Features: Shoulder length brown hair...soon to be blonde again...blue eyes
Height: 5"9
I have many scars: I have loads of scars more then i can count lol
I tan easily: Sometimes...but sometimes I burn
I wish my hair was a different color: Yup I want to blonde again!
I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color: Yeah...I can't even remember what my natural colour looks like!!
I've had/have braces: Nope always wanted to tho!!
I wear glasses or contacts: Meant to wear glasses but don't suit them
I've been told I'm attractive by a complete stranger: Yeah when i've been out on the drink...but they're drunk so will say anything!
I have/had more than 5 piercing: I only have my belly and ears once...I have had my lip and all my ears but i took them all out probs had about 20 piercings :)
I have freckles: Yeah but my make up covers them...they're more noticable when I'm tanned
School/Work: I'm a receptionist but currently on the sick
I'm in school: Nope
I have/had a job: Yup
I've fallen asleep at work or school: No don't think so
I almost always do my homework: Erm when I was at school I think I did most of the time
I've been on the Honor Roll within the last 2 years: Don't have it in England but if I was american I def wouldn't be on it lmao
I failed more than 1 course last year: Don't think so
I've been fired: Nope I always quit
Disney movies still make me cry: Most disney movies make me cry...but i love them :)
I've laughed so hard I've cried: Yes!
I've glued my hand to something: Yup all the time!! Me and my mate stuck our hands together with nail glue :)
I've laughed till some kind of beverage came out of my nose: Nope I've sprayed but not out my nose
I've had my pants rip/drop in public: Nopas
I was born with a disease/impairment: Don't think so...but I did have a clicky hip :)
I've sat in a doctors office with a friend: Yup
I've had a serious surgery: Don't think so
I've had chicken pox: Yeah
I've gotten lost in my city: Probably lol
I've seen a shooting star: Nope
I've wished on a shooting star: Nope
I've gone out in public in my pajamas: Yes
I've pushed all the buttons on an elevator:Yeah if I'm bored at work
I've been to a casino: Nope
I've been skydiving: Nope
I've played spin the bottle: Yup was boring!
I've drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour: I only like milk on cereal
I've been in a car crash: Nope nearly fell off a motorbike a few times tho...but haven't
I've been skiing: Nope
I've caught a snowflake on my tongue: Erm think so
I've sat on a roof top at night: Nope I'd be to scared to fall through
I've played chicken: Nope I'm not a idiot!!
I've played a prank on someone: Probably
I've ridden in a taxi: Yeah
I've seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show: Nope
I've eaten Sushi: Nope
I've been snowboarding: Nope
I own over 5 rap Cd's: Nope
I own multiple designer pants and shirts, costing over $100 a piece: Erm nope...I'm poor
I own something from Hot Topic: Nope
I own something from The Gap: Nope
I own something I got on e-bay: Nope
I own something from Abercrombie: Nope but Keith does and I wear it
I can sing well: Nope I can't sing
I've stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant: Nope lol why would I want one?
I open up to others easily: Nope
I watch the news: Never
I don't kill bugs: I do kill bugs
I curse regularly: Depends if I'm in a mood
I sing in the shower: I bath...and no
I am a morning person: Depends really
I am a sports fanatic: Nope
I've copied more than 30 CD's in a day: Nope I don't use Cd's
My favorite color is either white, yellow, pink, red or blue: Well I'd mix the red and yellow together and get Orange :)
I sometimes wear pajamas to school: I did for non-uniform at primary school
I know how to boil water: Yup flick the switch on kettle :)
I laugh at my own jokes: Yes...I'm usually the only person who does
I am really ticklish: Yup lol
I bite my nails: Not unless my nails broken
I play video games: Sometimes
I'm good at remembering faces: Erm sometimes
I'm good at remembering names: Not really
I'm good at remembering dates: Depends
My answers are totally honest: Yup 100%
Category: Beauty/ Vanity
1. are you tan?: Am I a tan?? That doesn't make sense
2. do you use proactive?: Nopas
3. do you wear make-up daily? Yes...hardly ever not wear it
4. do you own Chanel perfume?: Nope not chanel
5. do you shower daily?: Yeah most of the time
6. do you go to the tanning bed?: Nope not really I did twice and fainted :(
7. do you use MAC make-up?: Nope I use Tescos!
8. do you use other make-up products?: Yeah I have loads of siffernet ones...
9. do you straighten your hair everyday?: Not everyday not since I was diagnosed but I will most of the time!
Category: Friends
21. Is a best friend a promise or a label?: Promise
22. Do you have more than one best friend?: Nope
23. Do you have too many friends to name?: Nope
24. Do you hang out with with friends everyday?: Nope
25. Do you have pictures of your friends on your walls?: Nope
26. Do you call more than 3 of your friends regularly?: I text
27. Is your best friend a girl?: Nope
28. Are your friends in a lot of your courses?: I don't do courses
Category: Fashion
29. do you have originality?: Depends
30. do you own a designer handbag?: Nope
34. do you own something from Lacoste?: Yupas
35. do you wear leggings?: Sometimes
36. is the only color you will never wear yellow?: I like yellow.....
37. do you get fashion tips from magazines?: Nopas
38. do people copy your friends: Don't know
39. do you shop at a&f and Hollister?: Nopas
40. do you wear sweats a lot?: For bed and sometimes on fat days
Category: TV/ Movie
41. are you a movie freak?: Nope
42. have you seen over 30 movies In the past 2 months?: Nope
43. do you have a show that you MUST watch?: Hollyoaks! and Xfactor
45. have you ever seen an episode of Grey's Anatomy?: Nope
46. is your favorite movie Finding Nemo?: Nope but its good
47. do you like scary movies?: Yes I love them!
48. do you watch 30+ hours of TV a week? Yupas!
49. do you own over 100 DVD's?: Erm probably lol
50. Is law and order awesome?: Don't know
Category: Music
51. do you like all types of music?: Most kinds
52. do you hate rap?: Yup
53. have you been to 5+ concerts?: Erm probably lol I can remember 3 from when I was little but can't really think if I've been to more after lol
54. have you ever been to a concert?: yup
55. does panic! at the disco own you?: Nope but I like some of their music
Category: Family
75. are you an only child?: Nope I have a brother
76. do you like your living arrangement?: Um, yeah but I want a new house
77. do your grandparents spoil you?: ...
78. do you have a lot of cousins?: No idea
79. do you love your family?: Guess so...don't really know most of them
80. do you have half/step brother(s)/sister(s)?: Nope
Category: Appearance
81. are you tall?: Yes
82. do you wish you were tall?: I think I'm ok size
83. is your shoe size 8?: Yes but sometimes a 7
84. are you comfortable with your appearance?: Nope
85. are your eyes blue?: Yes
86. is your hair brown?: Yup but will be blonde soon
87. are you wearing jeans at the moment?: Yupas
88. have you been called pretty before?: Yeah Keith calls me it but I'm not
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