. Would you marry for money? Depends on the person
2. Have you had braces? Nope
3. Could you live without a computer? Not when im off work...it's what keeps me sane...ish
4. If you could live in a different decade which would it be? Erm I'd go back to ninties lol only decade I know cos I've been there
5. Do you drink enough water? I don't really drink anything unless im really thirsty well except redbull when im allowed
6. Do you wear shoes in the house or take them off? I wear my uggs
7. What are your favourite fruit? Frozen raspberries
8. What are the three places in the world you would love to visit? New York, New Zeland and erm...anywhere hot
9. Are you photogenic? Nope
10. Do you dream in black and white or colour? I never remember my dreams
11. Why do you take surveys? Cos i'm bored
12. Do you drink alcohol? Yes!
13. What is your most favourite language? English its the only one i know lol
14. Do you like being kissed when you're asleep? like to be woken up?? if keith kissed me when i was asleep i probs would get a shock and punch him lol
15. Do you like sunrises or sunsets? Never really see them
16. Do you want to live until you're 100? No thanks
17. Is a flat stomach important to me? I wish!
18. How tall are you? 5"9
19.When you're watching scary movies are the lights on or off? Depends if I'm alone
20. Do you believe in magic? Yes I know a good magicain :)
21. Do you believe in ghosts? Nope
22. Do you like to watch cartoons? umm sometimes yeah
23.At what age did you find out that Santa Claus wasn't real? He is real!
24. Do you write poems? Nope I write songs sometimes tho
25. Do you snore? Apparently but i dont think i do
26. Do you sleep on your front, side or back? i dont know im asleep...
27. Would you rather have a poodle or a rottweiler? Can I have both?
28. Are you basically a happy person? Nope not anymore
29. Are you tired? A little bit
30. Do you drink anything containing caffeine? Red Bull
31. How do you take your coffee? I dont
32. How many landlines/cell phones do you have in your house? 3 mobiles i think
33. Do you get along with your parents? Erm yeah
34. Do you smoke? Used to
35. Do you have a kitty? Yup i have cooks well im her step mam
36. Have you ever had a birthday party? No idea
37. What do you do when you're sad? Cry and wait for keith to come home for a cuddle
38. What do you need most now? A cuddle
39. What song are you listening to now? I'm watching tv
40. What are you craving right now? A cuddle
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