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*michael_LB92 Blog

General Update (Life and TV)

This blog will be split into two parts:
- Life
- TV
You can read either or both, whichever one you are interested in.:)

So, what is new in life? I've been searching for a job like a betch. It is way too awkward and embarrassing to actually go to the place I want to apply and fill out an application form, so after applying to KFC and Hungry Jacks in person, I decided to fill out internet application forms.
Let me tell you... so much easier! :P

Well, anyway, I've applied for K-Mart, Big W, Coles, Woolworths (Safeway), KFC, Hungry Jacks, Red Rooster and 3 different McDonalds. And I only got ONE response, and that is from one of the McDonalds.

They want me in for an interview. :) Which is exciting, cause it's kind of my first job. I mean, I know an interview is no guarantee that you'll get it, but it's still an interview. :D

Ummm... what else? Well, I'm swamped with homework. I've got an English essay due tomorrow (on Of Mice & Men) and I've got a Maths CAT Test tomorrow too. THEN I've got an R.E test on Thursday! :roll: (You all know how much I just love R.E!) - Please note that that was sarcasm.


I recently started watching Six Feet Under. I really enjoyed the first episode and thought it was great. But after that, I didn't enjoy it as much. Ruth and David annoy me. I'm undecided about how I feel about Nate. The only one I sort of like is Claire. So, I've put off continuing to watch it just for a little while, and I might go back to it later.

I just rented the entire first season of Nip./Tuck, and I'm 6 episodes into the series. It's good and I'll probably go rent the second season. However, it's not really a show I would ever buy the DVDs for. I've heard the second season is amazing, so I may change my mind by then...

My next show is The X-Files. A lot of people on the Buffy forum have recommended it, so I'm definitely going to at least check it out.

Ummm... there's not much else to say. Thanks for reading! :)

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

(aka: Comment me or I'll chuck a spaz)

Kath & Kim

I'm really excited, cause the show I'm an editor for is on tonight! It's returning after like a 3 year hiatus thing. :P

I'm not sure how many of you would have heard of Kath & Kim, but it's this hilarious Australian TV show that is apparently well-known in the UK as well (but who knows :??). Apparently, the show didn't do well in America.

I think it's because it's more Aussie comedy, and it's like our "culture" or whatever. :P

BUT ANYWAY, I am excited. It's on in 3 and a half hours! :D So I've been looking up all this stuff on YouTube for anything I could find on it. Here is one video I thought was pretty funny, and if anyone has the time to watch it, they should:

Click here to watch it :D

Hi there, apparently I don't exist!

Well, yesterday Tv.COM refused to let me post any comments
or post any blogs
or do anything on the forum, except read other peoples' stuff.

Everytime I tried to reply or comment or quote, I would type my little thing, and then click on the 'Submit' thing, and then it didn't work!

So yeah, this blog might not work.
I hope it does though.
I posted a much longer one yesterday, but then it didn't go through! And I was so annoyed cause I spent ages perfecting just how frustrating this non-commenting-thing was. :roll:

In fact, I'm probably wasting my time right now. This blog will most likely not go through.

Stupid Tv.COM :evil:

Edit: Oh yes! It went through! I'm cured! CURED I TELL YOU! :D

My Most Recentest of Videos

Sorry - I haven't replied to any of the comments on my previous blog, so I will get around to them whenever I have time. You know, seeings as I'm so busy making blogs every five seconds.

Anyway, I made a really crappy, quick and stupid video today:


Comments compulsary! :twisted:

One-Tree-Hilled Out

OK, so many of you know about my new obsession:
One Tree Hill.
(And a lot of you disapprove :P)
But I am glad to tell all of you disapproving Tv.COMers that I am now officially One-Tree-Hilled out.
I can't watch anymore.

I've gone through the first 3 seasons in 10 days,
(which to some of you may not seem like alot - but it is for me)
and now, I am exhausted ... from sitting on the couch and watching TV. :lol:

I still like it, but my big-obsessive-compulsively-watching-TV-24/7-for-it has finished. :D
I have a life again! :D
My skin is about to see the light of day again. :P

Well, anyway, in other news:
I was thinking about getting into Nip/Tuck... recommendations? :D

Mua... Mua ... MUAHAHAHAHA!!!

:twisted: Hehe.

My friend snapped a bit of the binding crap that holds my school diary together!
It was the tiniest bit!
... But I will get him back ...

One day... One day... :twisted:

:lol: Haha, sorry. I'm in a really weird and giddy mood.
You know, I actually might even go all out and say LMAO instead of LOL.

That's right.
Maybe I'll do something CRAZY like that!
You never know... You never know...

Haha. Once me and my friends made a movie about this woman with potatoes.
All the people on YouTube loved it.
But then my friend got scared cause some people said that they loved the potato lady.

She's paranoid that way! ;)

Well, anyway, I should be off.
Lol. Sorry about this random blog!
But like I said: giddy and weird is of my mood.

And also
I was in R.E (Religious Eduation, in case anyone didn't know)
and was really bored, and thought to myself...

They should make the Bible in chronological order.
And they should also make the font bigger, and get rid of some of the really boring parts.

Cause, the Bible has like bloodshed
and like epic tales of curses and all that stuff,
but it is really, really boring.
Don't you think a book like that would be interesting?


Sorry, I was going, wasn't I?
I guess I'll be leaving now.
And stop typing...

God, I'm weird.

I don't understand why I'm in this mood!
Maybe someone slipped something in my drink... or perhaps I've accidentally eaten too much sugar or red cordial.

But I never get hyper.
... at least, not on cordial.
My body has grown immune to getting hyper.
Immune like the Immunity on Survivor.

I hope I still have some Tv.COM friends after I click on Post Entry...
It doesn't seem likely... :|

I love you. I really, really love you.

OK.... :|
Where do I begin?

Everyone... I've got to tell you...
... I've met my new favouriteTV show.
Not like ever-favourite. (That's still Buffy! :D)
But like ... favourite for a few months favourite show.

I know a lot of you won't approve, but I really hope that you can accept this new show.
It's different from other shows.
Well, I guess I might as well come out and say it...
Drumroll please...


Yeah, that's right. You roll those drums!

*drumroll continues...*


*suspenseful silence...*


*awkward silence...*


*bored silence...*


*dum dum dum!!!!*

OK, yes. I'm aware.
It's a big, fat, soapy, teen drama that has little resemblence to reality, and is all about relationships and stuff, but DEAR GOD, is this show addictive.

I can't get enough.
It's like drugs.
It's like cigarettes.
It's like Buffy, but only 10x less more addictive.

I know it's silly and far from teenage life, but at the end of the day, I really just don't care.
I haven't felt so addicted to a show since Buffy.
I mean, sure, I had my Veronica Mars phase. But that was a steady 4-episodes max. per day addiction when I first got the DVDs.

But One Tree Hill?
Well, I've gone through 17 episodes through 2 school days.
I haven't even had time to go on Tv.COM or MySpace.

ONE TREE HILL is taking over my INTERNET ADDICTION, and giving me a ONE TREE HILL addiction.
I mean.

Gah! I can't stop thinking about it.
All I want to do is get off this damn computer and finish the season!
OK, first let me tell you how it happened.

I watched the first 8 episodes of the first season like a few months ago, or something like that. But those were all I could get my hands on from the library.

BUT THEN, on one fateful day, I went and go a magazine: TVHITS.
So, being the TV addict I am, I bought it.
And inside, there was this little thing, that said if you subscribed for 12 or 24 months, then you got a free copy of either One Tree Hill - Season Three or The OC- Season Four.

So, obviously, I picked OTH.
Subscribing to the magazine saved me $10 off the buying price of OTH season three.
(The magazine subscription was $36, and OTH season three DVD is $46.)

Not only that, but I get TVHITS magazines for a year!
So, really, I'm making money!
... Well, kind of. If I ended up buying OTH on DVD.

So anyway, I was a little confused at the start of the season, but I'm totally caught up on the go-go, and am getting through the DVDs so quickly.

So, this weekend, I'm gonna go get the first two seasons on DVD, watch them, then try and find some season four episodes online, and then go on the forum, and be like "Oh yeah, I'm totally up-to-date on OTH"

Well, anyway, now I'm just rambling on.

But wow.
Just wow.
It's great.

Like, really great.


But really great.

[spoiler] My favourite character would be Beville, this stupid cheerleader that is merely a recurring character. But she is hilarious.

Of the main five, my favourite is probably Peyton.
I used to hate that betch in season one, but this season she has been great.
I loved her biological-mother storyline!
... It was so sad when she died. [/spoiler]

Anyway, I would recommend OTH if you're looking to get addicted to a new show.
But if you're looking for smartness, I'd recommend Veronica Mars or something.

I hate you. I really, really hate you.

I'm talking about Windows Movie Maker.
You are possible the most annoying thing I have ever encountered.
And I'm including my cousin who I was forced to spend time with, through ages 1-5, until I finally figured out a way to cut myself away from her.
Yes. That's right.
You're more annoying than that cousin.
You're also alot stupider.
And - and ... and stupid.

Gah. I can't even begin to describe how much I hate you.
I mean, I won't do anything out of the ordinary.
Won't have any huge amounts of programmes running at the same time, but still - you manage to crash after thirty seconds of me re-opening you.

You know what I'm gonna do!?
You know!?
I am gonna send an Error Report.
That's right.

You know when your computer crashes cause of some stupid programme,
and then that thing comes up that is like: "Do you wanna send an Error Report?"
Yeah, well most people click "Don't Send"
But you know what I'm gonna do!?
Do ya!?

That's right! I'm sending an Error Report!
I've got you know, you stupid, annoying, dumb programme!
Ha ha!

Try and crash on me now, betch!

Harry Potter - Lives or Dies? (SPOILERS)

Don't read unless you want to be spoiled.
I'm not gonna be held responsible for any of this.
It's your choice to read it.
SO, if you really must know (like I did, so I skipped right to the end of the book :P) then just click on this spoiler-y thingy below:

[spoiler] He lives. ;)
So does Ginny, Ron, Hermoine and Harry... at least I think. I was skimming through the last few pages, and they all seemed to have lines, so I assume that means they were alive. [/spoiler]

WOW! Can you believe that!?
I mean, just wow.
I can't believe it.
Wow. I would not want to have not read that bit of vital information! :P

Also, this is a tiny eensy spoiler:

[spoiler] The last word isn't scar like stupid J.K Rowling promised.
Grrr!!:evil: [/spoiler]

That is like... false advertising or something. :roll:
ANYWAY, hope at least someone was spoiled by these. :)