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*keiths_sarah Blog

My Survey

Features: Shoulder length brown hair...soon to be blonde eyes

Height: 5"9

I have many scars: I have loads of scars more then i can count lol

I tan easily: Sometimes...but sometimes I burn

I wish my hair was a different color: Yup I want to blonde again!

I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color: Yeah...I can't even remember what my natural colour looks like!!

I've had/have braces: Nope always wanted to tho!!

I wear glasses or contacts: Meant to wear glasses but don't suit them

I've been told I'm attractive by a complete stranger: Yeah when i've been out on the drink...but they're drunk so will say anything!

I have/had more than 5 piercing: I only have my belly and ears once...I have had my lip and all my ears but i took them all out probs had about 20 piercings :)

I have freckles: Yeah but my make up covers them...they're more noticable when I'm tanned

School/Work: I'm a receptionist but currently on the sick

I'm in school: Nope

I have/had a job: Yup

I've fallen asleep at work or school: No don't think so

I almost always do my homework: Erm when I was at school I think I did most of the time

I've been on the Honor Roll within the last 2 years: Don't have it in England but if I was american I def wouldn't be on it lmao

I failed more than 1 course last year: Don't think so

I've been fired: Nope I always quit

Disney movies still make me cry: Most disney movies make me cry...but i love them :)

I've laughed so hard I've cried: Yes!

I've glued my hand to something: Yup all the time!! Me and my mate stuck our hands together with nail glue :)

I've laughed till some kind of beverage came out of my nose: Nope I've sprayed but not out my nose

I've had my pants rip/drop in public: Nopas

I was born with a disease/impairment: Don't think so...but I did have a clicky hip :)

I've sat in a doctors office with a friend: Yup

I've had a serious surgery: Don't think so

I've had chicken pox: Yeah

I've gotten lost in my city: Probably lol

I've seen a shooting star: Nope

I've wished on a shooting star: Nope

I've gone out in public in my pajamas: Yes

I've pushed all the buttons on an elevator:Yeah if I'm bored at work

I've been to a casino: Nope

I've been skydiving: Nope

I've played spin the bottle: Yup was boring!

I've drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour: I only like milk on cereal

I've been in a car crash: Nope nearly fell off a motorbike a few times tho...but haven't

I've been skiing: Nope

I've caught a snowflake on my tongue: Erm think so

I've sat on a roof top at night: Nope I'd be to scared to fall through

I've played chicken: Nope I'm not a idiot!!

I've played a prank on someone: Probably

I've ridden in a taxi: Yeah

I've seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show: Nope

I've eaten Sushi: Nope

I've been snowboarding: Nope

I own over 5 rap Cd's: Nope

I own multiple designer pants and shirts, costing over $100 a piece: Erm nope...I'm poor

I own something from Hot Topic: Nope

I own something from The Gap: Nope

I own something I got on e-bay: Nope

I own something from Abercrombie: Nope but Keith does and I wear it

I can sing well: Nope I can't sing

I've stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant: Nope lol why would I want one?

I open up to others easily: Nope

I watch the news: Never

I don't kill bugs: I do kill bugs

I curse regularly: Depends if I'm in a mood

I sing in the shower: I bath...and no

I am a morning person: Depends really

I am a sports fanatic: Nope

I've copied more than 30 CD's in a day: Nope I don't use Cd's

My favorite color is either white, yellow, pink, red or blue: Well I'd mix the red and yellow together and get Orange :)

I sometimes wear pajamas to school: I did for non-uniform at primary school

I know how to boil water: Yup flick the switch on kettle :)

I laugh at my own jokes: Yes...I'm usually the only person who does

I am really ticklish: Yup lol

I bite my nails: Not unless my nails broken

I play video games: Sometimes

I'm good at remembering faces: Erm sometimes

I'm good at remembering names: Not really

I'm good at remembering dates: Depends

My answers are totally honest: Yup 100%

Category: Beauty/ Vanity

1. are you tan?: Am I a tan?? That doesn't make sense

2. do you use proactive?: Nopas

3. do you wear make-up daily? Yes...hardly ever not wear it

4. do you own Chanel perfume?: Nope not chanel

5. do you shower daily?: Yeah most of the time

6. do you go to the tanning bed?: Nope not really I did twice and fainted :(

7. do you use MAC make-up?: Nope I use Tescos!

8. do you use other make-up products?: Yeah I have loads of siffernet ones...

9. do you straighten your hair everyday?: Not everyday not since I was diagnosed but I will most of the time!

Category: Friends

21. Is a best friend a promise or a label?: Promise

22. Do you have more than one best friend?: Nope

23. Do you have too many friends to name?: Nope

24. Do you hang out with with friends everyday?: Nope

25. Do you have pictures of your friends on your walls?: Nope

26. Do you call more than 3 of your friends regularly?: I text

27. Is your best friend a girl?: Nope

28. Are your friends in a lot of your courses?: I don't do courses

Category: Fashion

29. do you have originality?: Depends

30. do you own a designer handbag?: Nope

34. do you own something from Lacoste?: Yupas

35. do you wear leggings?: Sometimes

36. is the only color you will never wear yellow?: I like yellow.....

37. do you get fashion tips from magazines?: Nopas

38. do people copy your friends: Don't know

39. do you shop at a&f and Hollister?: Nopas

40. do you wear sweats a lot?: For bed and sometimes on fat days

Category: TV/ Movie

41. are you a movie freak?: Nope

42. have you seen over 30 movies In the past 2 months?: Nope

43. do you have a show that you MUST watch?: Hollyoaks! and Xfactor

45. have you ever seen an episode of Grey's Anatomy?: Nope

46. is your favorite movie Finding Nemo?: Nope but its good

47. do you like scary movies?: Yes I love them!

48. do you watch 30+ hours of TV a week? Yupas!

49. do you own over 100 DVD's?: Erm probably lol

50. Is law and order awesome?: Don't know

Category: Music

51. do you like all types of music?: Most kinds

52. do you hate rap?: Yup

53. have you been to 5+ concerts?: Erm probably lol I can remember 3 from when I was little but can't really think if I've been to more after lol

54. have you ever been to a concert?: yup
55. does panic! at the disco own you?: Nope but I like some of their music

Category: Family

75. are you an only child?: Nope I have a brother

76. do you like your living arrangement?: Um, yeah but I want a new house

77. do your grandparents spoil you?: ...

78. do you have a lot of cousins?: No idea

79. do you love your family?: Guess so...don't really know most of them

80. do you have half/step brother(s)/sister(s)?: Nope

Category: Appearance

81. are you tall?: Yes

82. do you wish you were tall?: I think I'm ok size

83. is your shoe size 8?: Yes but sometimes a 7

84. are you comfortable with your appearance?: Nope

85. are your eyes blue?: Yes

86. is your hair brown?: Yup but will be blonde soon

87. are you wearing jeans at the moment?: Yupas

88. have you been called pretty before?: Yeah Keith calls me it but I'm not


Well apparently I'm a level 4 now...I never even saw level 3!! Must be good lol
I'm feeling a bit ill today!!! Went out last night and one drink turned into a few....o well lol and keith has stolen my lucozade sweets!! Grrrrr Meanie!! He's saying that they "fell" in his pocket while he was looking at the bread because it "spoke" to him....liar lol!! So I'm having pop tarts instead!! His loss!!

Not looking forward to hospital on thursday tho :(
Gosh I'm so tired!! Watching Ned's De****fied! Yes I love kids programmes!!!

Anyway I'll blog again later

bye bye


well i'm rather bored sitting in the house on a saturday night..but the Xfactors on and its britney night but...they're singing another song after british songs or enjoying my lovely sing along!!!! :)

Going to metro centre tomorrow morning to buy Keith a watch lol still have no idea what to buy him for chrsitmas (he's paying for watch) he bought me something today and got it wrapped in the shop so i cant even peak!!! i really want to know what it is!!!! lol :)

I'm on the hunt for some black leggings too cos were going to cannon tomorrow.....haven't been in like a month....and i kinda know what i want to wear but i need the leggings so i have a day to find them lol!! :S

My lovely mother has a hair dye coupon so Miss Sarah Wright is going back blonde...even though im not meant to dye my hair and blah blah blah but tough!!!! lol :)

Oh and is it just me or is it much colder this year then last year?? i mean seriously im freezing even with heating on!!! i feel sorry for my mam who doesnt have central heating! I bet keith would prefer us not to have it cos the bills are huuuuuge cos i have it on all the time!!!

I'm just blabbering now lol hmmm i wonder how i should do my make up tomorrow night...smoking eyes maybe lol blah blah blah

Righteo i'm off to get a pop tart! WOoooooOooo Poptarts :D

byeee xxxx

Newbie :)

I'm new on here and have absolutly no idea what to do lol took me bout half an hour to upload a photo and finally did but didnt like it so then got one of me and keith but it keeps going back to the ugly one!!! GRRRRRR!!!!!

I dont even know what to write here lol never really done a blog before lol so

tra mateys :)