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Ty The Rotti!


Anyway...There's this dog called Ty at my local cat and dog shelter and I'm desperate to have him! He's £80 I wish I had it!! I mean I know we have Casp but I want something that's mine...Casp doesnt feel like mine cos Keith had him before I moved in and he just doesn't feel like mine...I used to think that the kind of dog I would want would be a little one that celebraties carry round in there purses but no it turned out to be a 6month old rottwieler called Ty he's great...he's cute, boystrous, he's just so fun!!I want him!!! When he went to cuddle his paws proper went round my neck thats how tall he was...he'd obviously get bigger but thats fine!! I want him!!!!!! It upsets me not being able to have him...I just really want him...I wish there was something I could do to get him!!!

Well I got some new glasses they'll be ready in about 10 days there dad paid for them...I wish he would pay for Ty :( but anyway my glasses are fab...I would try and put a pic on here but I don't know how too....if someone tells me how too I will :)


Anyway I'm going...I didnt get the job by the way....but Meh who needs it!!

Bye xx


Woop I have a job interview on friday I can finally get out of the hotel!! :D

No idea what to wear tho!! I don't really have smart clothes lol! AHH lol I hope I get it! I'm excited!! lol

Well I've been to the gym with mam like 3days in a row..2 doing stuff and 1 doing the induction...i'm proper knackered lol but we're back tomorrow!! 10am sharp lol i wouldnt usually be out of bed at that time lmao!

O well I just came o here to say I had a interview lol so Bye xxxx


I'm Boredd!! And poor lol I wish I was out or something....Keith's meant to be out again tomorrow!! I hate him going out! GRRRRRRRRRR I wish I had the money to go out! Not like he does..he just doesnt drink then gets lifts home! I wish I was rich! I'd do anything for money right now! ANYTHING!!
And this website isn't helping right now! going all slow and doing random stupid stuff!!

Owell I'm off...Tra x

Christmas Is Over

Well christmas is over for another year and I'm poor until febuary! Well I'd still be poor then!! I'm completely shattered lol!! maybe i shouldn't have stayed in the cannon for so long last night lol...and drank so much! I never sleep much after drinking lol...I feel sorry for Keith saying he's back at work feel sorry for him!

Well I've moved up a level haven't really been doing anything on here lol so im suprised i've moved up lol
Congratulations to mam for moving up a level lol she'd been trying so hard lol...until she thought she'd moved back down she was really annoyed lol!!! Like Grr lol

Owell bye!


Christmas eve!

Well it's christmas eve...i still dont really feel christmassy lol well esspecailly saying its only like 7.45 or something...been awake since 5.15am!! grrr stupid marks and spencers needing keith to start at 6am!! I can't beleive it he sent me a pic of the mall doors and there was like loads of people waiting outside waiting for the shop to open i mean seriously it's only marks and spencers!!! lol
Going to town with my pops soon for breakfast and then i've got to get last minute presents for keiths family...then to the cat and dog shelter to give food and stuff...kinda a tradition with my dad always makes me want a puppy for christmas tho....I'm sure Casp would love a puppy for christmas!! Instead of his bone and beer lol (wooo doggy beer...non alcoholic don't worry) he keeps trying to get the bone lol its wrapped under the tree he must be able to smell it lol.
Then off to my mams this after to exchange presents...gosh i'm shattered....i've already got my full make up on and everything....even casper isn't awake yet i turned on the light and he came into my bed and shoved his head under the covers so the light must've been hurting his eyes!! lol bless him now he's snoring!!
Tomorrows going to be boring...atleast i get to watch the new wallace and gromit thing tomorrow night!! Then I'm at keith's mam's for dinner on boxing day hopefully alcohol will be involved lol you can't have christmas without it lol!! Hopefully not wine lol that gets me super drunk even if only off a little bit of it!!
Well i'm off to watch some cartoons before my dad comes lol :)

Bye xx

Well I'm not liking this new version of it looked way better the way it was....why change things eh?? Obviously i'll still come on here...but witht he slowness of my computer compared with this new website i have no idea why but it keeps fluffing up my computer!! grr! lol

Still havent got a top hopefully that'll change when i go to royal keys tomorrow but you never know i might have to think up something else to get this close to christmas apparently 8days to go is what my mate said when she texted me and 7am!!!! crazyyy ladyyyyyyyyy!! lol

right well im off to watch hollyoaks...just thought i'd say i dont like the new look of the website


saturday night...

Hello....Well I'm blonde (finally after dying my hair 5 times this week...not good when you have alopecia and it f**king kills!!!) lol but i love my hair colour now :)
I'm watching X Factor and having a good sing along...not really bothered who wins tho lol they'll all probs bring out albums anyway...saying Same Difference and Rydian just have (No Way I'm Buying Them!!)
I've finally got Keith a christmas present I wanted to get him a silver crucifix but the one I wanted was sold out...after searching everywhere!! Didnt know they were so hard to buy!!! I've ended up getting him the Band of Brothers DVD box set...he loves the show and has been talking about the box set an awful lot!! I hope he likes it!!!
I'm still looking for a top for christmas!!! It's so much hard work! I kind of have an idea what I want but still can't find it...I mean what is it with clothes that make me look fat!! Well fatter then I already am haha!!
I'm trying not to do as much stuff on here at the moment because my mam doesnt want me to over take her on levels lmao!! So I'm trying to not come on as much just so she can do more stuff lol!!

Oh dear...I guess I've got to go Casper has just somehow chucked his dinner down his hoody!! Got to go clean him up lol

Bye :)

A quiz stolen off my mam!

. Would you marry for money? Depends on the person

2. Have you had braces? Nope

3. Could you live without a computer? Not when im off's what keeps me sane...ish

4. If you could live in a different decade which would it be? Erm I'd go back to ninties lol only decade I know cos I've been there

5. Do you drink enough water? I don't really drink anything unless im really thirsty well except redbull when im allowed

6. Do you wear shoes in the house or take them off? I wear my uggs

7. What are your favourite fruit? Frozen raspberries

8. What are the three places in the world you would love to visit? New York, New Zeland and erm...anywhere hot

9. Are you photogenic? Nope

10. Do you dream in black and white or colour? I never remember my dreams

11. Why do you take surveys? Cos i'm bored

12. Do you drink alcohol? Yes!

13. What is your most favourite language? English its the only one i know lol

14. Do you like being kissed when you're asleep? like to be woken up?? if keith kissed me when i was asleep i probs would get a shock and punch him lol

15. Do you like sunrises or sunsets? Never really see them

16. Do you want to live until you're 100? No thanks

17. Is a flat stomach important to me? I wish!

18. How tall are you? 5"9

19.When you're watching scary movies are the lights on or off? Depends if I'm alone

20. Do you believe in magic? Yes I know a good magicain :)

21. Do you believe in ghosts? Nope

22. Do you like to watch cartoons? umm sometimes yeah

23.At what age did you find out that Santa Claus wasn't real? He is real!

24. Do you write poems? Nope I write songs sometimes tho

25. Do you snore? Apparently but i dont think i do

26. Do you sleep on your front, side or back? i dont know im asleep...

27. Would you rather have a poodle or a rottweiler? Can I have both?

28. Are you basically a happy person? Nope not anymore

29. Are you tired? A little bit

30. Do you drink anything containing caffeine? Red Bull

31. How do you take your coffee? I dont

32. How many landlines/cell phones do you have in your house? 3 mobiles i think

33. Do you get along with your parents? Erm yeah

34. Do you smoke? Used to

35. Do you have a kitty? Yup i have cooks well im her step mam

36. Have you ever had a birthday party? No idea

37. What do you do when you're sad? Cry and wait for keith to come home for a cuddle

38. What do you need most now? A cuddle

39. What song are you listening to now? I'm watching tv

40. What are you craving right now? A cuddle


Todays a bad day!!! Im such a IDIOT!!!! Why did i try and go back blonde??!??!!?! I look like augly mug!!!!!!!!!!!
I just feel like poo!! I mean the fact that i've dyed 3 times in 2days hasnt helped it hurts like hell!!!!! I mean like seriously hurts!!! I want to put the brown hair dye on but i cant handle the pain again!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
I wish i could just have perfect hair!!! Well perfect everything!!!! But I guess thats never going to happen!! :(
I want a hug!! I wish keith wasn't at stupid work!!!!

hmmmmph :( :( :(

Soooooooooooooo Tired!!

I'm soooooooooooo you can probably tell from the name! Stupid Keith is working stupid hours cos of christmas!! Oh how I hate that he's a guard for Marks & Spencers!!! He won't be home till like 1am today...or should i say tomorrow!!! But i guess it's money!!

Casper and Cookie went to bed ages ago!! I'm glad were not up early tomorrow like i was this morning for stupid hospital appointment...the snow was so bad i really didnt want to get out of bed!! I wish we didnt have winter...but still had the presents from christmas lol but not the days where everythings shut!! There's never anything to do on christmas!! Last year I spent it at keiths mams then the pub on boxing day but were not doing anything christmas day now i wish like something was open lol!! I mean technically hardly anybody believes in jesus anymore so it should still be a normal day!! Like other holidays that other religions have lol!!
I'm kinda just talking rubbish now cos im so tired!!

Nearly finished christmas shopping! Just got to get my dad's wife chocolates!! Don't see why i should buy her chocolates like but owell!! I want to get keith something but we weren't meant to be buying eachother presents then he turned round and bought me diamond earrings that he'd been sneakly saving for for god knows how long! and I have 15quid to last the month so guess it'll have to be something for £15 lol i'm a cheapskate anyways lol!!!

Anyway i'm going to go and make some cheese on toast to try and keep me awake lol some people try coffee i try cheese on toast!! I would kill for a can of red bull right now tho like!! :P

bye xx