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Been there before: chapter five...

Chapter five: The Scoop

Lao Shi, Chang, and Fu arrived at an ice cream shop known as "The Scoop".

"Are you telling me that the best place for information is an ice cream shop?!"

"Yep. But stay close to me, there's some shady characters in here. The last thing we wanna do is get into a fight that alerts the Dark Drag to where we are."

Upon entering The Scoop, Fu spotted someone he knew would have what they were looking for.

"Hey, Carl, what's up old buddy?"

"Fu? That you? Fu! I haven't seen you in years!" The elder man said, hugging him much the same way Fu had done to Lao Shi earlier.

It was then Lao Shi noticed the strange mark on the man's hand.

"He's a Huntsclan member!"

"No, Lao Shi, you've got it all wrong. He was a Huntsclan member. He quit about twenty years ago, he's the only member to do so. He never really believed in all the magical creature huntin' those guys did. You can trust him. Carl, meet Lao Shi. Lao Shi, Carl."

Lao Shi hesitantly shook the man's hand.

Chang spoke up. "What, might I ask, is a Huntsclan member-

"Former Huntsclan member" chimed in Carl, who quickly closed his mouth at seeing the glare Chang was sending him.

"Former Huntsclan member doing in a magical hangout?"

"Keeping away from the clan. I'm pretty sure you guys know what happens to traitors, and I'm just that: a traitor. So, I go places where they wouldn't expect me to. Like The Scoop." Answered Carl.

"Okay, started Lao Shi, "What can you tell us on the whereabouts of the Dark Dragon?"

The elderly man's eyes widened at the mention of him. His voice sunk to a whisper as he spoke, as if he were being watched.

"He's here alright. In a way, he kinda saved my life. See, the Huntsclan was comin' after me, a whole legion of 'em, when the Dark Dragon showed up. Wiped all of them out, not one remained. I was terrified of him, so I hid in some bushes. Saw him talkin' to himself about how soon, the whole human population would be no more. He'd wipe 'em all out."

Lao Shi let out a gasp. This was exactly what the dragon council had feared might happen, and now, it looked as if it was happening!

"Did he say how he would do so?"

"Not from what I heard him say. He almost spotted me. Had to get out of there pretty quick."

"Do you know where he is hiding?"

"I don't, but I know someone who might..."

Why me?

Everyone knows how I hate the Patriots. But I don't think my dreams know that. Because last night, I had a dream where there was Pats stuff everywhere, HE was my brother, And Bill Belichick's sweat jackets were all over the place!

Fate is so cruel.

Been there before: chapter four...

Chapter four: New York

The plane Lao Shi and Chang were on touched down on the ground safely. Once out, Lao Shi looked out of a window which showed a great deal of the big apple.

"Hmm, much smaller than Hong Kong. But, it will do."

He and Chang were silent the rest of the way to their hotel. After checking in, Lao Shi again broke the silence.

"So, Chang, if the dragon council wants us to be strictly professional on this mission, why do we share the same hotel room?"

Chang smirked. "The council knows nothing of that fact that we share our room. However, there are two separate bedrooms, so things don't get too...heated."

"So...about this mission, where do we go to find the information we are looking for?"

"The council contacted someone who knows the city and it's magical hangouts well, someone you are quite familiar with."

Almost as if on cue, Fu Dog entered the room.

"Hey buddy, long time no see, eh?" Fu began, engulfing Lao Shi in a suffocating hug.

Lao Shi turned to Chang. "Chang, how did you get a talking dog in here without the hotel staff seeing?"

"He hid in one of my suitcases."

"And I have the smell on me to prove it. Does she even wash her socks?!"

"I felt no need since I will be throwing them away. I have no use for them now that you've put your filthy paws all over them." Chang coolly replied, as Fu threw her a death glare.

Lao Shi, trying to ease the tension, spoke up. "So, about that information we seek, do you know where we might find it?"

"I think I know just the place..."

Hey, I couldn't make a fanfic without adding Fu, now could I? Well, actually I could. But he adds to the comedy :P.

Great, now I can't make fun of 89 anymore...

Went to the dentist today. Have slight overbite. Need braces. Refuse to get them.

In other news, the Detroit Red Wings clinched their fourth Stanley Cup title in eleven years, beating the Pittsburg Penguins in six games. Whatever Colts said about that Jake/Haley vid would seem like child's play had I been there to see her reaction. But fret not Colts, I hate the Red Wings, and am not happy about it either.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go get some soda :P.

Been there before: chapter three

Chapter three: The dragon council

Lao Shi tensed as they walked toward the council chambers. He always dreaded meeting with them. They were critical of not only him, but his and Chang's relationship. And it was inevitable the subject would again be brought up today.

Once they arrived, Lao Shi and Chang bowed in reverence to the council members, which consisted of Andam, of Africa, Kulde, of Europe, and Kukulkhan, of Central America.

"Dragons Lao Shi and Chang, rise." Boomed the voice of councilor Andam.

Once upon their feet, councilor Kulde spoke. "I understand you will be leaving for New York City tonight, is that correct?"

"Yes, came the voice of councilor Chang, "it is."

"Ah yes, Kukkulkhan chimed in, "For the mission to get information on the Dark Dragon."

They both nodded in affirmation.

Andam spoke again. "You both must understand that this is a critical mission, as we all know the prejudice the Dark Dragon holds against humankind, if you do not take this 100% seriously, and fail to be completely focused, it could mean the end of humans as we know it. And this means you must relate to each other in strictly a professional manner, NO dating, or anything of the sort. Although the council has approved of your romantic involvement, we will not hesitate to separate the two of you should we see distractions. Remember the old saying of the Huntsclan: A distracted dragon is a slain dragon. You are dismissed."

Lao Shi and Chang nodded, then left.

"Um, Lao Shi, you go home. I will catch up later. I have some business to attend to before we leave." Chang said.

"Okay baby cakes, whatever you say." Lao Shi replied.

Chang went to the usual place, right above where the ancient temple appeared every thousand years. Chang took notice of the fact that the temple would be appearing in about forty years.

Her thoughts were cut off by a dark figure appearing before her. She immediately kneeled before him.

"Master, everything is going according to your plan."

"Good, and what of Lao Shi? Do you believe you can make him join us? He would be a great asset to our...cause."

"I am certain that I can persuade him."

"And what if you cannot?"

"He will join us, or die..."

Let's stop running and hiding...

Alright, we've been fighting to save ADJL for over a year now. How much progress have we made? In all honesty, very little. Ever wondered why? Maybe it's because we're sitting here, just waiting for a Save Jake Day to be scheduled. I'm all for an organization, but when the dude who's runnin' this stuff hasn't been doing anything lately, I say it's time to take action. Let's take it upon ourselves, and not wait for a SJD to email the media, Disney executives, start your own petition, make ADJL videos, fanfics, or other things that will promote Amdrag, since Disney won't. Maybe we should even agree on a time to have a SJD ourselves. Remember "The Hunted"? How Jake and the magical creatures didn't get anywhere by waiting for the Huntsclan to come to them, waiting for something to happen, then taking action. The way they won the battle was by taking the fight to them. And that's what we have to do if we ever want American Dragon: Jake Long to see a season three.

Let's stop running and hiding.

Been there before: chapter two

Chapter two: Revelations

"The year was 1967. I was 19 years old at the time. Foolishly, I had chosen to skip going to college and just get a job. As you are already aware of, I was security for a magical night club. You have also been told of my battle with the Dark Dragon, and my encounters with Chang-"

"Wait, G, are you tellin' me that Chang is my grandmother?!"

Grandpa resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Barely into the story and Jake was already talking!

"Young dragon! Have I not told you that you learn much more by listening than by talking?! Yes, she is your grandmother. Any more questions can wait until after the story. Am I clear?"

Jake merely nodded, as he didn't feel like making Gramps any angrier than he already was. He'd learned enough swear words for one year...

"As I was saying, Grandpa continued, "you are aware of my encounters with Chang, your grandmother. After my battle with the Dark Dragon, we continued to see each other..."

Hong Kong, 1967:

"Hey, Chang, angel, you ready to go?"

"I am always ready with you, my love."

Giving Chang a quick peck on the lips, they got into a taxi and drove to a magical restaurant that Lao Shi was familiar with.

"After you, milady." Lao Shi said, holding the door for Chang.

"Table for two, please. One dragon, and one angel sent from heaven."

"Coming right up."

Shortly after being lead to their table, the look on Chang's face became serious, more so than Lao Shi had ever seen it.

"Lao Shi, as much as I'd like to enjoy this, our one year anniversary, I have grave news to report."

Lao Shi sighed. That girl always knew how to kill his buzz!

"And what news would that be?"

"It concerns the whereabouts of the Dark Dragon."

Lao Shi held back a gasp. The Dark Dragon hadn't been seen for over a year, since he'd defeated him.

"Go on."

"He has been reported to be in the outskirts of New York city. The dragon council have ordered you and I to investigate.

"Well, come on then, we can go up there, and kick his sorry-"

"Not so fast. According to the few who have seen him and survived, he has grown more powerful than your last meeting with him. You and I both could hardly take him on."

"So...why does the council want us up there, if not to fight him?"

"Information, of course. They want us to investigate every lead on him, see what he is up to, and, if possible, find a weak point which we can attack and destroy him."

"Alright, when do we leave?"

"Tomorrow night, after reporting to the dragon council. I have the plane tickets, hotel reservations, and money for the supplies we will need. You'll need to go home and pack right after we eat. Oh, and, I hope you don't mind, we're sharing the hotel room."

Lao Shi grinned. "Oh, don't worry baby, I'll, with it."

And with that statement, they proceeded to order their food.

In a dark, quiet corner of the restaurant, a cloaked figure watch from the shadows.

Yes, he thought, everything is going according to plan...

Fanfic: Been there before

This is a fanfic centering on Lao Shi's past. It is slightly AU, and in it, Chang really IS Jake's grandmother. If you'd like a rating, it's T, to be safe.

Chapter one: Arguements

"Yo G, why are you trippin' so hard about this?" Jake Long spat, anger evident in his words.

"Because, you do not know what you are getting into, young dragon!" Lao Shi, his dragon master, replied with equal force.

"I think I do! You don't even know her!"

The aged dragon sighed. "But I know her type, and she can bring you misery and grief beyond what you ever thought possible."

"Rose is a good person, doesn't matter what her type is. And how would you know anything about what I'm dealing with?!" Jake Long had been disobedient of his grandfather when he'd first started his training, but now he had learned better of it. And under any other circumstance, he'd not dare question him. However, this wasn't any other situation. This was Rose they were talking about!

Again, the Chinese dragon heaved a sigh. Why couldn't Jake listen to him, just once? "Because, I have traveled down that road before.

"Wait, you dated your sworn enemy?"

"Provided at first it was unknowingly, but yes, I did. Sit down, Jake. Maybe it is time you heard more about your grandmother..."