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*amdragrocs Blog


I'm going to summer camp in July, and apparently, everyone considers that an achievement, so, they've all been giving me money. I already have more than half of what I make in a year :D.

Oh yeah, and I have a tick bite the size of a football on me :P.

Life's good.

I. Am. Going. To. Cringe. To. Death.

Apparently, as most of you already know, there will in addition to camp suck, be a new series quite similar to the plotlines of HM...and, slightly ADJL. J.O.N.A.S. I read the summary for it, and can only hope that was some sick joke, because it said that it's about the Jo Bros secret life of fighting an evil dentist. 1. WHERE have we first seen an evil dentist? Does Legend of Dragon tooth come to mind? 2. WHAT KIND OF DISNEY'N SON OF A DISNEY IS STUPID ENOUGH TO THINK THAT'S A GOOD IDEA FOR AN ENTIRE SHOW'S PLOTLINE! What's worse? Kevin Jonas is saying that this plotline is much more "mature than most other Disney Channel shows". The only thing I can applaud about that statement is, he's smart enough to recognize that most DC shows don't know the meaning of the word mature. I'm not saying the shows should have constant death, violence, and porn. I am saying that an occasional character death, major injury, or a big romance scene isn't a bad idea. But no, what do I know. I'm just a Disney'n teenager. Also, some new series called "The middle man" aired not long ago on ABC family. Never thought that something other than a DC series could make me tired from cringing so much. From what I know of it, it is a very, very, VERY bad rip off of Kim Possible. Sueing time!

Oh no! It's on my tv! NOOOOOOOOOO!

I was trying to stay away from Disney by watching a baseball game last night. Red Sox vs Phillies. But I must have walked under a ladder, crossed a black kitty, broken a mirror, or something, because as it was going to the break, the song "We Rock" was playing in the stadium. Which is from camp "rock".

And ya know what else? Similar happened to me when I watched a preseason Titans game last year, they played "We're all in this together" from HSM. Oh, Disney, give it a rest we're all tired of it!

I will now go find a four leaf clover to turn my luck around.

When is it time to get outside more?

When your tv is telling you to. Last night I was watching the NBA finals, and one of the commentators suddenly and randomely says that kids these days spend too much time on a computer, playing video games, and watching tv. I've heard this from my mom before...but from my tv, that benefits and gets good ratings when I watch it?

And Jake's number one again...

I decided just out of curiosity to look up the most popular given names in the US, and I found that Jacob is number one for boys. I also looked up how many McDonalds there are around the world. Over 31,000. No wonder we have the extra extra extra large jeans :P.

Camp rock or camp ****

I've seen a few commercials and advertisements for the latest "original" DC movie called Camp Rock. And by a few, I mean at the movie theater when I went to see the chronicles of narnia prince caspian, on every single channel on tv even the sports channels, and, oh yes, did I mention everywhere I turn? Oops, my bad. How good is this movie REALLY gonna be? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to make that hypothesis. To put it in the nice way...there is no nice way to put it. Alternate title says it all. Let's face it: most, and by most, I mean, 99.9 percent of all who will watch that movie will watch it because of the Jonas Brothers. Come on, anybody in their right mind can tell it's a cliched HSM. Disney just wants to make more money. After all, it's the only thing they're good at doing. Because DC knows that all you have to do to get good ratings and bring home the bacon anymore is copy what was already successful, and put a big name celebrity in it. Isn't it sad that people are that shallow? Camp rock or camp suck?

I don't know about you, but I pick the latter. And I'll be letting Disney Channel know that in my emails.

And...I hate this stupid censor thing.

Future occupations for ADJL characters...

Here's my guess on what job five characters will end up with:

Jake: A police officer. It kinda fits since he protects the magical world, why not help fight crime in the human world too?

Spud: a teacher. I always pictured him as someone who's good with kids, so naturally, that's what I came up with.

Trixie: You need a doctor if you don't know this one.

Brad: NFL football player, who will come off the bench for an injured player, be a star, win three super bowls, then have them tainted by his idiotic coach with spygate saga: part two :P.

Haley: let's see, dragon council member, ballet instructor, part time rocket scientist, am I missing anything?

I blame karma...

Me and my family went to this restaurant last sunday to eat, and when we were about to enter, I was talking to my grandmother about how hard it is to just get something to eat these days. "You pay alot, you go to great lengths to get quality..."

Then she opened the door, and there was a line about as long as those to get into popular band's concert.

"and apparently you have to stand in a long line of people."

How far will they go?

People will do anything for money. Just look at NFL football players:

They'll climb mountains...

They'll get into a catfight with you...

They'll take you down and possibly hurt you for their own personal gain...

They'll dive for it...

Throw a temper tantrum similar to that of a two year old for it...

They'll steal from you for it (this is an interception for those who don't watch football, it means the opponent takes the ball away from the reciever who's supposed to catch it)

And they'll reach as far as their body extends for it.

If Jake were a sports fan...

You know how places like the NYC have more than one team in a sport most of the time? Here's who Jake would root for...

Football: New York Giants. Let's see, Super Bowl champs, the ones who made biggest upset EVER, vs 4-12 team that thinks 140 million can buy them a super bowl. The choice is obvious.

Hockey: New York Rangers. Hey, they went to the playoffs, and if Avery's ok next year, watch out,

Baseball: New York Mets, who, although they're doin' bad, the Yanks are worse.

Basketball: There's only one basketball team in NY, poor Jake, he'd have to root for the Knicks.
