's actually getting worse I think. And it's not always parents. Sometimes people let their little siblings play on their account. The parents probably have no idea what they're playing.
I totally agree. A lot of the time there vulgar and rude too and its just really annoying, for some reason they get into these games and start throwing s**t around but have no idea what they are saying or what it really means.
I say there should be an age limit on XBL 17+ the same as M rated games.
A lot of gamers with high-pitched voices are actually girls. I know I've fallen into the trap of thinking they were small kids before. Just ask before you automatically criticize.jmrwacko
I can usually tell by what they're saying and most the girls i know don't speak that way.
It's not the voice that's the issue it's what the voice is saying.
to prevent this they could actually use some "zone system" :roll: for ppl who dont what to play with kids under a certain age...but like many people have said before, age doesnt = maturity lil_d_mack_314
Very true but unfortunately you can't limit people based on maturity on XBL so you kind of have to go by age.
It's one of those deals where everyone in a group gets punished for the actions of a few.
to prevent this they could actually use some "zone system" :roll: for ppl who dont what to play with kids under a certain age...but like many people have said before, age doesnt = maturity lil_d_mack_314
[QUOTE="lil_d_mack_314"]to prevent this they could actually use some "zone system" :roll: for ppl who dont what to play with kids under a certain age...but like many people have said before, age doesnt = maturity Strife88
lol yeh when i 1st got xbl i thought they actually had some kind of effect. i went with pro thinking that only the advanced were in the underground and i didnt want to get pwned right away, but then i seen that i was playing with all type of ppl, underground, recreational, 30+ year olds and lil kids. and yeh underground does sound kool, i also switch to it since then :P
i read this, and i was thinking u are the STUPIDEST PERSON I HAVE EVER MET U JUST NEED TO STOP PLAYING. thats not true beacsue im sure u played games when u were a kid, see unlike u my parents and my freinds parents dont think were annoying. u might be a different story. dont say that about other people just because ur parent thought that u were annoying.jvmva
Wow. Where should I start?
Yes I played games when I was a kid. But online gaming didn't exist and if it did, my parents probably wouldn't let me play online if I was under the age of 13.
So I'm the stupidest person you've ever met? Well, we've never actually met. And I'm assuming you are one of the annoying kids on COD 4 who shouldn't be playing it in the first place. Otherwise, why would you be so offended by this thread?
And I'm sure it frustrates you that other players let you know exactly how annoying you are which is why you felt the need to bash me in your post.
And yes, like all little kids, I too was annoying.
its so funny how all you guys are like lets talk about politics and how they shouldnt be allowed on there to play because of there squeaky voices.but killer fist over here has an obsession with pixealted boobs.ahem your are being kids and having fun.i mean i did when i played my snes the first time i got it and now these kids are happy that they get to talk to there friends and get to play a game they like.and a lot of you are probrably pissed off because these little squeakers are kicking your asses at most of these game anyway:lol:patrickhorta87
lol...'little squeakers."
This is what led to the Byron Report in the UK......very young kids playing violent or otherwise adult oriented video games.....I find it not only strange that parents don't seem to know what they're buying for their kids, much less what their kids are doing online.
Parents need to be educated in what Video Games entail- I remember when I was a kid I had Technocop for the Genesis- a game where if you shot someone they'd spew blood all over the place.....I had The Terminator, when I got older I had Final DooM, I played Duke Nukem 3D, I got MGS even though it was a 15, Alien 3 even though it was an 18 (and **** and hell, I even had Burn:Cycle for the Phillips CD-i, and it was an 18. I turned out fine, but all of those titles were singleplayer, I was exposed to the game's content ONLY. Now, we're in the advent of a digital world, where the web is increasingly important to the world's people, and as such, online gaming adds a human element that is intrisically more offensive that the game's content usually is.
For example, few would argue the harm with Valve's Counter:Strike; it's a game with minimal blood set on the backdrop of Law vs Chaos, not really too harmful. Now add humans running around bragging about 'Doing your mom' and spraying Goatse and Tubgirl as well as porn sprays and other highly and epicly inappropriate material for children and young teens; it becomes something bigger than billed- it becomes inappropriate not by design, but by freedom of players to break rules and be as obnoxious as possible.
This has filtered through to most games now- you'll find Halo 3 Players tea-bagging each other for laughs and then explaining over the mic what they're doing, or Gears Players 'Playraping' with a chainsaw and forward movement- the 11 year old who got a 360 for his birthday with Halo 3 (The main flagship title during the Christmas period) suddenly knows something he shouldn't.....and thinks this is hilarious, or normal, and pretty soon he's bragging to mates- however, this kid isn't alone- turns out he's part of the manykids in schools now that talk about these violent online games as normally as their favourite TV shows.....
It's the same for most games, most games have people flaming each other for no apparent reason other to antagonise. These so called 'Griefers,' or 'Grief-players' create a cool image to kids, as they see a strong and funny personality cause grief to other players- monkey sees, monkey dos, and soon kids become griefers themselves. This isn't scaremongering, I know this is fact because I know enough kids that are mates with my brother, enough kids from XBL, and enough kids that connect to COD4 to annoy and shout down the mic to know this to be true.
Kids playing games meant for the core 18 - 35 Age market has gone way beyond the whole 'Games are damaging them' argument- it's not the games that are teaching kids to be obnoxious bastards, its the human interaction therein that's moulding their way of being, it's the seeing and hearing of content they're not supposed to see or hear (EG: Genetalia sprayed on a wall during a CS:S game.....) that's causing alot of the problems, and the media and such blame the games manufacturers.....I blame people themselves, but moreover, I overridingly blame the parents for buying with Blind Ignorance without knowing a goddamn thing about what they're buying. They're the ones that need educated, while we're left alone to play games in peace.
i just annoy them backrobobie
I bet that turns out horribly.... :lol:
Anyways as a lot of other people have said.....the one magic word mute. Use it, it's your friend. *nod*
Also--very well put Muramasa, I agree entirely. People seem to always blame the content of the game. Very untrue in my opinion. The human interaction, however, plays largely into it because now you have older, more mature gamers playing with younger gamers. When you add that factor into the fray it largely influences the younger gamers.
This is what led to the Byron Report in the UK......very young kids playing violent or otherwise adult oriented video games.....I find it not only strange that parents don't seem to know what they're buying for their kids, much less what their kids are doing online.
Parents need to be educated in what Video Games entail- I remember when I was a kid I had Technocop for the Genesis- a game where if you shot someone they'd spew blood all over the place.....I had The Terminator, when I got older I had Final DooM, I played Duke Nukem 3D, I got MGS even though it was a 15, Alien 3 even though it was an 18 (and **** and hell, I even had Burn:Cycle for the Phillips CD-i, and it was an 18. I turned out fine, but all of those titles were singleplayer, I was exposed to the game's content ONLY. Now, we're in the advent of a digital world, where the web is increasingly important to the world's people, and as such, online gaming adds a human element that is intrisically more offensive that the game's content usually is.
For example, few would argue the harm with Valve's Counter:Strike; it's a game with minimal blood set on the backdrop of Law vs Chaos, not really too harmful. Now add humans running around bragging about 'Doing your mom' and spraying Goatse and Tubgirl as well as porn sprays and other highly and epicly inappropriate material for children and young teens; it becomes something bigger than billed- it becomes inappropriate not by design, but by freedom of players to break rules and be as obnoxious as possible.
This has filtered through to most games now- you'll find Halo 3 Players tea-bagging each other for laughs and then explaining over the mic what they're doing, or Gears Players 'Playraping' with a chainsaw and forward movement- the 11 year old who got a 360 for his birthday with Halo 3 (The main flagship title during the Christmas period) suddenly knows something he shouldn't.....and thinks this is hilarious, or normal, and pretty soon he's bragging to mates- however, this kid isn't alone- turns out he's part of the manykids in schools now that talk about these violent online games as normally as their favourite TV shows.....
It's the same for most games, most games have people flaming each other for no apparent reason other to antagonise. These so called 'Griefers,' or 'Grief-players' create a cool image to kids, as they see a strong and funny personality cause grief to other players- monkey sees, monkey dos, and soon kids become griefers themselves. This isn't scaremongering, I know this is fact because I know enough kids that are mates with my brother, enough kids from XBL, and enough kids that connect to COD4 to annoy and shout down the mic to know this to be true.
Kids playing games meant for the core 18 - 35 Age market has gone way beyond the whole 'Games are damaging them' argument- it's not the games that are teaching kids to be obnoxious bastards, its the human interaction therein that's moulding their way of being, it's the seeing and hearing of content they're not supposed to see or hear (EG: Genetalia sprayed on a wall during a CS:S game.....) that's causing alot of the problems, and the media and such blame the games manufacturers.....I blame people themselves, but moreover, I overridingly blame the parents for buying with Blind Ignorance without knowing a goddamn thing about what they're buying. They're the ones that need educated, while we're left alone to play games in peace.
Thank you for posting this. It explains my point exactly. It's not about the 'M' rated content of the game that young players are being exposed to, but the human interaction that comes w/ online gaming. That is far more damaging than the game itself.
If the kid isn't causing any trouble I don't really care, but if some 12 year old starts talking **** I will just tell him to wait until his balls drop before he comes back on XBL. The problem with this, though, is that quite a few times I was actually talking to a girl. :(
Girls and prepubescent boys all sound the same on an XBL microphone.
it should just be kids under 16 should not be able to play Xbox live.....KGB32
I'm 14, turning 15, ive been playing Xbox live for bout 2 months now, i dont talk even on XBL, but their are always ppl like u pissing me off, cuz when i do say something (and that usually isn't a lot) u tell me to get the f*** off and then try to kick me out of the game (usually team deathmatch). What makes you think that you should go to such extremes as kick all kids and teens under 16 from Xbox live? I admit maybe a majority of kids that are under 13 maybe even 14 are little brats, or immature, but that doesn't mean all of them are.
I was playing with a kid in grade 2 (about 7 years old) i did'nt mind but did have one problem. that kid wont stop talking. he talked about the most useless things. abdullah1154
I had something like that happen to me before--was doing some GoW co-op with this kid with an insanely high pitched voice who wouldn't stop screaming in his mic....
So I muted him...bam...problem solved. Simple solutions are there for a reason *nod*
you guys are freakin retarded.a report done by the uk on games.ok losers if their not only seeing violence in video games but tv dont try to ban a bunch of kids from having fun.if you dont want to hear a bunch of kids talk then dont play the damn games.nuf saidpatrickhorta87
this is wat i hate hearing online. i guarentee this is one of those 7-14 year olds gettin all pissed off because we think he shouldn't be playing. I am actually happy and grateful that I had parents that wouldn't let me play certain games. The first rated M game i got was Metal Gear Solid 3, and i was 15. I just got xbox live for my 16th bday, soo.. i dont see why other parents cant do that. I think that more parents should be aware. And it goes for rated R movies. I hate seeing my little brothers friends invite him over and they watch movies like 300, Dawn of the Dead, and all those movies. and my little brother is only freaking 6 years old!!!. So my parents dont let him go to certain friends houses which makes him mad..soo.. I am a person that thinks they shouldnt even be playing live.
well to let you know you idiot im 21 years old and its retards like you that i dont play online anymore;the kids never bothered me online it was the other people that complain about all the uselees crap, so ianp-91 get you effin story right before you start spewing a bunch of crap out of your mouth. i believe a saying goes. dont assume because you make an ass out of you and me.but this time you've only made an ass out of yourself.i love how intelligent people are on here. let the effin kids play so what if you dont like it.dont play it;its you damnn people that think you have seniority over little kids because there younger.its actually pretty sad;if you actually have this much time to complain about kids you need a new life buddypatrickhorta87
haha..ur a funny guy
i respect you. and u could have stated ur age before so i didnt make that mistake because usually little kids would go off like that
It's not high voices that annoy me, it's when some 11 year old start screming,singing, or swearing into the mic like their awesome. Luckily, we have a mute option.
However, please do not dismiss the immature 15-30 year olds you see on XBL. I see just as many of them as I do immature little kids.
It would be nice to have a separate zone for gamers 17 and older but think about it. While your decreasing your chance of playing with immature little kids, your increasing your chance of playing with immature 17-30 year olds.
i am sick of these stupid threads. stop complaining about litttle kids and blaming them on all of your problems in a video game. little kids will be little kids, just mute them and stop being a little girl and grow up and be a real adultRE4freak
About 8 out of 10 matches (sometimes more) there will be a kid playing who has to be less then 11 years old. Last night a gamer named Fenz, who was obviously very young, was being so distracting that the entire team did horrible and we lost.
Don't parents realize that their kids will be playing online with adults? They're exposing their kids to vulgar language, adult conversations, and mature content both with gameplay and online experience.
If I had a child as young as some of these gamers, I definitely wouldn't let them play games online that are rated M for Mature.
dont blame your loss on the fact you were picking on a young kid.
wait mean an online video game is the only way to get vulgar language, adult conversations and mature content? damn might as well get rid of the music censorship, teen tv shows like the hills, rob n big, south park, csi, greys anatomy and etc.
and then your kids are going to go around your back and play them any ways. just be smart enough to teach your kids hey this is fantasy meaning fake dont do it in reality.
What amazes me most about the kids on Xbox Live is their language. Some of them are incredibly fricking rude. You can just imagine the poor saps are growing up to be simpletons. Parents have a lot to answer for.EnigmaticBeauty
it's all bad parenting. parents need to pay more attention to they're kids and ask questions.They buy their kids everything they want and never stop and wonder what it is. my mother was abit protective when it came to the video games i brought. when max payne released and i asked my mom for the money to buy it; she quickly became concern because of the word "payne" which she assumed was the word "pain". my father knew i wasn't the type to become influenced by a video game so he had no problem with it.
all and all..parents needs to become more involved in what their kids do
[QUOTE="yucky_straw"]About 8 out of 10 matches (sometimes more) there will be a kid playing who has to be less then 11 years old. Last night a gamer named Fenz, who was obviously very young, was being so distracting that the entire team did horrible and we lost.
Don't parents realize that their kids will be playing online with adults? They're exposing their kids to vulgar language, adult conversations, and mature content both with gameplay and online experience.
If I had a child as young as some of these gamers, I definitely wouldn't let them play games online that are rated M for Mature.
dont blame your loss on the fact you were picking on a young kid.
wait mean an online video game is the only way to get vulgar language, adult conversations and mature content? damn might as well get rid of the music censorship, teen tv shows like the hills, rob n big, south park, csi, greys anatomy and etc.
and then your kids are going to go around your back and play them any ways. just be smart enough to teach your kids hey this is fantasy meaning fake dont do it in reality.
finally someone has son brains in this forum. thank you
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