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Just Dropping By

It's been a while since I actually visited this website. I don't know what happened, but I couldn't access tv.com for quite a while. Anyway, I'm just glad it's back.

Just a couple of comments, now that my favorite shows are back.

CSI - Oh my God, I think I cried my eyes out through most of the season premiere. I'm going to miss Warrick. As for the new girl Riley Adams, she's okay so far.

CSI NY - Nothing new, really. It looks like they've dropped the Danny/Lindsay arc, and though I'm somewhat relieved that the show isn't turning into a soap opera, I kind of miss seeing the playfulness between the two.

Cold Case - I only started watching this show last season so I'm not that much attached to it unlike the other shows I watch, but I think this season's going pretty well. I'm looking forward to something exciting happening.

Law and Order SVU - The premiere was somewhat bittersweet. I'm glad it's back, but I still hate the fact that Casey is gone. I still don't know what to say about the new ADA, Kim Greylek. So far her backstory (which I read somewhere) looks interesting, and...well, like I said before, I'm giving her a chance. I can't expect her to be as kick-ass as Casey or Alex, but maybe she will be a good addition to the team in her own way. I need to see her in court more to really have an opinion of her.

I guess that's it. School starts next week, and I haven't had the chance to do my lesson plans yet, LOL. I have five subjects to teach again. Wish me luck.


And so I'm 25. I have entered that terrifying space in time called "quarter life". Okay, it's not terrifying. Still, I'm not getting any younger and I feel like I've missed out on a lot of things. I was recently at a party, and as I watched my companions talk about photography, recording, travelling and whatnot, I realized there's so much out there to see. I should consider breaking out of my shell more if I want to accomplish things.

Here's to another fun and interesting year. ^^

Random rant: Someone used up my black pentel pen. Pfft.


CSI's Warrick Brown is gone.

SVU's Casey Novak is gone. (This one really devastated me. She's the reason I watch the show!)

L&O's Detective Ed Green is gone.

Moonlight got cancelled.

Women's Murder Club got axed.

Shark's not coming back.

Why, Santa, WHY!?

It's A Little Late...

...but what the heck. Better late than never.


So the shows are starting to come back from their holiday hiatus. To be honest, I really don't know if I should be happy or sad about that; happy because of the new episodes, sad because that means there are only a few episodes left because of the writer's strike. Oh well, I guess I'm going to have to live on reruns and DVDs until they've figured things out.

I heard a rumor that BIONIC WOMAN will be cancelled. I'm not really surprised. I think Michelle Ryan's okay, but the stories have been very...bland, for lack of a better term. I would really like to see the original BIONIC WOMAN series - I've been reading reviews that it was way better (heck, originals are almost always better).

School starts again in a couple of days. We still haven't interviewed the people we need for thesis, I haven't found a company to apply to for my internship, and I'm still on vacation mode that I really don't want my vacation to end. *sigh* Such is life.


So it's the start of the sembreak. No more classes. No more assignments. I should be shouting "I'm free (for at least two weeks)!" at the top of my lungs but noooooooooooooooo. The word "thesis" is lurking at the back of my head. Gah.

Anyhow, it's been four weeks since the start of the Fall lineup. So far none of my usual shows have disappointed me. The new shows however...

Bionic Woman - I read somewhere that it was like a cross between Smallville and Alias. I'm thinking its true. The pilot was interesting enough to keep me tuning in week after week, and right now I guess I still don't know if I'm going to continue watching it or not.

Moonlight - The pilot sucked. The episode after the pilot sucked (plus Mick was incredibly stupid). The third episode was a whole lot better. I just hope the next one won't be a big turn off, or as interested as I am with vampires, I'm going to drop this show.

Women's Murder Club - I recently posted a review about the pilot. Anyhow, the first thing that caught my attention was Angie Harmon. I know her from Law and Order as ADA Abbie Carmichael and I thought she was great in that role. I wasn't surprised that she was cast as a homicide detective, I think it suits her just right. She's still a little awkward with holding a gun, but I'm sure she'll get used to it.

There. It's already 9am here, and I'm awake considering I slept at around 4am. Darn body clock. I'm going back to bed.

Fall Lineup

My favorite shows are back! Yey!

- Law and Order SVU

- CSI New York


- Bones

- Cold Case

- Shark

I get to write reviews again! :)

I'm also trying out new shows like Bionic Woman and Moonlight. I hope they don't disappoint.

Things have been pretty hectic for me lately, with my thesis and all. But things are going well, and with any luck, I'll be able to (finally) graduate by March next year. I can't wait!

Okay, that's enough for now. Back to work!


It's like I'm in some sort of blogging dry spell. WTF?

Then again, it's not as if my life right now is even remotely exciting. All I do is surf the internet and play Sims 2, with the occasional tv watching and cat harrassing. Other than that, poof.

And no, don't even think about suggesting the beach. The sea is a very beautiful thing, but I don't see the point in going out into the sun when it's already scorching hot. Maybe if the put a roof over the entire Boracay or Puerto Galera islands, I'd probably consider going.

It's been over a month since we recorded Rain in a real studio, and I'm beginning to wonder if it was all worth it. Okay, so maybe I can consider it a milestone in my band life, but the mixing and mastering is taking so damn long. I can understand that maybe the sound engineer has other songs to do, but somehow I feel like he's deliberately delaying doing ours because, well, he doesn't like us. I don't know, I just got that vibe from him, especially when Chevy and I went to the studio the first time. We told him what our genre was, and you could see the change in his eyes almost immediately. I was sorely tempted to tell Chevy to look for another studio but I thought it was just me acting all paranoid.

Oh well. I just hope they give us the tracks and the finished product soon. At this rate, we might be able to (home) record all our other songs before our supposed carrier single comes out.

I was watching American Idol's latin week this afternoon and I must say that Sanjaya really surprised me. His performance was not as bad as I expected it to be, with him doing a laid back version of "Besame Mucho" which didn't really require him to be lively and full of energy. I think I've mentioned it enough times already that I like his voice, just not his stage presence, and his latest performance didn't really require him to try and get the audience grooving.

And thank God Haley's out. Those legs and dark armpits are starting to annoy me.

Sometimes I envy my friends who have such great entries. They write with such depth and substance that makes a whole lot of sense, thus effectively reducing my posts into something so small and...petty. I hope someday I could write something like that. Heck, I hope someday I could speak like that.

It's funny how this year's turning out to be a year of confrontation and resolution. A very good friend of mine had just confronted and resolved a "problem", and though the outcome isn't exactly dandy, I can't help but feel a little envious at the fact that it's over for her. That everything's out in the open, and the guilty party has to face the consequences. I wish I can resolve mine. I have a hell of a lot of issues I'm dying to put an end to, but I'm scared of making a move on things because of the collateral damage.

I'm walking on thin ice here.

Interesting what a dry spell does to me, isn't it? It makes me all weird and talkative and...stuff.

Band Hiatus

Last night was the first time we did a full band set, and the last time we'll be performing at Kala on a weekly basis. We've already taken it up with the owner, and it has been decided that we will go on a hiatus for the whole month of February. But worry not, if you want to catch us perform, we will be back in March as soon as recording is finished, and we'll be doing full band sets from then on. ^_^

Thanks to all those who came to watch us. It's always great performing for an appreciative audience. :)

Highlights of the night:

- Faye's booboo with Kala's glass doors. Kudos to the waiters who keep that door really squeaky clean that Faye didn't know the doors were closed and kept on walking until her head hit the glass. She hit the door so hard, she performed with a big bump on her forehead all throughout the night. Moral of the story? Things aren't always what they seem. LOL.

- Joyce Medina, one of our former bandmates, made an appearance last night. I haven't seen this girl since early last year, and it's good to know she's doing alright. Actually, she texted me asking if we had a gig that night, but I wasn't able to reply (no credits, as usual). She brought with her a box of delicious brownies and cupcakes from...um, I forgot, hehe. But they were really good. :)

- After-gig picture taking. It was probably the longest camwhoring the band has ever done since we started playing at Kala. It's actually become a ritual for the band to take loads of pictures of our extremely vain selves, but last night I think we really outdid ourselves. LOL. We even went as far as posing like it was a real photoshoot. Looking back, I get the feeling I'm going to shrink in embarrassment once Chevy uploads those pictures, LOL.

We got home pretty late, around 3am. Woosh. Now my head hurts.

Speaking of my head, it's been hurting since yesterday when my parents woke me up to go to Commonwealth QC with them and my younger sister to apply for a civil service exam. Last night at Kala, during Nar's second set, I sat at my parents' table and I kept massaging my temples to ease the pain a little. At least performing made me forget about it (it must be the adrenalin). I know I should be worried, but I guess I have other things to worry about first. I hope this throbbing pain will go away soon, though.

I guess that's it. I'm going to catch a few Z's and rest.

Should I Be...

Grateful for the concern, or insulted by the assumption that my brain lacks the capacity to remember the simplest of responsibilities?

To be honest, I'm leaning towards the latter.


I am so tired, I don't know why. It's almost 2AM. I should really be sleeping now but I can't. Stupid insomnia. Maybe if I lay down and close my eyes I'd eventually drift off.
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